Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ( I can't edit design or create new form, class) - resolve

I got this error in my project. I cannot access the design for editing. while when I build, the program still runs normally. I also get error https://i.stack.imgur.com/8WBBy.jpg when creating new form or new class.Help me!!
how to solve this problem?


Error (syntax) with VSCode when using Laravel to define an new accessor

I tried to use new laravel syntax (which is available on laravel 9) to create a new accessor on "Post" model called "createdAtHuman":
enter image description here
I could say that everything works fine but VSCode keep saying that there is something wrong with my code (in fact there is no problem).
I think it's just because of the IDE config but i don't know how to fix. Would really appreciate if there is any idea.

Visual Foxpro exe file not working

I am beginner in using Visual FoxPro. I am trying to create a simple application which contains a form with a few textboxes. The problem is that the application window does not appear when I run the executable file which I build.
The code for the program is:
PROCEDURE main_app
_SCREEN.WindowState = 2
_SCREEN.backcolor = RGB(128, 128, ;
_SCREEN.Caption = ""
DO FORM simpleform LINKED
In the form I have a few textboxes and a button. When the button is clicked then some code is executed. If I run the application from the IDE everything works fine but if I create the executable this does not display any window, still the process appears in the task manager. If I uncomment the MessageBox then this will appear even if I run the exe file. I don't know a way to trace the problem outside the IDE, maybe there is still a library needed that I am not aware.
I am using Visual FoxPro 9.0
Would someone be able to help me out?
If you can provide me with a link to a very simple application exe which uses just one form and finishes when the form is closed I would very much appreciate it.
Thanks in advance
I tried creating a brand new project, new code and new form just as you described. I copied your code and ran, but it never displayed the form.
If this is the main app in your project, you don't need the initial
PROCEDURE main_app
just remove this line as there is nothing CALLING the "Main_App" and thus is never getting called to ultimately call your form.
Just comment it out, save your project and run it... See what you get, it SHOULD work.
** PROCEDURE main_app
The problem was that I did not set the screen visibility to true.

Instance lifetime management

I am using Caliburn.Micro v2 along with Autofac and I am having some issues with the WindowManager.ShowDialog function.
I have the following which successfully displays a dialog:
If after closing the newly shown window via the cross button I recall the above expecting to see the dialog once again, I encounter the following exception:
Cannot set Visibility or call Show, ShowDialog, or WindowInteropHelper.EnsureHandle after a Window has closed.
It is my understanding that the error is due to ShowDialog only being usable once and that if I want to call ShowDialog again, I need to provide a new instance. I have proven this to some degree by using:
windowManager.ShowDialog(new DialogViewModel().Show(typeToShow));
This successfully results in a new dialog each time, however, I do not wish to call new here each time. How do I therefore tell Autofac to give me a new instance of DialogViewModel each time, rather than reusing the same instance?
EDIT 1 - DialogViewModel registration
var buider = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register(e => new DialogViewModel())
I have previously been using .SingleInstance() and thought using .InstancePerDependency() might be what I was looking for, it appears not though.
Autofac has built-in factory support via Func<T> class. You just need to resolve Func<DialogViewModel> instead of DialogViewModel which means a factory that returns DialogViewModel. You don't need to change your existing registration. More info on wiki page.

MVC Default Edit View increments the id property of my model? Can't figure out why. .

I'm trying to learn web development, and I bet that this is a simple problem and that I'm overlooking something obvious.
In my default crud edit controller (generated using the MVC framework) I retrieve my model from a localDB instance using my EntityFramework's dbContext. That is sent to the View. In the debugger just before the controller call to return View(model) I can see that the Id is set to 2.
When the [post] edit controller is fired I see that the identity property is 3. I wanted to figure out why so I changed the View to display my Id property and I see that it is 3 as soon as I render the page. Last time I saw it the property was 2, now it is 3.
I don't know how to hook into any logic that would happen between the time I send off my model and when when the view is rendered.
Can anyone help me learn how to debug this so that I can figure out why my Id property is incremented when I pass the model into the view?
I don't know how EntityFramework works but I have worked with CakePHP. My advice is like this:
Usually PHP frameworks have debug mode which you can set in the configuration file (turn it on or off). Usually stack of operation executed is also displayed in debug mode or there is a simple way to do that. There's also for example in CakePHP exist function debug($yourVariable); try to search for sth. similar
It seams like not the edit happens but new row is inserted to the database. Check your database for this. I recommend to debug the id of the column being passed for edit action and check if there's the same id in the database first of all.
Hope something helps.
I figured it out. Posting here for anyone else that comes across my problem.
I tried dumping the whole model out without using any of the htmlhelper methods. (In my case I am uinging: Html.HiddenFor helper) When I did this I saw that the value in the model was what I expected it to be. So I began investigating why the helper methods might be broken. Google worked for me here :)
Turns out, when the helper methods run they first check the ModelState dictionary for the desired value. In my case I was looking for a value that was in my model object as well as the ModelState dictionary, because the name was very common: Id.
To fix the issue before I call return View(model) I call ModelState.Clear() in order to make sure there are no values in the dictionary that are in conflict. Doing this causes my page to be rendered correctly.

How can I get rid of a persistent VBA Form Object that won't honor the form deletion?

I have an MS Access 2003 database that I'm using to develop a basic little inventory app. I have added some extraneous forms along the way and I wanted to get them out of the DB. I deleted most of them just fine but one of them appears to have left behind its VBA Object. All that's in the object is Option Compare Database. Now whenever I try to work with the database, I get the following error:
The form name 'Transaction1' is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist.
If the invalid form name is a macro, ...
Truncated for typings sake.
Yes, I agree, the form doesn't exist. What confuses me so much is that all of the other forms, when I deleted them, also destroyed their VBA object as well. This one, no matter what, seems to like to stick around and I have no idea how to get rid of it.
How do I get rid of it?
Things I've tried:
Compact and Repair and the DB
Create a new form named what it's expecting, verify that it gets rid of the problem, and then delete that form.
You can try the /decompile switch
Make a backup of your mdb
Open your mdb (hold the SHIFT key down to stop any code from running) via a short
cut: msaccess.exe database.mdb /decompile
Open a module and compile your app
Save and close Access
Open again (SHIFT again) without decompile
Compact and repair database
close Access
I had similar problem. I found I had named the missing form in the STARTUP menu as the default form to open when starting Access. I opened Tools>Startup and deleted the missing forms name from the "Display/Form/Page" field of the Startup. My problem solved.
The problem I was having is that the form was named ~TMPCLP8151 and would not show up in Access no matter what I tried, but I could see it in VBA in the Project Explorer. Here's how I resolved the issue. I created a new form, and created an Event Procedure for Form_Open that contained this:
DoCmd.DeleteObject acForm, "~TMPCLP8151"
Then I just opened the form, and sure enough, the VB code deleted the form that I could not delete myself.
I had a same problem. I created a form with same name and deleted the form again. That fixed the peoblem. Try. BTW try to open the new form in design mode to make sure if the VBA module is assosiated with the new form.
I had to combine both solutions to achieve the goal.
First de- and recompile
next compact and repair
then create new form with the same name and delete it
Pay attention that the form has the status Hasmodule set to Yes
I had this problem. I renamed my default form from Form Login to frmLogin which suits my naming style, but the program was still looking for it on opening. I am using 2013 so I went to File » Options » CurrentDB and in the display dropdown select the new name. The old name remains in the list until you close and restart the application.