Cannot run file in google drive directory (using file syncing) because of white space in 'My Drive' - visual-studio-code

I'm writing a game in Lua using Löve2D using google drive syncing for backup, meaning I am directly editing the file in my drive. This means the file path is "G/My Drive/Truck" (Truck is the name of the game folder). When I open the folder in VS Code it works fine and I can access and edit everything, but when I actually try to run the main.lua with the alt+L command I get this error:
boot.lua:577: Cannot load game at path 'g:/My'.
Make sure a folder exists at the specified path.
I'm not sure if it's Löve itself or if it's VS Code which can't cope with the white space.
I have previously accessed, edited and run the file with no issue on a different computer, but am now trying to do so on my laptop, and am encountering this issue.
OS is Windows 11.
I've tried opening "G/My_Drive/Truck" which doesn't work. Since it's google drive I can't just rename it to remove the whitespace.

According to the error message you've provided, Lua does not receive a full path to your folder, just a small piece: 'g:/My'
This usually happens when you pass a string that contains a whitespace by command line like this:
love.exe G:/My Drive/Truck
How to fix:
love.exe "G:/My Drive/Truck"
If that does not help, then post more details: how do you launch it, where path to your gdrive folder is stored.


VS Code move Cache location in Windows

I am trying to use models from Hugging Face, but VS code always downloads them into my very limited C: drive; C:\Users\<user>\.cache.
How can I force it to cache to a different drive?
Things I've tried:
Googling: only seen threads for Linux, whose commands do not transfer over. Could not find clear equivalent commands for Windows.
Running a new instance from terminal code --user-data-dir E:/.cache
Fully un-installing VS Code, downloading a portable version, and making a data folder (following these instructions)
All of them still result in caching to C:\Users\<user>\.cache.
From some further research, it appears this is currently not possible.
However, I've found that symlinks is a great temporary workaround. In short,
Create a folder on a drive/partition with an abundance of space, i.e. E:\TempCache
Close any instances of VS Code, if any.
Navigate to C:\Users\<username>\.cache. If there's anything in it, cut them over to E:\TempCache, and delete the whole .cache folder.
Open cmd with admin rights, and enter mklink /J "C:\Users\<name>\.cache" "E:\TempCache". This will re-create an empty .cache folder.
Next time VS Code is ran, it will automatically detect and use the .cache folder on the C drive like nothing changed.

Keep VS Code from creating new directories when file system unmounts

I am running VS Code on a Windows machine running Ubuntu on WSL 2 that mounts a remote drive from a Linux server using FUSE. This allows me to edit comfortably on VS Code while I run the documents on the server and it generally works great. However, if I am editing and my computer loses its Internet connection briefly, the FUSE mount is lost. If I am in the middle of editing and don't notice, then when I save it, VS Code will see nothing in the directory and create a bunch of directories and save the file locally, which is not what I want to do.
For example, I might be editing a file that is in the mount folder, which is the remote mount. I work on the file mount/somedir/somedir2/someFile.txt. If the Internet connection drops, the remote filesystem is unmounted. If I click Ctrl-s, then VS Code sees only an empty folder called mount. It then creates a somedir directory, then a somedir2 directory, then a someFile.txt file, and saves it there. It is often some time before I catch the problem, and while it is resolvable, I end up with multiple versions of the same file (one on my computer and one on the server) and rationalizing the two is a pain and, if I do it wrong, can end up with me losing work and data (which has happened).
Is there a way to tell VS Code to give an error message when attempting to save a file to a suddenly nonexistent directory, rather than creating it automatically for me? That would make my life much easier.

Changed Starting Path with PowerShell Profile But Cannot Change it Back

While learning Anaconda I had a problem with "cd" not working in Anaconda PowerShell, so I did what is recommended here, manually created a profile and set the path to a specific folder. It worked.
But today somehow I found "cd" is working for me again, so I was going to delete that ps1 file. But the folder together with the file in that was no loner there, completely gone. Now I am stuck with my temporary path on every PowerShell start-up.
According to Microsoft documentation, $profile should return my profile variables, which it did:
But first, this is not the file name I gave it; second, this path is also non-existent, both folder and file.
I tried notepad $profile, then Notepad told me "The system cannot find the path specified." But it is exactly the path the system told me.
Some answer I saw here says that is because my profile is non-existent, I need to create one first. That is not the case here. I definitely overwrote my starting path, but I cannot find the actual profile file to edit that back.
I also tried doing it the same way again but changing "YOUR_FILE_PATH" into "%Home" hoping to "overwrite" it back, yet somehow this time it did not work and the file did not disappear as it did the first time.
I am really confused on this.
If you want to reset PowerShell to the original settings when PowerShell was installed.
Uninstall PowerShell from the Add or Remove Programs.
Restart your computer.
Reinstall PowerShell.

File selected in WindowsExplorer with Preview Pane locks the file so powershell cannot output to that file

I have a scheduled script that outputs bunch of HTML files with static names to a remote location. I noticed, that if I have one of those files selected in Windows Explorer so that its contents are shown in Preview Pane, then Powershell cannot overwrite that file and skips updating it.
This only happens if output files are in remote location. Works just fine if files are local.
How do I force PowerShell to overwrite remote files in this situation? Lots of users work with those reports and if one of them leaves Windows Explorer window with one of those files highlighted overnight when the script runs, the file is not going to be updated.
Move HTML files to webserver. You will solve your problem entirely. IIS Setup on windows server is Next, Next, Next. You can leave link to a new file location (https://....) in old place, so users can easily navigate to a new place. Possibly this link can be automated (not sure because of modern security standards)
Try [System.IO.File]::Delete($path) just before writing this file. This removes file entry from filesystem, but leaves file open for those who have it open for now. This makes your script to write to a new file with the same name. Old file exists without name (deleted) but leaves open until everyone close it. Check it actually deleted with resresh!
Try [System.IO.File]::Move($path, $someTrashFullName) just before writing this file. $someTrashFullName probably must be on same drive. Same as Delete, but renames file. Some self-updating software use this strategy. File is renamed, but it's still kept open under new name.
Try replace file with shortcut to some file. You can generate files with different names and change shortcut programmatically
HTML files that change location using js ? They read nearby JSON (generated by export script) and lookup there for a new filename. So user opens static unchanged A.html, JS inside lookups at A.json for new name and redirects user to A-2020-08-11.html. I'm not sure browsers allow reading JSON files from JS for files that opened from network drive.
Only way left is to stop network share or\and close open files server-side.
Maybe some fun with to disable preview in this folder \ completely?
Try with -Force. But to me, it seems to be more a permission issue.
Remove-Item -Path '\\server\share\file' -Force

xcopy is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I have a problem using 'xcopy' command.
I'm building a C# project with msbuild. At the end of the build, a batch file is called to copy my assemblies from Debug/Release to some other folders.
Here is the problem, my build fail and the error log is 'xcopy is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file'.
The path is correctly set, xcopy do works from a windows command line and from the visual studio command line (the one set with the project environment).
I tried to set the path in the batch file but it doesn't help.
Any suggestion?
I'm using windows 7
Cheers :)
I encountered the same problem.
It seems to be a problem with the path environment variable within Visual Studio.
When I added a "path" statement to the beginning of my build event, it produced the following output:
This seems to indicate that the path is empty within the VS build environment.
When I specify the full path to xcopy like this, the problem went away:
%systemroot%\System32\xcopy ...
I'm not sure what caused Visual Studio to lose it's path.
Set Environment variable PATH = %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
This is not a problem with Windows 7 or 8. It's actually a problem with applications that update environment variables such as PATH.
The PATH is stored in the Registry as an "Expandable string value" (REG_EXPAND_SZ), but a lot of applications write it back to the Registry as a "String Value" (REG_SZ). If your path contains anything like %SYSTEMROOT%, this will not be expanded into C:\Windows (or whatever yours is) if the path is stored in a REG_SZ.
The fix is simply to edit your path manually from the control panel. You need to make a change (eg add a ; to the end of the path) and then apply it. This will fix up your path in the Registry to be a REG_EXPAND_SZ.
(Go to the System Control Panel and select Advanced System Settings. Edit the Path Environment variable in the lower box, and that should fix it.
You can tell whether your path is broken in this way by opening a command prompt and typing PATH. Your path will be listed. If you can see anything enclosed in % % then your path is not being expanded.
It happened to me after I updated one of my Visual Studio extensions, during which Visual Studio was closed and reopened by the updater. I could no longer properly build my project. I closed Visual Studio and reopened it and the problem went away.
I just experienced this for the first time with a batch file I use to copy an Access front-end app to the user's local machines. Their environment is a mix of Windows 7 & 8 and 32-64 bit machines. I noticed that the xcopy.exe was both in the System32 and the SysWOW64 folders and I wondered if there was some conflict. So -- I copied the xcopy.exe into the folder where the batch file resides and it now seems to be working. Just thought I'd share this.
I also had a problem with xcopy (same error message) - with a very simple batch program that I use to backup files to a removable drive. Have been using that program for at least 5 years with never a problem. Then yesterday xcopy is unknown to Win7. The replacement of xcopy with %systemroot%\System32\xcopy at each instance solved the problem. Very strange.
Go to environment variable and correct PATh including ; in last.
It will work, this is not at all related to OS or Technology.
It's working for me, Not even need to restart OS, Just open new command prompt.
[Fixed for me]
After adding the correct paths to "Path" environmental variable it still doesn't work (for cmd and VisualStudio) (even after restarting the PC).
The problem was in broken register parameter:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment]
I had the value .wlua;.|exe. Maybe was broken after installing something.
Everything works again after changing it to:
Hope this helps if nothing other works.