I am trying to write scala code in vscode, but defualt behaviour of metals plugin is case-sensitive code completion, any method to change it into case-insensitive?
I have read this docs but don't find useful info.
I have the latest Visual Studio Code.
I have installed the latest SuiteCloud Extension for VS Code.
There is no intellisense.
I have also installed the SuiteNippets extension -- which is ok--but not full intellisense.
I am baffled as to why this is missing. Do I need to import/reference something from NetSuite--despite using their extension already?
How do I enable intellisense in VS Code for SuiteScript?
See my previous answer to a similar question. It's possible to use the Head-in-the-Cloud bundle to create javascript transpiled from TypeScript files. The code completion is good and you have the added benefit of type checking.
I'm trying to learn Rust and installed the Rust extension for VSCode.
But I'm not seeing auto-completions for any syntax.
I'd like to call .trim() on String but I get no completion for it. I read that the completion for Rust isn't great, but the Language Server should be able to recommend methods that can be called on a struct?
I also saw a tutorial where the tutor had autocompletion in VSCode but I don't know what extension he was using.
I also tried it in WSL and thought that WSL was the problem, but after also installing Gigabytes of Visual Studio Build Tools it turns out it's also not working natively on Windows.
For me solution was to use Rust Analyzer extension https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=matklad.rust-analyzer
instead of https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=rust-lang.rust
As mentioned in dustypomerleau/rust-syntax issue 4, since Nov. 2020, the grammar is merged into Rust Analyzer, and RA's grammar overrides others when it starts.
The completion should improve, and the microsoft/vscode issue 64488 "Need a better grammar support for Rust lang" just got closed (Dec. 2020) as a result.
The title says it all, I want to install scala metals LSP in spacemacs, I did try the official metals/spacemacs tutorials without success:
Did anyone manage to get scala-metals to work in spacemacs?
I'd like to watch vscode builtin terminal output or at least be able to read whole output. This output will be searched against some pattern.
I looked at this question, but mentioned method
appears to be not available at current api.
How to read terminal output from vscode extension?
It cannot do in stable version of VSCode. Try window.onDidWriteTerminalData API only in Insider version.
For your information, there are several options, not official supported by VSCode.
Use node-pty to create and manage the process and then hook it up using ExtensionTerminalOptions.
Create a process/script that wraps the terminal shell.
I started to use vscode for python development. And I really like it, does anyone know how to extend VScode so I can write scala in it as well ?
At the bare minimum I need to get syntax highlighting working.
Scala works well in VS Code 2019.
There's official syntax highlighting, and a Language Server called Metals (which replaces Ensime which is mentioned in other answers).
There is one here:
You can add it by reading the readme there which is:
Run VSCode
code --enableExtensionGallery
Press F1 then input:
for scala installation
ext install scala
for sbt installation
ext install sbt
for snippets installation
ext install scalasnippets
If your NOT using Intellij or Eclipse and want to stick to VSCode, then I highly recommend Ensime & Ensime plugin below:
Also check out, www.ensime.org
It's a bit more involved to setup ensime env but still worth it.
Discussion of two is below here:
However, Intellij has improved a lot. So, the beauty contest is a matter of judgement call.
I have been switch back & forth between many variations (Emacs, Intellij, neovim, VSCode). It's a complicated language. So, I need all the help I can get!
If you dig into the applications path it looks to me to be extensible in .js, take a look at the javascript and typescript folders for example(though I haven't tried it yet)
Visual Studio Code does not have a language extensible story yet, but it could be coming soon.
scala has official vs code scala extension