K8s anti affinity for different clusters - kubernetes

I have a deployment file for a k8s cluster in the cloud with an anti affinity rule which prevents multiple pods of same deployment on the same node. This works well but not for my local k8s which uses a single node. I can't seem to find a way to use same deployment file for remote cluster and local cluster.
I have tweaked the affinity and node selector rules to no avail.


Kubernetes Statefulset problem with Cluster Autoscaler and Multi-AZ

I have a EKS cluster with cluster autoscaler setup, spanning across three availability zones. I have deployed a Redis Cluster using helm and it works fine. Basically it is a statefulset of 6 replicas with dynamic PVC.
Currently, my EKS cluster has two worker nodes, which I will name as Worker-1A and Worker-1B in AZ 1A and 1B respectively, and has no worker node on AZ 1C. I am doing some testing to make sure the Redis Cluster can always spin up and attach the volume properly. All the Redis Cluster pods are created in Worker-1B. In my testing, I kill all the pods in the Redis Cluster, and before it spins new pods up, I deploy some other deployments to use all the resources in Worker-1A and Worker-1B. Now since that the worker nodes have no resource to create new pods, the cluster autoscaler will create a worker node in AZ 1C (to balance nodes across AZ). Now the problem comes, when the Redis Cluster statefulset trying to recreate the pods, it cannot create in Worker-1B because there is no resource, and it will try to create in Worker-1C instead, and the pods will hit the following error: node(s) had volume node affinity conflict.
I know this situation might be rare but how do I fix this issue if it ever happens? I am hoping if there is an automated way to solve this instead of fixing it manually.

Accessing k8s pods using ingress externally (outside k8s cluster) is better than accessing k8s pods using service within the cluster?

I did a Performance test where I do Writes/ Reads into/from DB (cassandra pods).
I perfrommed read/write ops on k8s pods (Cassandra) through Ingress from a external machine (outside k8s cluster). Similarly I also tried accessing same cassandra pods from another k8s pod using service with in the same cluster.
Surprisingly I could see the performance (in terms of latency) was better when i accessed via ingress!
Why accessing within the cluster via service is taking more time compared to ingress ?
Please let me know why this happens !

EKS provisioned LoadBalancers reference all nodes in the cluster. If the pods reside on 1 or 2 nodes is this efficient as the ELB traffic increases?

In Kubernetes (on AWS EKS) when I create a service of type LoadBalancer the resultant EC2 LoadBalancer is associated with all nodes (instances) in the EKS cluster even though the selector in the service will only find the pods running on 1 or 2 of these nodes (ie. a much smaller subset of nodes).
I am keen to understand is this will be efficient as the volume of traffic increases.
I could not find any advice on this topic and am keen to understand if this the correct approach.
This could introduce additional SNAT if the request arrives at the node which the pods is not running on and also does not preserve the source IP of the request. You can change externalTrafficPolicy to Local which only associates nodes have pods running to the LoadBalancers.
You can get more information from the following links.
Perserve source IP
EKS load balancer support
On EKS, if you are using AWS CNI, which is default for EKS, then you can use aws-alb-ingress-loadbalancer to create ELB & ALB.
While creating loadbalancer you can use below annotation, then traffic is only routed to your pods.
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: ip

Difference between daemonsets and deployments

In Kelsey Hightower's Kubernetes Up and Running, he gives two commands :
kubectl get daemonSets --namespace=kube-system kube-proxy
kubectl get deployments --namespace=kube-system kube-dns
Why does one use daemonSets and the other deployments?
And what's the difference?
Kubernetes deployments manage stateless services running on your cluster (as opposed to for example StatefulSets which manage stateful services). Their purpose is to keep a set of identical pods running and upgrade them in a controlled way. For example, you define how many replicas(pods) of your app you want to run in the deployment definition and kubernetes will make that many replicas of your application spread over nodes. If you say 5 replica's over 3 nodes, then some nodes will have more than one replica of your app running.
DaemonSets manage groups of replicated Pods. However, DaemonSets attempt to adhere to a one-Pod-per-node model, either across the entire cluster or a subset of nodes. A Daemonset will not run more than one replica per node. Another advantage of using a Daemonset is that, if you add a node to the cluster, then the Daemonset will automatically spawn a pod on that node, which a deployment will not do.
DaemonSets are useful for deploying ongoing background tasks that you need to run on all or certain nodes, and which do not require user intervention. Examples of such tasks include storage daemons like ceph, log collection daemons like fluentd, and node monitoring daemons like collectd
Lets take the example you mentioned in your question: why iskube-dns a deployment andkube-proxy a daemonset?
The reason behind that is that kube-proxy is needed on every node in the cluster to run IP tables, so that every node can access every pod no matter on which node it resides. Hence, when we make kube-proxy a daemonset and another node is added to the cluster at a later time, kube-proxy is automatically spawned on that node.
Kube-dns responsibility is to discover a service IP using its name and only one replica of kube-dns is enough to resolve the service name to its IP. Hence we make kube-dns a deployment, because we don't need kube-dns on every node.

In GCP Kubernetes (GKE) how do I assign a stateless pod created by a deployment to a provisioned vm

I have several operational deployments on minikube locally and am trying to deploy them on GCP with kubernetes.
When I describe a pod created by a deployment (which created a replication set that spawned the pod):
kubectl get po redis-sentinel-2953931510-0ngjx -o yaml
It indicates it landed on one of the kubernetes vms.
I'm having trouble with deployments that work separately failing due to lack of resources e.g. cpu even though I provisioned a VM above the requirements. I suspect the cluster is placing the pods on it's own nodes and running out of resources.
How should I proceed?
Do I introduce a vm to be orchestrated by kubernetes?
Do I enlarge the kubernetes nodes?
Or something else all together?
It was a resource problem and node pool size was inhibiting the deployments.I was mistaken in trying to provide google compute instances and disks.
I ended up provisioning Kubernetes node pools with more cpu and disk space and solved it. I also added elasticity by provisioning autoscaling.
here is a node pool documentation
here is a terraform Kubernetes deployment
here is the machine type documentation