Running Microsoft Windows Executable on a custom Operating System - operating-system

I have been researching creating an OS from scratch. there is a lot.
Can you point me into the right direction, is it possible to run windows executable's ?
or I suppose the Microsoft kernel is close source and not possible ?


Operating System not found on VMWare Pro 2015

I attempt to install WinXP file on vmware using iso file with all settings below:
However, when running, the console tells me that Operating System not found
I also check "connect at power on", reboot the VMware but no effect. Can you tell me what the problem is and how to solve it?
Thanks in advance.
File provided by link in comment is ServicePack 2 for Windows XP - it's not media with operating system. VMware shows truth on console, because it's not operating system, but package with updates for Windows XP. Conclusion: you have to download bootable operating system media.
In addition even if you will find any bootable media you have to remember, that you must pay for license key. Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft, but it is not freeware product.

is it possible to host windows powershell on a .netcore app

i was wondering if it is possible to host Windows PowerShell on a .NetCore application assuming that i'm gonna use it on Windows OS, but couldn't find an answer for that.
anyone knows if there's a way to do that?
No it is not possible.
Windows PowerShell only runs on Windows, PowerShell Core runs on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.
You'll find more information about that in this article:

Run a program on Mac OS host from Windows running as parallels guest

On a MacBook Pro running Windows 7 in Parallels 7, I need to run a Unix Executable File on the Mac side via a command line invocation on the Windows side. In Windows Explorer, I can use Open on Mac, but I need a way to do this via a batch file or anything else that can be expressed on a command line. I was hoping that Parallels Tools might have a command that can do this, but I can't find anything.
This seems like it should be pretty straightforward, but my searches have turned up nothing.
I also tried creating an alias on the Mac side, which I added to my Applications folder. I was hoping that it would appear in Start > All Programs > Parallels Shared Applications, which might allow me to access it with a batch file. However, I don't see it. I'm not sure what it takes to add new entries to Parallels Shared Applications. Maybe a reboot would do it, but I have not tried that yet.
Thanks for any advice.
It seems like the Platypus app might be able to help with this. It wraps a shell script into a Mac App. Unfortunately I can't get Parallels to provide access to the Platypus generated app the same way it provides access to the other Mac apps.

How can you access the TargetPlatform property in a Launch Condition?

I'm trying to access the TargetPlatform property value (which you can set in a Deployment project) from the condition within a "Launch Condition".
Basically I'm trying to tell the application not to install itself as a 32bit app if a 64bit version of Office is installed on that computer. Therefore I need to somehow get the application's bitness and put it in a launch condition.
I can get the bitness of Office from the registry, but I don't know how to access the TargetPlatform from the installer.
Here are two link:
From the above link you can deduce that you can't target both platforms from a MSI installer. You will need to have two installers. Depending on how the installer is built, x86 or x64, will depend the way the installer interprets some constants that tell where to isntall the files - Program Files, or Program Files (x86).
You can't change the TargetPlatform of the installer at runtime.
What you can do maybe is to have two installers packed into a third one and based on the Office version installed that you say you can obtain run either sub-installer x86 or sub-installer x64, that will actually install the application files.
If MSI installer is not the outmost requirement I would go for NSIS. If not at least package the to MSI installers into an NSIS one. It is incredibly easy. NSIS is way cooler than MSI, talking from experience.
I've read this question a few times now and I'm not 100% certain I understand what you are trying to do. Do you have a 32bit application and you only want to install if they have 32bit Office (2010 I assume) installed? Do you also have a 64bit version that you want to install if 64bit office is installed?
I'm not sure why you need to care about the TargetPlatform property because if you know that 64bit Office is installed you must by definition be a 64bit OS. If 32bit Office is installed you could possibly be a 64bit OS but does it really matter? You said you cared about the bitness of Office not Windows.
I would think, from what I've read, that if you have an AppSearch that pulls the bitness into a property that you could just use a LaunchCondition that uses that property along with "or Installed" ( to handle being able to uninstall your application if Office was uninstalled first ) and be just fine.
Add a custom action before the installation starts to perform the check. Use an Installer class to perform the custom action. You could use the OnBeforeInstall event to read the registry key and check the bitness as appropriate. Throwing an exception will cause the installation to abort, but there may be a cleaner way to do this.

How do i create a VM Ware Image of an AIX LPAR?

I want to clone a AIX LPAR and was wondering if the physical machine could be converted into a VM Image?
I have used the VMWare Converter to create a VM Image of a physical windows box and the documentation states that you can do that for Linux Boxes too.
I don't see information on AIX or the other UNIXes.
If creating an VM Image of an existing physical AIX box is not feasible is there any easy way to clone the AIX image to another AIX machine.
The primary intent is to avoid re-creating the setup that is already performed for the current AIX box and we want a duplicate environment with the same setup.
VMware supports x86 (and x86_64) architectures for host and guest only. IBM AIX runs on the Power architecture, and VMWare does not do architecture emulation, so what you want does not exist.
If you want to back up/clone your AIX instance to another machine, look for information regarding mksysb and AIX Sysback.
You might want to take a look at the following, but there are no guarantees, and I'm fairly certain running AIX on anything but a Power architecture is still not a reality at this time:
Based on further reading, i understand that VMWare does not support AIX. The guest OS can primarily be Windows, various distros of LINUX and Mac-OSX. I also see Solaris as a supported guest OS, but i don't see AIX. So i don't think this is possible.
I would have to look at the Virtualization features supported from IBM for this activity.