Set Legal Hold in Azure Blob using REST API - rest

Has anyone tried calling set legal hold API from Azure Data Factory Web activity using Managed Identity. The MI of ADF has Storage Blob Data Owner on the storage account. But when I call this API from Web Activity it gives below error:
InvalidQueryParameterValue Value of one of the query parameters specified in the URI is invalid. Parameter Name comp and parameter value legalhold
Below is the settings of web activity:
P.S. The other GET APIs work successfully. Also, I am looking only via MI and not SAS


Azure dashboard with value provider api

My goal is to make an api call and process the returned response and reflect it to the azure dashboard.
The reason for my need is to present some special analysis values in the database on the azure dahsboard to the team.
In order to do this, I searched for azure devops extensions, but I couldn't find a useful extension.I want to know if such an extension already exists.
For example, by sending a get request to, I want to present the " {result : "order" : 3} " order information in the azure dashboard.

How to copy data from rest api using oauth to azure blob storage as json using adf

I have difficulties creating an ADF pipeline that pulls data from a REST API using oAuth and writes it to azure blob storage in JSON format. I am a python developer and relatively new to adf. I will explain in more detail below.
I need to obtain an access token by posting a request to the token endpoint. This step works fine.
I need to pull the data from the API using a GET request in a copy activity. Also I need to include pagination. Is there something wrong on the way I define the pagination rules? "#odata.nextLink" is full description of the json key; is this correctly spelled in the value section?
I need to copy the data to a blob storage in json format. I created the sink dataset.
Upon running the pipeline it asks for 2 pipeline parameters, what am I supposed to write here?
I get the following error, what am I doing wrong?

Azure Custom Connector for 3rd Party API with Oauth 2.0 access token

I am trying to get data from a 3rd party API into an Azure SQL DB using Azure Data Factory with out using SSIS.
This lead me down a rabbit hole and I have been searching for 3 days now and cannot find a solution.I must be missing something.
I have tried using Azure Data Factory and the copy data controls.
I then tried using power apps and cant find anything that helps.
I then tried custom connector, from scrach, from postman and from OpenAPI
I cannot get any of it to work!
I really thought this would be easier than this?
I have read almost all of the standard MicroSoft documentation and none of it helps with my specific scenario.
I have a third party web site that I get an authorisation token from using a username and password with grant-type=password
Using this token I then get JSON data from the site.
I want to get this data into my SQL DB in Azure.
Thats it!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
PS:Next step is the same thing but API returns XML, rabbit hole 2...
Here is a official guide that import data from Azure Storage to Azure SQL Database using pipeline.
I think this guide will be helpful for you. Before you follow this guide to meet your requirement, you should import your JSON data from 3rd party API first. So you can use Azure logic App to finish this process quickly.
I have finished this process , it is easy and just few steps :
1. Getting access token from 3rd party identity provider(here I use Azure AD as identity provider, just for demo) using http request action:
2. Generally , we can get an access token from step1 , use this auth info to call your 3rd API to fetch json data using http request action directly:
The API I am using is a sample demo one, just reply a json as :
"name": "stan",
"id": "123"
Using create blob action to create a blob file with the json content from previous step (you should create a storage account with a blob container first , so that you can store files, here I name the json file with guid)
Run this logic App you can see that a json file has been created in Azure storage account with the json data from API :
So the steps left , you can just refer to the official guide to import data to your SQL, just selecting json as resource format in Configure source section.
If you have anything unclear , pls feel free to let me know. Hope it helps : )

How do I copy data from REST API endpoint into Azure DB using Data Factory v2?

I want to do a one time pull of everything in Wisconsin from this Web API Endpoint.
Then I want to load the data into an Azure DB that I created.
I've reviewed several articles and videos and I haven't made much progress. I currently have the following; an Azure subscription, a storage account, an Azure SQL Server and DB. I've tried using the Copy Data activity in my Data Factory. For the source Base URL I'm using The "Test Connection" is successful. For the next screen "Data Set" for the entry "Relative URL" I'm using the same thing and it's giving the following error. "Relative Url Fail to read from REST resource"
I expect to be able to map the data from the Google API to columns in tables that I create in my Azure DB.
Try as base URL and representatives as relative URL.
And the end, relative URL will be concat with base URL. And try rest connector of ADF.

Azure AD - Manage Group & User Assignments

I am an Azure Global Tenant Admin for our [Premium] Azure AD instance. I have a Web App that requires Group/User Assignment to access. We need to know which Groups and Users have been assigned access. The Azure UI does not let you query this information so I am wondering if there is any way to obtain a list of Groups/Users that have been assigned access to a Web App.
Edit: It looks like the Graph API version 1.5 now supports this. I can download the servicePrincipal ODATA with this URL:
GET string.Format("{0}/servicePrincipals?api-version=1.5&$filter=appId+eq+'{1}'",
tenant, clientId)
According to this MSDN post, I should be able to use a URL format like
GET string.Format("{0}/servicePrincipals/{1}/appRoleAssignedTo?api-version=1.5",
tenant, clientId)
However, I am receiving this error:
"Resource 'f4126638-cb47-48df-ad9d-57c0684b6575' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present."}
In the second Graph call, I should be using the servicePrincipal's ObjectID returned from the first call instead of the Application's ClientID.