Unable to establish SSL connection DNS 320 - server

I am trying to install a webserver using wget on a DNS 320 NAS but I keep having this problem
"OpenSSL: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version
Unable to establish SSL connection."
I kind of understood that I have either have wbget or OpenSSL outdated but I don't know how to update them since i cannot use wget and I don't have the perms with filezilla to upload directly inside the directory "Z:\ffp\funpkg\installed"
wget version --2022-10-31 23:21:59--
openssl versionOpenSSL 0.9.7d 17 Mar 2004
I tryed installing using ssl commands with wget --no-check-certificate http://openssl.org/source/
Sliding the dir via filezilla and using the Z:dir in my file explorer
none worked


Is it possible to use vscode server for remote wsl in an offline installation? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Using "Remote SSH" in VSCode on a target machine that only allows inbound SSH connections
(5 answers)
Closed last year.
I am trying to install VScode remote-ssh extensions, but my remote host could not connect to the Internet,so there is no way to download software is needed.
So I got some error message like that:
SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+kf"
SSH Resolver called for host: kf
Setting up SSH remote "kf"
Using commit id "daf71423252a707b8e396e8afa8102b717f8213b" and quality "insider" for server
Install and start server if needed
> bash: no job control in this shell
> Installing...
> Downloading with wget
> ERROR: certificate common name “*.azurewebsites.net” doesn’t match requested host name “update.code.visualstudio.com”. To connect to update.code.visualstudio.com insecurely, use ‘--no-check-certificate’.
> 2b948abc-b874-4ef5-875a-a29370a5f844##25##
"install" terminal command done
Received install output: 2b948abc-b874-4ef5-875a-a29370a5f844##25##
Server download failed
Downloading VS Code Server failed. Please try again later.
How could I fix this problem ?
First get commit id
Download vscode server from url: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/commit:${commit_id}/server-linux-x64/stable
Upload the vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz to server
Unzip the downloaded vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz to ~/.vscode-server/bin/${commit_id} without vscode-server-linux-x64 dir
Create 0 file under ~/.vscode-server/bin/${commit_id}
# Download url is: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/commit:${commit_id}/server-linux-x64/stable
curl -sSL "https://update.code.visualstudio.com/commit:${commit_id}/server-linux-x64/stable" -o vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/.vscode-server/bin/${commit_id}
# assume that you upload vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz to /tmp dir
tar zxvf /tmp/vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz -C ~/.vscode-server/bin/${commit_id} --strip 1
touch ~/.vscode-server/bin/${commit_id}/0
- or -
See this Gist download-vs-code-server for a more complete shell script that will also get the latest released commit SHA (from GitHub) so you do not need to supply it yourself.
[edited to add helpful comment in case comments disappear later:]
You can replace commit:<commit> with latest to get the latest release build. Example: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/latest/server-linux-x64/stable. Respects indicated quality i.e, stable, insider. – Doom5

Can not install semanage tool on RedHat virtual machine

I'm trying to change the MongoDB default port on my AWS Virtual Machine but semanage is not found on the server
semanage port -a -t mongod_port_t -p tcp 27042
-bash: semanage: command not found
Trying to find the package that provides semanage fails.
dnf whatprovides semanage
Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'rhui-client-config-server-8':
Curl error (58): Problem with the local SSL certificate for https://rhui3.eu-west-3.aws.ce.redhat.com/pulp/mirror/protected/rhui-client-config/rhel/server/8/x86_64/os [could not load PEM client certificate, OpenSSL error error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission denied, (no key found, wrong pass phrase, or wrong file format?)]
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'rhui-client-config-server-8': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: Curl error (58): Problem with the local SSL certificate for https://rhui3.eu-west-3.aws.ce.redhat.com/pulp/mirror/protected/rhui-client-config/rhel/server/8/x86_64/os [could not load PEM client certificate, OpenSSL error error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission denied, (no key found, wrong pass phrase, or wrong file format?)]
dnf update works and the system is up-to-date
Last metadata expiration check: 0:42:00 ago on Tue 21 Jul 2020 10:11:35 AM UTC.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
Additional informations :
cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.2 (Ootpa)
dnf repolist
repo id / repo name
mongodb-org-4.2 / MongoDB Repository
rhel-8-appstream-rhui-rpms / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream from RHUI (RPMs)
rhel-8-baseos-rhui-rpms / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - BaseOS from RHUI (RPMs)
rhui-client-config-server-8 / Red Hat Update Infrastructure 3 Client Configuration Server 8
Could you help me to install semanage please ? Thanks.
1.dnf install policycoreutils-python-utils
2. dnf provides semanage (This displays the same result as above-the path)
3. yum provides /usr/sbin/semanage
4. yum install policycoreutils-python
I fixed my issue using this.
You can also refer this link:

How do I use SFTP without SSH?

I want a fast and flexible file server but I don't need encryption or authentication. How can I use SFTP for this on Linux systems?
SFTP happens to be used by SSH servers but it's a well-developed protocol that works well on its own. The sftp-server developed by OpenSSH has no dependency on an SSH server; sftp-server uses standard input/output. (Other SFTP servers are similar.)
It is trivial to share a filesystem via SFTP, similar to what you might do with NFS but without the need for root access. I'll use socat as the daemon for this ad-hoc example, but xinetd would make a more permanent solution. The location of sftp-server is from my Ubuntu installation of the openssh-sftp-server package.
On the server:
$ mkdir shared_to_the_world
$ cd shared_to_the_world
$ socat tcp-listen:1234,reuseaddr,fork exec:/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
On the client:
$ mkdir /tmp/sftp_test
$ sshfs -o reconnect,ssh_command="nc my_sftp_server_address 1234 --" : /tmp/sftp_test
$ cd /tmp/sftp_test
Now your client (and anyone else's!) can seamlessly work with the files in the shared directory on the server. Both read and write are enabled, so be careful.
Consider using socat listen's "bind" and "range" options to limit the access to your server.
You can’t use SFTP without SSH. Take a look at : https://www.ssh.com/ssh/sftp/ (emphasis mine) :
“ SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a secure file transfer protocol. It runs over the SSH protocol.. It supports the full security and authentication functionality of SSH.
SFTP port number is the SSH port 22 ... It is basically just an SSH server. Only once the user has logged in to the server using SSH can the SFTP protocol be initiated. There is no separate SFTP port exposed on servers. “

Error 422 after installing gitlab on centos 7

I got into trouble after installing Gitlab on CentOs7. For the first time I was redirected to the admin password creation page and after the password for the admin user, the server sent error.
The change you requested was rejected.
I had set the url value based on the site guide.
Set the external_url in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb:
external_url "https://example.com/gitlab"
I checked the links below for similar situations. I didn't find the right answer. My server was in the local area and had no internet access.
Error 422 after installing gitlab on Ubuntu 18.04
After Update Error: "422 The change you requested was rejected."
Error 422 after installing Gitlab on Ubuntu 16.04
I made a mistake when installing Gitlab. In the /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file I put the local gitlab address with https but due to the local server setup there was no "let's encrypt" service and I did not intend to access the site via ssl. I modified the address in the file and turne "https" to "http". After modifying the following commands, the problem was fixed.
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
sudo gitlab-ctl restart

How can I install vscode-server in linux offline [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Using "Remote SSH" in VSCode on a target machine that only allows inbound SSH connections
(5 answers)
Closed last year.
I am trying to install VScode remote-ssh extensions, but my remote host could not connect to the Internet,so there is no way to download software is needed.
So I got some error message like that:
SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+kf"
SSH Resolver called for host: kf
Setting up SSH remote "kf"
Using commit id "daf71423252a707b8e396e8afa8102b717f8213b" and quality "insider" for server
Install and start server if needed
> bash: no job control in this shell
> Installing...
> Downloading with wget
> ERROR: certificate common name “*.azurewebsites.net” doesn’t match requested host name “update.code.visualstudio.com”. To connect to update.code.visualstudio.com insecurely, use ‘--no-check-certificate’.
> 2b948abc-b874-4ef5-875a-a29370a5f844##25##
"install" terminal command done
Received install output: 2b948abc-b874-4ef5-875a-a29370a5f844##25##
Server download failed
Downloading VS Code Server failed. Please try again later.
How could I fix this problem ?
First get commit id
Download vscode server from url: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/commit:${commit_id}/server-linux-x64/stable
Upload the vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz to server
Unzip the downloaded vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz to ~/.vscode-server/bin/${commit_id} without vscode-server-linux-x64 dir
Create 0 file under ~/.vscode-server/bin/${commit_id}
# Download url is: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/commit:${commit_id}/server-linux-x64/stable
curl -sSL "https://update.code.visualstudio.com/commit:${commit_id}/server-linux-x64/stable" -o vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/.vscode-server/bin/${commit_id}
# assume that you upload vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz to /tmp dir
tar zxvf /tmp/vscode-server-linux-x64.tar.gz -C ~/.vscode-server/bin/${commit_id} --strip 1
touch ~/.vscode-server/bin/${commit_id}/0
- or -
See this Gist download-vs-code-server for a more complete shell script that will also get the latest released commit SHA (from GitHub) so you do not need to supply it yourself.
[edited to add helpful comment in case comments disappear later:]
You can replace commit:<commit> with latest to get the latest release build. Example: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/latest/server-linux-x64/stable. Respects indicated quality i.e, stable, insider. – Doom5