what is this window on emacs? - emacs

I saw the window on the screen of many emacs developers. I feel inconvenient to see below prompt or minibuffer. can you tell me the name of package?
I just googling to find answer. However, I couldn't find the name of package.

Looks like vertico.el.
"Vertico provides a performant and minimalistic vertical completion UI based on the default completion system."

I think you are referring to the floating minibuffer. It is called a posframe from the package of the same name.


TODO Tool window in Emacs?

I'm looking for a functionality like:
the TODO tool window of IntelliJ IDEA (see https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/todo-example.html) or
the Tasks list of Eclipse (see https://dzone.com/articles/to-do-lists-with-eclipse-tasks-view).
And I'd like that window to be opened automatically (if not empty) when opening any file or, at least, to have a message in the echo area stating that there are some TODO/FIXME items in the file I'm currently opening.
So far, I did not find any matching package, only things (like fic-ext-mode) that would highlight TODO and FIXME in comments for common programming languages, but no more.
Is there something else, closer to what I'm looking for? I'm certainly not the first one looking for such a feature in our favorite editor ;-)
hl-todo has hl-todo-occur, which opens an occur buffer of all the keywords it's configured to highlight in the current buffer. You should be able to add it to a major mode hook like so:
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'hl-todo-occur)
But this doesn't work. I think it's because hl-todo-mode is activated in prog-mode-hook, and it isn't ready yet. I don't have time to track this down right now.
If you use magit, I just saw a new package magit-todos. I haven't tried it, but it looks pretty nice.
Not aware of an existing module. It would be nice to have one. If you can write, use elisp and M-x Highlight-regexp and M-x occur and then write a hook to open occur window when you open a file. May be a macro will do for this too. You can do more with elisp, such as make occur window renamed as TODO-window and parse the entries to convert into org-mode table to sort entries while preserving the clicking etc.

How to achieve this in Emacs?

I saw the feature shown and described below in Sublime Text and was curious to know how does one achieve it in Emacs?
A brief description of the feature:
Have a condensed view of the entire code/text file currently opened and highlight the region, in the very same condensed view, which is currently being viewed. Clicking on any part of the condensed view would bring that part in focus.
Although I know, almost certainly, that I would rarely use this feature since it would be, in my view, a estate hog, considering the fact that I have even had my scroll-mode disabled, but still I am curious to know how it can be done in Emacs.
And yeah I went through(skimmed) Sublime's feature list to find the name of the feature, so that I could then try to find it for Emacs, but couldn't. Therefore, another question: What's this feature called?
Original source of the image above.
There is MiniMap package. From EmacsWiki:
Put minimap.el in your load path.
(require 'minimap)
Use M-x minimap-create in a buffer you’re currently editing.
Use M-x minimap-kill to kill the minimap.
Use M-x customize-groupRETminimap RET to adapt minimap to your needs.

Vim style Omnicomplete for emacs?

I've found several code completion elisp packages for emacs that do code completion, but most bind to a key such as M-/ to toggle completion. Is there something similar to Vim's omnicomplete where you can set it to automatically pop up a list of autocompletion options where you can either navigate through them, or just keep typing.
See screenshot for example:
I think company mode would best fit your description. Have a look at it.
There are a number, all a little different:
They all have their drawbacks and advantages.
The emacs wiki has a page for all the completion packages.
Can you? Sure. Reset a timer on post-command-hook. If it goes off (because you are sitting at your screen not typing), pop-up the thing.
It seems easier to tell your computer what to do (by pressing keys) rather than having it wait for your to stop typing for a while, however. Bind completion to something like the "menu key", and you won't even have to chord.

Is it possible to work in Eclipse with keyboard only?

as most of us surely do every now and then, I try to improve my workflow. As Eclipse is my main IDE, I wondered if it may be possible to use it without mouse. I browsed the available shortcuts and tried to use them instead of my mouse. I found interesting features like Ctrl+3 which opens something like the Apple spotlight.
I know there are a lot of questions concerning favorite shortcuts etc. but I'd like to know if it works because at the moment it feels a bit squishy 100% without mouse.
So is anyone out there using Eclipse like that? And are there some hints to ease the change?
Yes, it is possible. For a start, check out 10 Eclipse navigation shortcuts every java programmer should know. When you use these 10 shortcuts and some of the shortcuts of the comments, you will already see a big performance boost.
The "open type" and "open resource" dialogs are CamelCase-sensitive, so when typing "NPE" in the open type dialog, I get two matching items NoPermissionException and NullPointerException. So using good names with consistent spelling is a must.
Ctrl+F11 starts a program, F11 debugs it. Note howewer to check if in Window-Preferences-Run/Debug-Launching the value of "Launch Operation" is set to your needs.
You may want to customize the search dialog (Ctrl+h) to only show the file search (default is to context sensitively present you with different search tabs).
Ctrl+n allows you to create something new (opens a wizard with an initial filter text to filter the possible next pages).
I'm a blind programmer who uses eclipse. While there are plenty of shortcuts I find people often overlook using menus from the keyboard. If there's a function you use a lot that doesn't appear to be supported with keyboard shortcuts you can either create a shortcut to it in prefferences or use keyboard shortcuts such as alt+f to access the file menu and a one letter combination that allows you to access the item. For example hit alt+f then a to access the save as dialog. The underlined letter is the one you want to hit once in the menu.
There are a couple of things you can do to improve your keyboard:mouse usage ratio with Eclipse.
First off, if you push Ctrl-Shift-L, it shows you a master list of all the shortcuts you can use. If you know what you want to do, this is usually a quicker way of doing it without having to dig through menus, and as a bonus, you will learn some shortcuts you didn't know before.
The other thing you can try is a plugin called MouseFeed which looks promising. It tells you the shortcut for any menu item you use and if there isn't one, reminds you to create one. It essentially acts as training wheels until you become as close to 100% keyboard use as possible. I'm not sure how well it works in 3.4, but you can give it a shot.
Hope that helps.
Here you get an Eclipse Shortcut Overview PDF file of all key bindings. This file you can print and put beside your keyboard if you wish.

Better control over Emacs windows

I spend a lot of my time in emacs, and for the most part it's wonderful. But one thing really drives me nuts when I'm deep in it, and that's control over which window various new buffers are opened in. When I do find-file, it always opens in the current window, and this is what I like. But tons of other modes like to split my windows for me, change the layout, and do various other things that annoy me. For example running M-x manual-entry seems to have no rhyme or reason about where it opens the manpage, and various org-mode commands do the same thing, closing windows I want to keep open, etc. I don't like having to redo my layout everytime I want to look at my org agenda or open a manpage.
In short, is there anyway to globally control which windows are used for modes that want to open in a window other than the current one? Can I direct them more easily? Or will I have to hack each mode to act the way I want it to?
Try Winner mode:
It provides an undo/redo for changes to the window configuration.
This question has always bugged me too. I found this:
It looks like you can use (setf pop-up-frames t) to make stuff show up in a new frame.
Also, it looks like you can use display-buffer-function to override the display function (how buffers are chosen.) Of course, you'd have to be good at elisp.