Youtube Iframe Player messing up BottomNavBar positoning - flutter

When I have the Youtube IFrame player be used on a page, once i navigate back to my previous page the bottom navbar (using speeddial package) is lowered. I don't know what might be causing this but i know its the Youtube player because i tested it by removing the YT player and the bottomNavBar was fine.
Without Youtube Iframe Player Scaffold
With Youtube iFrame Player Scaffold
Let me know what code you would like to see as its too large to place the three pages on this post atm.


Flutter Video Player appears on second time webpage loads and overlay buttons not functional

Link: Website
Problem: The video on the front page below the video banner does not render until you navigate away from the page and return back. When the video finally appears and plays, the play button does not work. Is there a way to have the video appear on first appearance and have the overlay work as expected.
I am using the latest video_player widget to play the video. Other videos I have implemented work just fine.
When I debug my flutter web application, the application pauses at inside initState(). I continue execution to see if there is was an exception, but nothing new shows in debug console.
One solution I found to work is by setting the volume to 0 then starting the video.
This allows the video to play, but the overlay still not functioning as expected, so I just removed it. For now it works, but still wondering on how the overlay can be implemented.

embed a tiktok video onto an app page with flutter?

Video player, webview, custom widgets on pubdev, all seem to be failing me on what should be a simple problem... how do i display a tiktok video on a page using flutter widgets? Embarassed to admit how long I have tried to code this.
I have tried the html-editor widget too.
Coding/interface is via flutterflow.

How to stop the video player from playing when moving from one page to another

I am using video_player package for displaying a video. I have written the video player inside separate class. The issue is, during the video playing, when I try to close the page by pressing back button, a bottomsheet will be presented on the screen. After clicking on the bottom sheet, the user will be navigated to another page. During this process, the audio from the video_player is heard.
If we are not using bottomsheet and directly pressing backbutton, the video_player is properly disposed.
Have anyone encountered this scenario before?
Try calling pop() before navigating to new page from bottom sheet.
Keep me posted.

Is there any way to add many yt videos on carousel and slide them horizontally (lazy loading) in Flutter?

This is actually a request! I googled that video carousel slider repo or sample for flutter (mobile). But i couldn't find any example.
These are unanswered questions about it:
Carousal slider with video player getting memory leak error in flutter
Video Carousel slider for flutter
I need to show in active index of slider, animated yt video (gif thumbnails) instead a thumbnail image on carousel slider in Flutter mobile app. When i touched on video/gif, it'll replace page and play the video in new page. Unluckily, there's no video carousel slider for Flutter in Google.
Hope someone help me!

Adding a YouTube video to my application

I am trying to embed a YouTube video in my application, and I am going through this tutorial as a start. I get the red screen when I run it on the stimulator, so I presume everything went well.
Now when the user taps on the screen while the video is playing I need a toolbar to appear, with a slider showing the length of the video (and the user could slide to his/her desired time on the video).
I need to know if this feature comes by default when you embed the YoutTube video, or do i have to code it? If i have to code it how should i do it? Any sample codes or tutorial?
The only way to show a YouTube video in an iOS app is by having it inside a UIWebView (that is what the tutorial walks you through). Once the user taps the "play" button, the video should go full screen and automatically present the standard video controls that you see when you play videos on iOS.
Youtube provides the HTML code for embedding videos in web pages. This HTML code will also produce a video when embedded in a UIWebView. While the video is playing, all of the standard Youtube video controls (Play, Pause, Time Slider) should also show up in the UIWebView.