How to write tests for Either<> from dartz package in flutter - flutter

I am trying to write unit tests for a flutter app and I can't get this one test case to work correctly.
Here is the function returning Future<Either<WeatherData, DataError>>:
Future<Either<WeatherData, DataError>> fetchWeatherByCity({required String city}) async {
try {
var response = await apiService.fetchWeatherByCity(city: city);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return Left(WeatherData.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body)));
} else {
return Right(DataError(title: "Error", description: "Desc", code: 0, url: "NoUrl"));
} catch (error) {
AppException exception = error as AppException;
return Right(DataError(
title: exception.title, description: exception.description, code: exception.code, url: exception.url));
Here is the code where I am trying to write the unit test:
sut = WeatherRepositoryImpl(apiService: mockWeatherApiService);
"get weather by city DataError 1 - Error 404 ",
() async {
when(mockWeatherApiService.fetchWeatherByCity(city: "city"))
.thenAnswer((_) async => Future.value(weatherRepoMockData.badResponse));
final result = await sut.fetchWeatherByCity(city: "city");
verify(mockWeatherApiService.fetchWeatherByCity(city: "city")).called(1);
expect(result, isInstanceOf<DataError>);
When I run this specific test, I receive this error:
Expected: <Instance of 'DataError'>
Actual: Right<WeatherData, DataError>:<Right(Instance of 'DataError')>
Which: is not an instance of 'DataError'
What I am not getting here? What should I be expecting from the function for the test to pass successfully?

You are directly using the result which is actually a wrapper and has a type of Either<WeatherData, DataError>.
You need to unwrap the value using the fold method on the result and then expect accordingly, So in your code you can do something like this to make it work:
final result = await sut.fetchWeatherByCity(city: "city");
(left) => fail('test failed'),
(right) {
expect(result, isInstanceOf<DataError>);
Hope this helps.

You need to either make the expected value a Right(), or extract the right side of the actual value. Doing either of those will match, but as it is, you're comparing a wrapped value with an unwrapped value.


How to Call Get request by passing Object as query parameter using Dio in flutter

How to pass Filter Json Object as query parameter in Dio GET request call for this API in flutter.
I am using below code for passing query parameter but it is not working properly
Future<GetPropertyListResponseModel> getPropertyList(
GetPropertyListRequestModel queryParam) {
final params = <String, dynamic>{
'Filters': {"offset":0,"limit":50,"UnparsedAddress":"t"},
var dioCall = dioClient.get(ApiConstants.GET_PROPERTY_LIST, queryParameters:params);
try {
return callApiWithErrorParser(dioCall)
.then((response) => GetPropertyListResponseModel.fromJson(;
} catch (e) {
In Order to get success response the GET URL should be like below
But when I use the above code the URL becomes as below

how do I work with file streams in dart/flutter?

I am new to dart/flutter programming. I have been trying to analyze the content of a file and return the result but couldn't. The code actually works when in the main function, but as soon as I take it out it doesn't work anymore. I have read the dart tutorial on futures, async, await, and streams as well as watched YouTube videos but still couldn't solve the problem. I believe my problem revolves around those concepts. Here is my code:
Future<String> r(String name) async {
var f = File(name);
var lines = f.readAsLines();
await lines
.then((line) => line.forEach((element) {
if (element.contains(RegExp(r'^hello'))) {
return element;
.onError((error, stackTrace) => 'An error occured');
I was getting 2 errors:
The function name 'r' was underlined:
The body might complete normally, causing 'null' to be returned, but the return type is a potentially non-nullable type.
Try adding either a return or a throw statement at the end.
The variable 'element' was underlined:
The return type 'String' isn't a 'void', as required by the closure's context.
Your first error says that "Whatever happens, You have to return a String"
Your second error says that you are trying to return a String in a void function, As you see List. Foreach is a void function and you can't just return something in it because the return statement matches with the closest Function
So I rewrited you're code as following
Future<String> r(String name) async {
try {
var f = File(name);
var lines = await f.readAsLines();
for (var element in lines)
if (element.contains(RegExp(r'^hello'))) {
return element;
return "not found";
} catch (e) {
return 'An error occurred: $e';
Since you are using File and File.readAsLines I think it would be better to just wrap everything inside a try catch bloc k.

How to test async functions that update PublishSubject or BehaviorSubject object (RxDart) in Flutter

I've been learning flutter for a few weeks and come from an Android background so far I love it and I have also been delighted to find that Flutter was designed with testing in mind from day one. However, I've been having an issue running the following test.
main() => {
test('test get popular repos', () async {
final testOwner = Owner(1010, "testLink");
final testRepo =
Repo(101, testOwner, "testRepo", "description", 'htmlUrl', 500);
final testRepoResponse = RepoResponse(List.from([testRepo]), null);
final uiModel = PopRepo(testRepo.owner.avatarUrl,,
testRepo.description, "Stars: ${testRepo.stargazersCount}");
final searchData = SearchData(List.from([uiModel]), null);
final Repository mockRepository = _mockRepository();
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(testRepoResponse));
final repoSearchBloc = RepoSearchPageBloc(mockRepository);
await repoSearchBloc.getPopularRepos("org");
await expectLater(, emits(searchData));
class _mockRepository extends Mock implements Repository {}
My RepoSearchBloc takes data from a Repository and transforms it into the Ui model. Finally it posts that now UI-ready data to the Subject
this is the method under test in the RepoSearchBloc
getPopularRepos(String org) async {
if (org == null || org.isEmpty)
return resultSubject.add(SearchData(List(), null));
RepoResponse response = await _repository.getPopularReposForOrg(org);
if (response.error == null) {
List<Repo> repoList = response.results;
repoList.sort((a, b) => a.stargazersCount.compareTo(b.stargazersCount));
var uiRepoList = repoList
.map((repo) => PopRepo(repo.owner.avatarUrl,,
repo.description, "Stars: ${repo.stargazersCount}"))
resultSubject.add(SearchData(uiRepoList, null));
} else {
ErrorState error = ErrorState(response.error);
resultSubject.add(SearchData(List(), error));
When I run the test I keep getting this message no matter what I do it seems with either BehaviorSubject or PublishSubject:
ERROR: Expected: should emit an event that <Instance of 'SearchData'>
Actual: <Instance of 'BehaviorSubject<SearchData>'>
Which: emitted * Instance of 'SearchData'
Any ideas how to get this test to pass?
Ended up figuring this out with the help of a user Nico #Rodsevich of the Flutter Glitter community
anyways using his suggestion to use await for
I came up with the following solution which passed
await for (var emittedResult in {
The RxDart library has some subject tests for reference but my subject being posted to asynchronously did not adhere to their test cases so this solution ended up being just what I needed.
Also #Abion47 's comment also seems to do the job when I move async inside the parameter for expected
expectLater( (await as SearchData).results[0].repoName,;

Trouble with testing using MockClient in Flutter

I am trying to write a simple test in flutter using MockClient, but I can't seem to get it to work.
Here is the code I am trying to test:
getItemById(int id) async {
final response = await client.get("$_host/item/$id.json");
final decodedJson = json.decode(response.body);
return Item.fromJson(decodedJson);
Here is the test code:
test("Test getting item by id", () async {
final newsApi = NewsAPI();
newsApi.client = MockClient((request) async {
final jsonMap = {'id': 123};
Response(json.encode(jsonMap), 200);
final item = await newsApi.getItemById(123);
print("Items: ${item.toString()}"); //<-- dosen't print anything.
expect( , 123);
When I run the test, it fails with the following message:
NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'bodyBytes' was called on null.
Receiver: null
Tried calling: bodyBytes
I am guessing the issue here is that nothing is returned from the MockClient when I make the call to the getItemById method, but I am not sure why.
I had the same exact issue. You have to return the Response
return Response(json.encode(jsonMap), 200);
Mock expects test function to be EXACTLY as you real function (including OPTIONAL parameters and so on). If both does not match it returns NULL and that is what is happening with your code. Double check to see where your test function is different of original function.

Protractor- automate the error message on tab out when input field is empty

I have an angular2 application where I am trying to write end to end test cases to automate things.I have just begun with learning Protractor for this and trying to implement a negative test case for a form field where if any field is empty, the error message should be shown. I have tried something like below to automate the form and its working fine.
In my spec.ts-
import userDetailsPage from './userDetails.e2e-po;
it('should fill out User Details', () => {
const userDetail: IUserDetail = {
firstName: 'Lorem',
lastName: 'Ipsum'
In userDetails.e2e-po-
populateUserDetails(details: IUserDetail) {
return this;
I am writing the below code which automatically inputs the firstName and lastName field.
fillLastName(last: string) {
let el = element(by.css('input[name="lastName'));
el.clear().then(() => {
return this;
The above scenario works fine. But I am also trying to achieve a scenario where I do not input either first name or last name field, should throw me an error message.Can someone let me know what else should I add to achieve this.
I am already handling the validation in my HTML.
Any help is much appreciated.
Instead of details.firstname and details.lastname put empty strings and then validate the error that occurs on the page.
I think you can try the following method as a reusable function
function formValidate(donefn){ function () {
var lastName_fld = element(by.css('input[name="lastName'));
await lastName_fld.sendKeys("", protractor.Key.TAB);
var elm = element(by.css(".error-message"));
console.log("Error message displayed")
//some more code to do like selecting the field and enter the test
return result;
console.log("Error message not displayed")
return result;
I solved it in this way:
await input.sendKeys(protractor.Key.CONTROL, 'a');
await input.sendKeys(protractor.Key.BACK_SPACE);
await input.sendKeys(protractor.Key.TAB);
//then the error-message will appear