Set custom breakpoints in long String during dynamic resize - flutter

I have a string of text that dynamically resizes. At its core its basically a Text widget in a SizedBox in a Column.
When it resizes, the words wrap to the next as you typically breaks to the next line by using the 'SPACES' between words (as opposed to breaking up words character by character).
However, an email address can be a very long string without spaces. When it no longer fits within the bounds of the box it begins to resize itself by breaking on individual characters and moving into the next line.
It's a minor issue, but not visually appealing.
How might one create breakpoints within the String to resize itself by wrapping to the next line based on custom characters? For example, in an email address I'd prefer it break on the '#' and/or '.' before resorting to breaking up the String on individual characters.


WKInterfaceLabel ignoring \n indicators

I'm getting text from the MediaWiki API, and it includes getting \n text which indicates a new line. When I set the API results as the text of a WKInterfaceLabel, the \n's disappears, but no new line is created.
Any way to fix it?
Example. From this term:
[...] forms.\n\n==Use in writing systems==\n\n===English===\nIn Modern English [[English orthography|spelling]], {{angbr|i}} represents several different sounds, either the diphthong {{IPAc-en|aɪ}} ("long" {{angbr|i}}) as in ''kite'', the short [...]
It's meant to remove the \n's and replace it with new lines. What's added to the label is this text minus the \n's, but no new lines.

How to set width of text marks in vega-lite / altair (text wrapping and line break) for long text

I am trying to display text over time using altair (vega-lite), which works fine using a layered chart, where one is created using the alt.Chart().mark_text() function to display the text.
The text though is multiple phrases and should be wrapped (with line breaks). How can this be done?
(I do not want to use fixed line breaks, e.g. \n, at distinct positions since the text wrapping should work with zooming too)
Not exactly what you want, but you can specify a character on which to break to a new line. When zooming, the text stays the same size, so it should always fit the view.
For example making a new line for every word:
.mark_text(lineBreak=' ')

New line on UILabel messes with the word wrapping [duplicate]

Under certain circumstances, UILabel seems to bring an extra word to new line even when there is enough space for it, for example,
If one more word is appended,
Even if I force the width of the label to become something like below, it still moves the word consists of "c"s to the next line,
I've tried twisting the configuration of the UILabel, but seems it behaves the same unless I set the line breaking mode to character wrap, below is the configuration for the above cases,
And the constraints (in the first two cases, the trailing ),
Is there any reason for this particular behaviour and can I fix this? It looks weird in this way leaving that space emptied.
this is the default behavior since iOS 11, to fix orphaned words. No way to shut it off
to fix it
use the text as attributed text
use UItextview and turn of the scroll, edit option
use the custom label here
Get each line of text in a UILabel
You should set the line break to character wrap, because the letters after the space will be recognized as a word.
Hey I know this is late but I just figured out that you can cheat the system by adding a bunch of spaces at the end of the text.
If text of UILable may be changed, then it's still possible to use quick-dirty hack with "\n" - new line symbol.
Text "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbb cccccccccc\ndddddd" will force UILabel to display:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbb cccccccccc
In Interface Builder new line can be inputted with Ctrl + Enter
If u use wordWrap, it tries to keep words in full form, as a result of this, it goes to next line. If you use character wrap, it will break on characters, and push the chars onto next line.
For Example:-
My name is ABCXXXX and I (have space here)
love myself.
Use NSMutableAttributedText and write love\n. It will make the "love" be in the space myself in the next line.

Hide certain characters in a text field in Flutter

I have a text field which I need to style for example with bold or italics parts.
I tried overridding the TextEditingController's buildTextSpan and formatting the text using annotation ranges with custom styles but the edge cases were too much and I really couldn't get it to work.
So, thought about using a formatter where before every change in format I'll add a custom character, like this:
This text is |bBOLD and this is |iITALICS. Would get me this:
This text is BOLD and this is ITALICS. So I override the buildTextSpan to build the TextSpan from a parse function where I split the text by the special characters and check the initial letter of each text for formatting info.
This works well except for the fact that when I press the right arrow to go the next character after the "This text is ", the cursor will stay fixed as it thinks there are two characters but being only for formatting, they aren't there on the render.
Is there any way I could tell the textfield to ignore certain characters when selecting, moving selection or typing?
I think this would work!
static const kCharToBEIgnored = 0x2C;
// Here 0x2C means ',' comma
// For complete list visit
String get text {
return String.fromCharCodes(
_value.text.codeUnits.where((ch) => ch != kCharToBEIgnored),

Microsoft Word: is anchor character or not?

I am trying to simulate Word's displaying of non-printing characters. There is no problem with all of them but anchors and I didn't found any info related to them. Is anchor special character placed in text or is it parameter of floating object and just displayed as special character?
Thank you for answer
The anchor, unlike most non-printing characters, can never print. It's merely a visual aid to inform the user with which paragraph or character a graphic with text flow formatting is associated. It's not possible to detect an anchor directly in the document text using Word's API (object model). It's bound to the graphic and would require analyzing the properties of the Shape object.
It could be determined by analyzing the document's WordOpenXML, although the term "anchor" is not used. The information could be deduced from the location and settings of the nodes that define where and how the graphic appears.
Is anchor special character placed in text or is it parameter of floating object and just displayed as special character?
I'm going to try to answer the "is it in text" question.
If, while debugging, you try to get a textual character for an anchor from a range's text, it won't be there. There won't even be a 0-width non-visible character there, like when you move a text cursor to the right past a non-printable character, but it doesn't actually move because there's something there (this may be editor-dependent, I have Notepad++ in mind).
So no, it's not in text.
But, at the same time, it will interfere with searches. E.g. If you put the word "text" on a line, put a text box on that line to create an anchor, and then search for "^13text" (with wildcards enabled, ^13 means the end-of-paragraph mark), it won't find it.
So yes, it must be in text because it interferes with searches.
So this might be a contradiction, but let's keep going. If it's in text, where is it? If you place the text cursor on the previous line, hold shift, and move it once to the right, the text box will be highlighted.
So it must be at the start.
But, there is also evidence that contradicts this. If you have a field at the start of the line with text on it, you can move it once to the right as before, and then once to the left, and though you have part of the line highlighted, the text box won't be part of the selection.
So, I really have no idea whether it's text or not, or where it is if so, but hopefully this helps someone else.