How can i fix the true or false in this code? [duplicate] - swift

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Extending Array to check if it is sorted in Swift?
(13 answers)
Closed 3 months ago.
Write a function isIncreasing that takes a list of Ints and returns true if numbers are in increasing (equals OK) order. An empty list should result in true.
func isIncreasing(_ l: [Int]) -> Bool {
var flagreturn=true
if l.count == 0 {
} else {
for i: Int in l {
if l[i] < l[i + 1] {
return flagreturn
Not sure if I implemented the true and false correctly in the code.

You can zip the sequence with itself dropping the first element and check if it all satisfy a condition like $0 <= $1:
func isIncreasing(_ l: [Int]) -> Bool {
zip(l, l.dropFirst()).allSatisfy { $0 <= $1 }
isIncreasing([1,2]) // true
isIncreasing([0,1,1,2]) // true
isIncreasing([0,1,1,2,1]) // false
Expanding on that you can extend sequence constraining its elements to Comparable an d create a generic property like areInIncreasingOrder:
extension Sequence where Element: Comparable {
var areInIncreasingOrder: Bool {
zip(self, dropFirst()).allSatisfy { $0 <= $1 }
[1,2].areInIncreasingOrder // true
[1,2].dropFirst(2).areInIncreasingOrder // true
[0,1,1,2].areInIncreasingOrder // true
[0,1,1,2,1].areInIncreasingOrder // false


How to check if a value in a dictionary has duplicates?

The algorithm below checks to see if an array has at least two or more duplicates. It uses a dictionary to store the occurrences; the time complexity is linear because it has to traverse the dictionary to see if a key occurs twice. In swift, how can I look up a value to see if it occurs more than twice in constant time ?
func containsDuplicate(_ nums: [Int]) -> Bool {
var frequencyTable = [Int:Int]()
for num in nums {
frequencyTable[num] = (frequencyTable[num] ?? 0 ) + 1
for value in frequencyTable.values{
if value >= 2 {
return true
return false
The second loop is not necessary if the first loop checks if the current element has already been inserted before, and returns from the function in that case:
func containsDuplicate(_ nums: [Int]) -> Bool {
var frequencyTable = [Int:Int]()
for num in nums {
if frequencyTable[num] != nil {
return true
frequencyTable[num] = 1
return false
Then it becomes apparent that we don't need a dictionary, a set is sufficient:
func containsDuplicate(_ nums: [Int]) -> Bool {
var seen = Set<Int>()
for num in nums {
if seen.contains(num) {
return true
return false
This can be further simplified: The “insert and check if element was already present” operation can be done in a single call:
func containsDuplicate(_ nums: [Int]) -> Bool {
var seen = Set<Int>()
for num in nums {
if !seen.insert(num).inserted {
return true
return false
This is similar to the solution from this answer
return nums.count != Set(nums).count
but possibly more efficient: The function returns immediately when a duplicate element has been detected.
Finally we can make the function generic, so that it works with all arrays of a hashable type:
func containsDuplicate<T: Hashable>(_ array: [T]) -> Bool {
var seen = Set<T>()
for element in array {
if !seen.insert(element).inserted {
return true
return false
print(containsDuplicate([1,1,2,3,3,3,3,4])) // true
print(containsDuplicate(["A", "X"])) // false
Or as an extension for arbitrary collections of a hashable type:
extension Collection where Element: Hashable {
func containsDuplicate() -> Bool {
var seen = Set<Element>()
for element in self {
if !seen.insert(element).inserted {
return true
return false
print(["A", "X"].containsDuplicate())
You just want to know if it has duplicate, you can use use set and compare the length.
func containsDuplicate(_ nums: [Int]) -> Bool {
return Set(nums).count != nums.count
like this examples, because the set remove the duplicate values.

Return value from inner closure

Can't find a solution searching for this. Classic problem - want to find if a sum exists for any pair within an Integer array such that [1,2,3,4], 7 is true
My naive solution give the error
Unexpected non-void return value in void function
I guess because I want to return from the inner forEach closure.
func pairs (_ input: [Int], _ sum: Int ) -> Bool {
input.forEach { (number) in
let secondInput = input.filter{$0 != number}
secondInput.forEach{secondNumber in
if ((secondNumber + number) == sum) {
return true
return false
How do I return?
P.S Please ignore if you're only looking to get your naive solution working.
How about this? It takes time + space complexity into consideration.
I believe this should work well for a large set or arrays
func pairs (_ input: [Int], _ sum: Int ) -> Bool {
var firstIndex = 0
var lastIndex = input.count - 1
while firstIndex != lastIndex {
let sumCalculated = input[firstIndex] + input[lastIndex]
if sumCalculated == sum {
return true
} else if sumCalculated > sum {
lastIndex = lastIndex - 1
} else if sumCalculated < sum {
firstIndex = firstIndex + 1
return false
forEach only iterates through the given sequence, you can't return values from a forEach closure. contains is better suited for this kind of tasks:
func pairs(_ input: [Int], _ sum: Int ) -> Bool {
return input.contains { number in
let secondInput = input.filter { $0 != number }
return secondInput.contains { secondNumber in
return secondNumber + number == sum
You could also try a more functional solution, that splits the problem in multiple steps:
func pairs(_ input: [Int], _ sum: Int ) -> Bool {
return input
.flatMap { input1 in { input2 in (input1, input2) } } // build all combinations of numbers from the input array
.contains { input1, input2 in input1 != input2 && input1 + input2 == sum } // check if a pair made of two distinct numbers adds up to the sum
If you need a solution that handles any kind of inputs (e.g. only unique numbers), then the functional solution can be adapted to this:
func pairs(_ input: [Int], _ sum: Int ) -> Bool {
return input.indices
.flatMap { i1 in { i2 in (i1, i2) } }
.contains { i1, i2 in i1 != i2 && input[i1] + input[i2] == sum }

What is the Swift equivalent of C#/.NET/LINQ's Enumerable.All method?

I want a function that applies a given function to a sequence and returns true iff the given function returns true for every element of the sequence, like Enumerable.All from the C#/.NET/LINQ world.
Building up on Jon's answer: You can use contains()
instead of an (explicit) loop:
extension SequenceType {
func all(#noescape predicate: (Self.Generator.Element) throws -> Bool)
rethrows -> Bool {
return !(try contains { !(try predicate($0)) })
There isn't a built-in function to do this, but you can easily add your own as a protocol extension method:
extension SequenceType {
func all(#noescape predicate: (Self.Generator.Element) throws -> Bool)
rethrows -> Bool {
for i in self {
if !(try predicate(i)) { return false }
return true
and then use it on a sequence like:
let allPositive = [1, 2, 3].all { $0 > 0 }
Not sure if this helps, but you can achieve the same outcome using reduce. Here's a quick playground I put together to prove the concept:
let nums = [2, 2, 3, 4]
// Will only evaluate to true if all numbers are even.
let allEven = nums.reduce(true) {
if !$0 || $1 % 2 != 0 {
return false
return true

Defining `Comparable` for optional types in Swift 1.2

import SwiftyJSON
public typealias FeedItem = JSON
extension FeedItem {
var id: Int { get { return self["id"].intValue } }
public func <(lhs: FeedItem, rhs: FeedItem) -> Bool {
return <
public func ==(lhs: FeedItem, rhs: FeedItem) -> Bool {
return ==
extension FeedItem:Comparable {}
extension Optional : Comparable {}
public func < <T>(l:T?, r:T?) -> Bool {
if let a=l,b=r {
return a < b
} else if (l==nil) && (r != nil) { return true }
else { return false }
public func == <T>(l:T?, r:T?) -> Bool {
if let a=l, b=r {
return a==b
} else {
return false
First, it should read extension Optional<T where T:Comparable>: Comparable but swift 1.2 does not allow that. Anyway I can express the constraint more explicitly rather than expecting the reader to realize the fact by noticing return a < b and return a==b ?
Second (and apparently more important): the code above works when I use < and > but minElement and maxElement both return nil when a nil is present in their input no matter what and min and max fall into infinite recursion:
let items: [FeedItem?] = [ nil, .Some(JSON(["id":2])), .Some(JSON(["id":1])) ]
println(items[0]?.id) // nil
println(items[1]?.id) // Optional(2)
println(items[2]?.id) // Optional(1)
println(items[0] < items[1]) // true
println(items[1] < items[2]) // false
println(items[2] < items[1]) // true
println(minElement(items)) // nil
println(maxElement(items)) // nil
println( min(items[0],items[2]) ) // nil
println( min(items[2],items[1]) ) // crashes due to infinite recursion
I'm no debug (or swift) expert but from what I can gather in XCode I believe the
if let a=l,b=r {
return a < b
part somehow misses the point that a and b are not Optionals but FeedItems. I expect the a < b should call the < operator on FeedItem and not the one on Optional but apparently this is exactly what happens; i.e. a < b resolves to the same function it is called from (that is, the < for Optionals) and thus a recursion happens. I might be wrong though.
Insights ?

Swift: return number < 10

That's the code:
import Foundation
func hasAnyMatches(list: [Int], condition: Int -> Bool) -> Bool {
for item in list {
if condition(item) {
return true
return false
func lessThanTen(number: Int) -> Bool {
return number < 10
var numbers = [20, 19, 7, 12]
hasAnyMatches(numbers, condition: lessThanTen)
There is a return true within the if condition and a return false at the end of func hasAnyMatches(). Why is the return false needed?
Without explicitly "telling it" to return something, no function returns false "automatically". I am not writing in swift but I am sure if you take away the return false it'll throw a warning.
The lessThanTen simply returns a bool if the number is smaller than 10.
number < 10 is a statement checking if something is true or false. Hence the return type bool of lessThanTen
You can do like, for such condition.
func hasAnyMatch (list: [Int], condition: Int)-> Bool{
var x = false;
switch condition {
for a in list {
if a < 10 {
x = true
for a in list {
if a < 100 {
x = true
x = false
return x
var isLessThanTen = hasAnyMatch([14, 45, 12, 65], condition: LESS_THAN_TEN)