How to get list of popular or current trending HASHTAGS from given WORD (string) programmatically? Is there any API? - tags

I am trying to get list of popular or trending HASHTAGS for a QUERY/SEARCH word or string? Is there any API or method for this?


Deezer - Search for tracks, artists, albums with one api call

Is it possible to search for tracks, artists and albums at the same time and get something like the deezer homepage search
It is not possible to do all these searches at the same time, you have to execute multiple requests on each endpoint you need, with the parameters you will find here:

List of Facebook Users Containing a Particular Name

I wish to use the Facebook api to return a list of users contain a particular name:
For example, the following http search for the name Macallum:
gives the desired result. However I wish to do this using the api. Is this possible?
Have a look at the answer I gave here: Is it possible to retrieve list of public facebook profiles through the Graph API?
You can use the /search endpoint to search for names.

Need help on employing Graph Search parameters for hashtag query on facebook

The problem:
I want to find public posts that contain two hashtags (like #games & #movies). The graph search does not work with hashtags apparently. Do you know a way to use the Graph API to set up a query that can help me find those particular postings.
Thanks in advance
You can use the standard Search API for Posts as described in the answer here:
Facebook API - Using javascript sdk and searching public posts for hashtags
For example,{user_access_token}
works for me.

How to search instagram comments containing particular keyword

I want to search the comments published on any media for any particular key word or combination of few key words. My requirement is to get the comments containing that keyword with the help of API. I went through the documentation of Instagram API there I found that search can be made through hash-tag only and most of the time not necessarily my keyword is a hash-tag. So problem is I want to search though the text. That means if the text containing my keyword then it should return that text else not.
There is no API to search for "keywords", you can only search one hashtag with API, and it searches in photo caption as well as comments.
You will have to use /media/media-id/comments API to get all comments, save it and then manually do a search. This is not efficient way.
After you tag your post with a hashtag, you'll be able to tap the hashtag to see a page that shows all photos and videos people have uploaded with that hashtag. There is no API to search for "keywords", you can only search one hashtag with API, and it searches in photo caption as well as comments.

How to create a RSS feed from a Facebook list?

I am currently looking for a way to create a RSS feed from a Facebook list (for example a collection of groups and pages collected together to a list by a user).
A Facebook list has the following URL pattern:
Does anyone know how to create or generate a RSS feed from such a list?