Centos Linux to Oracle Linux Conversion - centos

enter image description here
centos version 8
Here in the above image, trying centos Linux to Oracle Linux.
while I'm executing the command "sudo bash centos2ol.sh"
getting a message "You appear to be running an unsupported distribution" and terminating the execution. as it is in the image.
Now, how to execute the centos2ol.sh file ???

My guess is you are running Centos Stream, which the centos2ol.sh script does not support, per the README. You can verify this in the file


Can't find postgresql client installed using yum on cent os 7 running in docker

I have a CentOS image running in Docker. I don't have root access to this image. The only thing I can control is the dockerfile.
Anyway, I have the yum command to install postgresql in my dockerfile. From the output I can see that the yum command is succeeding.
Now when I ssh into the host, and type "psql", the console outputs with cmd not found. Most likely due to path not being set. But since I don't have root access, my hands are tied. I tried to use locate command but then again CentOS doesn't seem to have that command by default.
My question is two folds:
How do I locate postgresql client on a CentOS docker image that I don't have root access to? I tried the expected default paths like /usr/lib or /etc/ but no luck.
Is there anything I can print/echo on my dockerfile that could help me get the location of postgresql client?

Error while building vlc-unity with Docker-Compose on Win 10

My Machine:
WIN 10 PRO x64 (DUal XEOn with 40 cores, 64G RAM)
Installed 64 bit versions of GitHub desktop and Docker Compose.
Successfully checked out https://github.com/videolan/vlc-unity.git
in a Windows ADMIN command Prompt, after CD-ing into the local directory with vlc-unity repo when I try to run:
docker-compose -f .gitlab-ci.yml up
I get the following error: ERROR: In file '..gitlab-ci.yml', services 'stages' must be a mapping not an array.
I have verified that the indentation is correct in gitlab-ci.yml file, any other suggestions ?
After comments below did the following (EDIT: 16 Sep 2020):
I installed Ubuntu 20 on a VM Ware Workstation for Win.
checked out VLC repo under "BuildingVLC/vlc",
cd into "/BuildingVLC/vlc/extras/ci" and then ran
"gitlab-runner exec docker uwp64-libvlc-llvm"
throws an error:
Runtime platform arch=amd64 os=linux pid=11242 revision=fd488787 version=13.4.0-rc1
FATAL: open .gitlab-ci.yml: no such file or directory
What am I still missing ?

./worldserver and ./authserver not working. Command not found

OS: Debian 9
all requirements installed successfully
When I run the world server or auth server it just gives me command not found for each line. error code

How can I confirm that Postgres had been installed properly for Heroku use?

I am using Heroku and thus the Postgres is needed to be properly installed.
I used the Windows Installer "postgresql-10.1-3-windows-x64.exe" for my installation, and there was not special interruption during the installation.
However, after I deployed a Heroku app on web, and try to run ">pipenv --three" in my cmd windows, there's a message of ' "command" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.', which make me not sure whether Postgres is properly installed.
I also tried to run the command "heroku pg:psql", and the result is as below:-
heroku pg:psql
Is that really because the Postgres is not properly installed, and how can I get it fixed? Thank you in advance for the help!
Windows 10 Home - 64-bit
Postgre Installer: postgresql-10.1-3-windows-x64.exe
Heroku: heroku-cli/6.15.18-fd2097 (win32-x64) node-v9.3.0
I finally got it solved, by adding the following into the $PATH.
It's not the matter of the installation.

Set up Postgresql-93 on Centos 7

I followed this Almost idiot's guide to install postgresql and postgis on Centos 7 and got stuck starting the database itself with the following command:
[root#localhost cmaps]# service postgresql-9.3 initdb
The service command supports only basic LSB actions (start, stop, restart, try-restart, reload, force-reload, status). For other actions, please try to use systemctl.
If I install the postgresql package from Centos repository (version 9.2) the command works, but then I they don't have postgis, and there is no official posgresql-92 repository for Centos 7.
Any idea on what's happening?
Thank you!
I had the same problem and solve it by changing the path
/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/postgresql93-setup initdb
Note that the path is different
CentOS 7 is based on systemd. PostgreSQL packages use a different command for initdb there:
/usr/lib/pgsql-9.3/bin/postgresql93-setup initdb
On older versions, call the initscript directly.
/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3 initdb
For Centos 7.3 installed on MS Azure platform the script is located at
/usr/bin/postgresql-setup initdb
the version number is absent from the name of these as well:
db data & config location: /var/lib/pgsql/data/
service name /sbin/service postgresql status or systemctl status postgresql.service