Wrong result from K-means algorithm - cluster-analysis

I want to put these 8 points into 3 clusters using K-means. If I pick up -5, -1, and 2 as the initial centroids, it will return this result at the first round, and the algorithm will stop correcting because all the points seem to be assigned to the correct cluster now.
However, we know this is not the best result. The result shall be in the picture below:
I think I calculate everything correctly following the algorithm. Was there anything wrong? Or is it a disadvantage of this algorithm that it does not always return the best result with the smallest sum of squared error (SSE)?
I applied the algorithm on the following data in Python. It seems the result is not the one with the smallest SSE.


Identifying DBSCAN parameters (MinPts, eps)

I am new to python and machine learning. I am trying to cluster my dataset by using the DBSCAN algorithm. But I am stuck with getting correct values for MinPts and eps. I checked several solutions and didn't find a way to choose the values for those parameters. How can I choose those value, better if can explain it briefly.
In the original publication (section 4.2) of DBSCAN the authors proposed a way to determine good values for MinPoints and eps.
They also ran tests that show that you can elimiate the MinPoints parameter for a 2-dimensional dataset by always using MinPoints = 4. Because there results for values greater than 5 are not significantly different than the ones with MinPoints = 4 but they are computationaly more expensive.

Selecting the K value for Kmeans clustering [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Cluster analysis in R: determine the optimal number of clusters
(8 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am going to build a K-means clustering model for outlier detection. For that, I need to identify the best number of clusters needs to be selected.
For now, I have tried to do this using Elbow Method. I plotted the sum of squared error vs. the number of clusters(k) but, I got a graph like below which makes confusion to identify the elbow point.
I need to know, why do I get a graph like this and how do I identify the optimal number of clusters.
K-means is not suitable for outlier detection. This keeps popping up here all the time.
K-means is conceptualized for "pure" data, with no false points. All measurements are supposed to come from the data, and only vary by some Gaussian measurement error. Occasionally this may yield some more extreme values, but even these are real measurements, from the real clusters, and should be explained not removed.
K-means itself is known to not work well on noisy data where data points do not belong to the clusters
It tends to split large real clusters in two, and then points right in the middle of the real cluster will have a large distance to the k-means centers
It tends to put outliers into their own clusters (because that reduces SSQ), and then the actual outliers will have a small distance, even 0.
Rather use an actual outlier detection algorithm such as Local Outlier Factor, kNN, LOOP etc. instead that were conceptualized with noisy data in mind.
Remember that the Elbow Method doesn't just 'give' the best value of k, since the best value of k is up to interpretation.
The theory behind the Elbow Method is that we in tandem both want to minimize some error function (i.e. sum of squared errors) while also picking a low value of k.
The Elbow Method thus suggests that a good value of k would lie in a point on the plot that resembles an elbow. That is the error is small, but doesn't decrease drastically when k increases locally.
In your plot you could argue that both k=3 and k=6 resembles elbows. By picking k=3 you'd have picked a small k, and we see that k=4, and k=5 doesn't do much better in minimizing the error. Same goes with k=6.

Strange behavior of linear regression in PyTorch

I am facing a peculiar problem and I was wondering if there is an explanation. I am trying to run a linear regression problem and test different optimization methods and two of them have a strange outcome when comparing to each other. I build a data set that satisfies y=2x+5 and I add a random noise to that.
from torch.utils.data import TensorDataset,DataLoader
def fit(nepoch, model1, F_loss, opt):
for epoch in range(nepoch):
for i,j in train:
predict = model1(i)
loss = F_loss(predict, j)
When i compare the results of the following commands:
fit(500000, model1, F_loss, opt1)
fit(500000, model1, F_loss, opt2)
In the last epoch for opt1:loss=2.86,weight=2.02,bias=4.46
In the last epoch for opt2:loss=3.47,weight=2.02,bias=4.68
These results do not make sense to me, shouldn't opt2 have a smaller loss than opt1 since the weight and bias it finds is closer to the real value? opt2's method finds weights and biases to be closer to the real value (they are respectively 2 and 5). Am i doing something wrong?
This has to do with the fact that you are drawing the training samples themselves from a random distribution.
By doing so, you inherently randomized the ground truth to some extent. Sure, you will get values that are inherently distributed around 2x+5, but you do not guarantee that 2x+5 will also be the best fit to this data distribution.
It could thus happen that you accidentally end up with values that deviate quite significantly from the original function, and, since you use a mean squared error, these values get weighted quite significantly.
In expectation (i.e., for the number of samples going towards infinity), you will likely get closer and closer to the expected parameters.
A way to verify this would be to plot your training samples against the parameter set, as well as the (ideal) underlying function.
Also note that Linear Regression does have a direct solution - something that is very uncommon in Machine Learning - meaning you can directly calculate an optimal solution, e.g., with sklearn's function

Using cross-validation to find the right value of k for the k-nearest-neighbor classifier

I am working on a UCI data set about wine quality. I have applied multiple classifiers and k-nearest neighbor is one of them. I was wondering if there is a way to find the exact value of k for nearest neighbor using 5-fold cross validation. And if yes, how do I apply that? And how can I get the depth of a decision tree using 5-fold CV?
I assume here that you mean the value of k that returns the lowest error in your wine quality model.
I find that a good k can depend on your data. Sparse data might prefer a lower k whereas larger datasets might work well with a larger k. In most of my work, a k between 5 and 10 have been quite good for problems with a large number of cases.
Trial and Error can at times be the best tool here, but it shouldn't take too long to see a trend in the modelling error.
Hope this Helps!

Matlab: Kmeans gives different results each time

I running kmeans in matlab on a 400x1000 matrix and for some reason whenever I run the algorithm I get different results. Below is a code example:
[idx, ~, ~, ~] = kmeans(factor_matrix, 10, 'dist','sqeuclidean','replicates',20);
For some reason, each time I run this code I get different results? any ideas?
I am using it to identify multicollinearity issues.
Thanks for the help!
The k-means implementation in MATLAB has a randomized component: the selection of initial centers. This causes different outcomes. Practically however, MATLAB runs k-means a number of times and returns you the clustering with the lowest distortion. If you're seeing wildly different clusterings each time, it may mean that your data is not amenable to the kind of clusters (spherical) that k-means looks for, and is an indication toward trying other clustering algorithms (e.g. spectral ones).
You can get deterministic behavior by passing it an initial set of centers as one of the function arguments (the start parameter). This will give you the same output clustering each time. There are several heuristics to choose the initial set of centers (e.g. K-means++).
As you can read on the wiki, k-means algorithms are generally heuristic and partially probabilistic, the one in Matlab being no exception.
This means that there is a certain random part to the algorithm (in Matlab's case, repeatedly using random starting points to find the global solution). This makes kmeans output clusters that are of good-quality-on-average. But: given the pseudo-random nature of the algorithm, you will get slightly different clusters each time -- this is normal behavior.
This is called initialization problem, as kmeans starts with random iniinital points to cluster your data. matlab selects k random points and calculates the distance of points in your data to these locations and finds new centroids to further minimize the distance. so you might get different results for centroid locations, but the answer is similar.