<Anylogic in 3 days> Airport model tutorial error - anylogic

I have been following the tutorial book "Anylogic in 3 days", in the last chapter airport model phase 6.
Setting up flights from MS excel spreadsheet, when I try to run the model after I finished all the settings, it says The method planBoardings(Flight) in the type Main is not applicable for the arguments ().
I have checked the tutorial and my model, I don't know where I did wrong.
is there anyone who had the same problem or can you tell me where I might be wrong.
I am really new to Anylogic, I really appreciate if anyone can help!
the model logic
startBoarding function I have defined according to the tutorial
the Main - Agent Type property

Not sure about the tutorial itself, but your function planBoardings does not need an argument flight.
Delete that as below:
You may also need to adjust the code. Change the line below:
such that it says create_DepartureEvent(dateToTime(f.departureTime), f)


unit.variable not found as numeric variable in foo Synth Package

I am trying to run the Synthetic Control Method in R. I tried to prepare my data according to Abadie, Diamond and Hainmueller (2011) (https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v042i13).
But when running the dataprep.out function I get the error message that my unit.variables are not nurmeric variables in foo. I don't understand the problem here because my table purely consists of numeric values. The table is also classified as a data.frame. I have attached some pictures to underline my problem. If anyone could help me that would be greatly appreciated!
My code (https://i.stack.imgur.com/7BVYc.png)
My table (https://i.stack.imgur.com/TV1IC.png)
I have tried to reimport my data over and over again. But nothing seems to help.

MATLAB Simulink: Error evaluating 'InitFcn' callback of block_diagram 'BLDC_control_buck_converter'

I was modeling a vehicle with BLDC motor. After simulation when i run the model i received a Error Message .So i've no idea about bldcData data. i search it many ways but didn't find any solutions.
Anyone, please help me to solve this.
Thank you.
It looks like you have an initialization function "load bldcData" that should load variables from the .mat file "bldcData" to your workspace. You need to have this file on your matlab search path.
Or, if you don't need these variables, delete the "load bldcData" string from callbacks, for example by going Modelling-Model Explorer-select the model from model hierarchy - select the callbacks tab from model properties - select InitFcn from model callbacks - delete the "load bldcData" that you should find there.
Hope I understood your question. If this is not helpful, please give some more details, for example what happens when you press the highlighted 'InitFcn' in your error message.

is there any way for us to config input parameters of operation

I am a newbie of Enterprise Architect, today I have a question,
could you please help me to answer it?
My question is "When using [Call Operation] Action, is there any way for us to config input parameters of operation?". I tried to use action pin for call argument, but it is not worked. The generated code is not added the parameter.
I attached the image too.
This question is important for me, could you please help me to answer it.
Call and argument config
activity diagram and generated code
Open the properties of the pin and select the Pin tab on the left. Now you can define the parameters if the action is a Call Operation.

Unable to capture available state..?

I am working on anylogic as beginner, and I have issue with adding statistic into analysis.
I am unable to find any obvious question.
Please, let me clarify on this.
The matter illustrate in the image
Thank you
Function is name of another class, used in AnyLogic. Using this name, you refer to the class, not to the agent type. Use full name of the agent type — modelPackageName.Function.Working. Also, you may simply rename Function agent type to FunctionAgent or other one.

What types can there be for "UDLText"s other than comments?

I am now using the Caché DB jar to query for class definitions (thanks #daimor; it was an eye opener) and in order to write the source files I need to also account for "UDL texts".
Now, all I have been able to understand of them so far is that they are comments found in the source you actually write in Studio. But then UDLTextDefinition defines .getCategory(); the only value I have seen this method return so far is "comment".
Is there any other possible value?
If you open source code for that class (%Dictionary.UDLTextDefinition), you will find CategoryIsValid method, and will see, that only two values are correct now, and it is comment and error. I'm sure you understand category comment. So, error used when developer managed to save source code with syntax errors in class definition, and that text will be in UDLText and with category error.