I created the calculated fields in tableau as seen on the excel table. how do i display them in tableau? Each of these fields have their own filters. Please help.
I need tableau to display each of the calculated fields as shown in excelas a table in dashboard. The total Cp, Cp 51+ and the rest, but the issue is that each of these calculated fields have their own filters.
I am trying to convert some measures that I have into dates for making a line chart. This is the data I have.
I am trying to make a line chart out of this data. But I cannot put it under a date since there are no dates in the dimensions. Any help would be appreciated.
You will need to some how reshape this data to create a single date field. You can do that out of Tableau or perhaps use Tableau prep. Your underlying data source is likely to drive that decision, you don't mention anything about that in your question.
Edit from comments:
Connect to the spreadsheet in Tableau. In the Data Source window, where it shows you all of the data in a table, select the 4 fields starting with Tuition and Fees. Then click on the drop down and Pivot those fields.
That will create 2 new fields, Pivot Field Names and Pivot Field Values.
In your workbook create 2 new calculated fields:
[FeeYear]: LEFT(RIGHT([Pivot Field Names],7),4)
[FeeDate]: MAKEDATE(INT([FeeYear]),1,1)
You can use FeeDate as the x axis of your line chart. Pivot Field Values is the measure to use in your line chart.
I have made this tableau Worksheet. All columns are derived using calculated field. Based on resource I am calculating all attributes.
Please help me to add all values column wise in same worksheet .
I tried using "total" available in analytics pane but its not working in this case .
Thanks and Regards
The way this is set up, which each column being a calculated field, to sum them also requires a calculated field.
Adding Totals to the table won't work in this case, as you have discovered.
As a data analyst, I would like to see the report in a pivot table automatically for the current month, so that I can take a look at it and don't have to change the date filter manually.
This is the formula to show the first day of the current month. (Which is the criteria I need, first of the current month)
It works when I put this formula in any cell.
But when I put it in the pivot "filter by condition" option it doesn't work.
This is what I tried.
Text is exactly =EOMONTH(today(),-1)+1 (In formula box)
The date is exactly =EOMONTH(today(),-1)+1 (In formula box)
Here a screenshot of the options
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I've never had great luck with the pivot table filter criteria in Sheets, I typically filter the data first if it's more advanced or use aggregating functions. In the Sheets pivot tables are better for quick analysis than dashboards.
There's probably a few ways to do it, but one of the easier ways would be to duplicate the data tab, clear the data and use a filter function to retrieve data. Update the Pivot table data source to the new tab. This will always only be the current month's data.
Basically you filter the data before the pivot table, with the [filter function][1].
=Filter(data , [date col]>=EOMONTH(today(),-1)+1 , [date col]< date(year(today()), month(today())+1,1)
You can also add a month column to the data and then filter on that column, however each month you would need to update the month filter in the pivot table.
=date(year([date cell]),Month([date cell]),1)
If you're using it for a 'dashboard' of sorts, I would generally recommend to create it yourself with aggregating formulas (sumifs, countifs, ect) and then you can use the more complex filters.
try custom formula:
where A2 is first cell of column containing valid dates
You can try to Filter by a Custom Formula:
Where DatePurchase is the Field Name.
I'm using 2 data sources connected by 'product' field: one source contains category information, other - net sales data. Result is shown attached:
Example is shown in Excel but it's the same in Tableau.
The problem is that I don't need Product column and I just want to see a pivot table like in attached picture.
Is it possible in Tableau?
Recreate the subcategory so you can join on that. On your data source that has both, place product on rows then place subcategory. Copy that crosstab to excel. Use this WHEN THEN Builder found here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/60455118/WHEN%20THEN%20builder.xlsx to quickly make the components of a CASE statement formula. Then join the data sources on subcategory. .
I have a report in Cognos 10.1.1 that is pulling Profit, Pounds, and Profit/Lbs. Each query has a field 'Measure Unit' that is labeled as 'Spread $', 'Spread Lbs' or 'Spread $/Lb'. It joins these three queries via a union and then loads them into a Crosstab list. The individual queries work correctly, and when dumped into a List Report are fine, but for some reason when in the crosstab report, the calculated profit/lbs column is always wrong. How can I get the calculated column to total correctly in the crosstab?
Three queries pull seperate Measure Units and measures for Profit, Lbs and Profit/Lbs.
The calculation for Profit.
The Calcuation for Profit/Lbs
Properties for the measure fields.
What the report looks like. Middle column should equal Spread $ / Spread Lbs, but does not when in crosstab.
Try to customize Solve Order for your calculations.
Default behavior is Total(Value1/Value2). You need to archive Total(Value1)/Total(Value2)
(Don't change your formulas, just set Solve Order for calculations)