Can I insert a react component to tinymce editor - tinymce

Can I insert a react component to tinymce editor?
I need to custom a toolbar and after user click it, I need to insert a react component to tinymce editor, can I implement it?
Can I insert a react component to tinymce editor?
I need to custom a toolbar and after user click it, I need to insert a react component to tinymce editor, can I implement it?


How can I best add an interactive button or sidebar to tinymce?

I want to add a UI element like this to my wysiwyg.
The UI doesn't need to be exactly like this.
What are my options in TinyMCE 6?
A custom button? A sidebar?

show image-button inside a GXT text field

is there a way to implement this kind of component with GXT API?
the image needs to be inside the text field. it must react to mouse clicks and must have its own tooltip.

Tinymce adding text with button

I'm trying to implement a button outside of the TinyMce editor, that would add text to the active editor upon clicking.
How can I do this?
(For example: There's a button on my website that should add "Test" into the editor, but it doesn't).
Thanks for help :)
Add this code to the onClick of your button:
// the editor id is the same id of your textarea, default "content" in case your textarea does not have an id
tinymce.get('your_editor_id').execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, "Test");
In case you have one single editor on your page you may also use tinymce.activeEditor instead of tinymce.get('your_editor_id').

TinyMCE View Image

I have a website that you can insert an image onto. I use tinymce for the editor and the insert image function works great.
However I can't find a way for the user to be able to click on the image and see a full size version of it.
I'd like it to popup in a dialog on the page and not open in another window.
Is this a function that is available within tinymce or is it something I need to code in?
This is a function that is avaiable. You can use tinymce popups. Be aware that you need to add inlinepopups to the plugins and 'dialog_type: "modal",' to your tinymce init.
As example of how to use a tinymce popup you might want to have a look at the searchreplace plugin code in the plugins directory which uses a tinymce popup.

Adding CKEditor through javascript onclick event adds a CKEditor to the DOM but does not allow me to enter text into it. Why?

I'm adding a ckeditor to my form using the onclick functionality - i.e., when the user clicks a button, the ckeditor is added to the form.
I'm echoing out the html generated when a ckeditor is added to a page through the javascript function.
The ckeditor is added, but the text area cannot be modified.
is it because i'm adding the html to generate the ckeditor as :
ckeditor.innerHTML = '......';
is there another way to add a ckeditor to my form using the javascript onclick (like: onclick="addCKEditor();")
using CKEDITOR.replace('id) after adding the textarea to the DOM - within the javascript function, got the job done.