walker talk not found when deleting yield in test - jaseci

import {*} with './tesla_ai.jac';
import {*} with './graph.jac';
import {*} with './nodes.jac';
walker nothing {}
test "Testing Flow"
with graph::tesla_ai by walker::nothing{
flows = file.load_json("master_test.json");
for flow in flows {
std.log("\n==== Testing flow: " + flow["test_name"] + " ====");
for step in flow['flow'] {
spawn here walker::talk(question = step["query"]);
res = std.get_report();
std.log("HERE >>> ", step["query"] , " ==== ", res[-1]);
assert(res[-1] == step['response']);
I'm trying to delete the yield of walker talk after it goes through the flow but it throws this run error when i run the sentinel test.
{"success": false, "response": "Walker talk not found!"}
I am trying to delete the yield everytime it goes to a new flow so it does not keep track with the last response or entities.

You may be able to use the jaseci.walker_yield_list() action call to check that there is indeed actually walkers yielded and only call jaseci.walker_yield_delete("talk"); if its in the list.


How to process all events emitted by RX Java regardless of error?

I'm using vertx.io web framework to send a list of items to a downstream HTTP server.
records.records() emits 4 records and I have specifically set the web client to connect to the wrong I.P/port.
Processing... prints 4 times.
Exception outer! prints 3 times.
If I put back the proper I.P/port then Susbscribe outer! prints 4 times.
.flatMap(inRecord -> {
// Do stuff here....
Observable<Buffer> bodyBuffer = Observable.just(Buffer.buffer(...));
Single<HttpResponse<Buffer>> request = client
.post(..., ..., ...)
return request.toFlowable();
.subscribe(record -> {
System.out.println("Subscribe outer!");
}, ex -> {
System.out.println("Exception outer! " + ex.getMessage());
I now understand that on error RX stops right a way. Is there a way to continue and process all records regardless and get an error for each?
Given this article: https://medium.com/#jagsaund/5-not-so-obvious-things-about-rxjava-c388bd19efbc
I have come up with this... Unless you see something wrong with this?
(inRecord -> {
Observable<Buffer> bodyBuffer = Observable.just(Buffer.buffer(inRecord.toString()));
Single<HttpResponse<Buffer>> request = client
.post("xxxxxx", "xxxxxx", "xxxxxx")
// So we can capture how long each request took.
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
return request.toFlowable()
.doOnNext(response -> {
// Capture total time and print it with the logs. Removed below for brevity.
long processTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
int status = response.statusCode();
if(status == 200)
}).doOnError(ex -> {
long processTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
logger.error("Failed! Exception.", ex);
}).doOnTerminate(() -> {
// Do some extra stuff here...
}).onErrorResumeNext(Flowable.empty()); // This will allow us to continue.
).subscribe(); // Don't handle here. We subscribe to the inner events.
Is there a way to continue and process all records regardless and get
an error for each?
According to the doc, the observable should be terminated if it encounters an error. So you can't get each error in onError.
You can use onErrorReturn or onErrorResumeNext() to tell the upstream what to do if it encounters an error (e.g. emit null or Flowable.empty()).

Embedded kafka throws exception when producing within multiple scalatest suits

Here is how my test suit is configured.
"test payments" should {
"Add 100 credits" in {
runTeamTest { team =>
withRunningKafka {
val addCreditsRequest = AddCreditsRequest(team.id.stringify, member1Email, 100)
val foundTeam = TestCommon.waitForFuture(TeamDao.findOneById(team.id))
foundTeam.get.credits mustEqual initialCreditAmount + 100
"deduct 100 credits" in {
runTeamTest { team =>
withRunningKafka {
val deductCreditsRequest = DeductCreditsRequest(team.id.stringify, member1Email, 100)
val foundTeam = TestCommon.waitForFuture(TeamDao.findOneById(team.id))
foundTeam.get.credits mustEqual initialCreditAmount - 100
Within Scalatest, the overarching suit name is "test payments" and the subsequent tests inside it have issues after the first one is run. If I run each of the two tests individually, they will succeed, but if I run the entire suit, the first succeeds and the second returns a org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnknownTopicOrPartitionException: This server does not host this topic-partition. exception. The code above doesn't display the code within the controllers that are being tested, but within the controller, I have a kafka consumer that is constantly polling and close() isn't called on it within the tests.
I'd suggest you use companion object methods EmbeddedKafka.start() and EmbeddedKafka.stop() in the beforeAll and afterAll sections. This way you also avoid stopping / starting Kafka again for a single test class.
Also try to make sure you're not trying to start 2 or more instances of Kafka on the same port at the same time.

spray and actor non deterministic tests

at the beginning i wold like to apologize for my english :)
I encountered strange behavior of teting routes, which asks actors in handleWith directive,
I've route with handleWith directive
pathPrefix("firstPath") {
pathEnd {
get(complete("Hello from this api")) ~
post(handleWith { (data: Data) =>{ println("receiving data")
(dataCalculator ? data).collect {
case Success(_) =>
Right(Created -> "")
case throwable: MyInternalValidatationException =>
Left(BadRequest -> s"""{"${throwable.subject}" : "${throwable.cause}"}""")
and simple actor wchich always responds when receive object Data and has own receive block wrapped in LoggingReceive, so I should see logs when message is receiving by actor
and i test it using (I think simple code)
class SampleStarngeTest extends WordSpec with ThisAppTestBase with OneInstancePerTest
with routeTestingSugar {
val url = "/firstPath/"
implicit val routeTestTimeout = RouteTestTimeout(5 seconds)
def postTest(data: String) = Post(url).withJson(data) ~> routes
"posting" should {
"pass" when {
"data is valid and comes from the identified user" in {
postTest(correctData.copy(createdAt = System.currentTimeMillis()).asJson) ~> check {
status shouldBe Created
"report is valid and comes from the anonymous" in {
postTest(correctData.copy(createdAt = System.currentTimeMillis(), adid = "anonymous").asJson) ~> check {
status shouldBe Created
and behavior:
When I run either all tests in package (using Intellij Idea 14 Ultimate) or sbt test I encounter the same results
one execution -> all tests pass
and next one -> not all pass, this which not pass I can see:
1. fail becouse Request was neither completed nor rejected within X seconds ( X up tp 60)
2. system console output from route from line post(handleWith { (data: Data) =>{ println("receiving data"), so code in handleWith was executed
3. ask timeout exception from route code, but not always (among failed tests)
4. no logs from actor LoggingReceive, so actor hasn't chance to respond
5. when I rerun teststhe results are even different from the previous
Is there problem with threading? or test modules, thread blocking inside libraries? or sth else? I've no idea why it isn't work :(

Run the JUnitServllet for integration testing in Adobe cq5

My question is for the JUnitServlet for integration testing in Adobe cq5. When it runs the tests and if there is a mistake in the test method it shows only error messages from his side. How can we see the messages that we write in the test method assertations.
For example:
If I have several "assertNotNull" in the test method and if the test fails the servlet shows me such a result:
Test finished: () : Null
I tried to enter in depth:
Test selector: RequestParser, testSelector [testClass], methodName [testMethod], extension [html]
but again it runs the whole class with thests.
Can I somehow run just one testing method from the testing class and see the messages from the assertations with this servlet? Thanks!
You might try structuring your assertions inside a try/catch block--at least initially--where you can print out additional info if it fails. I've found this to provide more useful info when I have a problem in the test itself that is getting masked in the unit test output. If that is the issue perhaps you won't need to narrow in on a single test.
public void testYourTestName() throws Exception {
try {
//Code to prepare the object to be tested
assertNull("This is my null test", objectToBeTested);
} catch (Exception e) {
String failureMessage = "\n" + e.toString() + "\n";
for (StackTraceElement stackLine : e.getStackTrace()) {
failureMessage += (stackLine.toString() + "\n");
fail("Error: " + failureMessage);
Or, you could use an assertEquals test which I have found to have a little more helpful display, such as this:
assertEquals(null, objectToBeTested);
If the assertEquals above fails, you get output such as this:
testMyTestName(com.myCompany.myApp.myPath.myTests): expected:<null>
but was:<java.lang.Object#5c9e4d73>
BTW, I don't know how to run just one of the tests that exists in some class, but as you have found, you can narrow it down to run all the tests in a particular class. To run the tests found in the SomeTestClass in the com.myCompany.myApp.myPath namespace:

How can I retrieve the first-completed Actor in a group of Actors in Scala?

I have a moderate number of long-running Actors and I wish to write a synchronous function that returns the first one of these that completes. I can do it with a spin-wait on futures (e.g.,:
while (! fs.exists(f => f.isSet) ) {
val completeds = fs.filter(f => f.isSet)
), but that seems very "un-Actor-y"
The scala.actors.Futures class has two methods awaitAll() and awaitEither() that seem awfully close; if there were an awaitAny() I'd jump on it. Am I missing a simple way to do this or is there a common pattern that is applicable?
A more "actorish" way of waiting for completion is creating an actor in charge of handling completed result (lets call it ResultHandler)
Instead of replying, workers send their answer to ResultHandler in fire-and-forget manner. The latter will continue processing the result while other workers complete their job.
The key for me was the discovery that every (?) Scala object is, implicitly, an Actor, so you can use Actor.react{ } to block. Here is my source code:
import scala.actors._
import scala.actors.Actor._
//Top-level class that wants to return the first-completed result from some long-running actors
class ConcurrentQuerier() {
//Synchronous function; perhaps fulfilling some legacy interface
def synchronousQuery : String = {
//Instantiate and start the monitoring Actor
val progressReporter = new ProgressReporter(self) //All (?) objects are Actors
//Instantiate the long-running Actors, giving each a handle to the monitor
val lrfs = List (
new LongRunningFunction(0, 2000, progressReporter), new LongRunningFunction(1, 2500, progressReporter), new LongRunningFunction(3, 1500, progressReporter),
new LongRunningFunction(4, 1495, progressReporter), new LongRunningFunction(5, 1500, progressReporter), new LongRunningFunction(6, 5000, progressReporter) )
//Start 'em
lrfs.map{ lrf =>
println("All actors started...")
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
This blocks until it receives a String in the Inbox.
Who sends the string? A: the progressReporter, which is monitoring the LongRunningFunctions
val s = receive {
case s:String => s
println("Received " + s + " after " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms")
An Actor that reacts to a message that is a tuple ("COMPLETED", someResult) and sends the
result to this Actor's owner. Not strictly necessary (the LongRunningFunctions could post
directly to the owner's mailbox), but I like the idea that monitoring is important enough
to deserve its own object
class ProgressReporter(val owner : Actor) extends Actor {
def act() = {
println("progressReporter awaiting news...")
react {
case ("COMPLETED", s) =>
println("progressReporter received a completed signal " + s);
owner ! s
case s =>
println("Unexpected message: " + s ); act()
Some long running function
class LongRunningFunction(val id : Int, val timeout : Int, val supervisor : Actor) extends Actor {
def act() = {
//Do the long-running query
val s = longRunningQuery()
println(id.toString + " finished, sending results")
//Send the results back to the monitoring Actor (the progressReporter)
supervisor ! ("COMPLETED", s)
def longRunningQuery() : String = {
println("Starting Agent " + id + " with timeout " + timeout)
"Query result from agent " + id
val cq = new ConcurrentQuerier()
//I don't think the Actor semantics guarantee that the result is absolutely, positively the first to have posted the "COMPLETED" message
println("Among the first to finish was : " + cq.synchronousQuery)
Typical results look like:
scala ActorsNoSpin.scala
progressReporter awaiting news...
All actors started...
Starting Agent 1 with timeout 2500
Starting Agent 5 with timeout 1500
Starting Agent 3 with timeout 1500
Starting Agent 4 with timeout 1495
Starting Agent 6 with timeout 5000
Starting Agent 0 with timeout 2000
4 finished, sending results
progressReporter received a completed signal Query result from agent 4
Received Query result from agent 4 after 1499 ms
Among the first to finish was : Query result from agent 4
5 finished, sending results
3 finished, sending results
0 finished, sending results
1 finished, sending results
6 finished, sending results