Is it possible to query the diff between two Apache Iceberg snapshots? - iceberg

I have two snapshots in my Iceberg history table, and I want to be able to see the difference between them, or at least with columns/ rows that have been affected on the last snapshot. Is there an easy way of getting this information?

You can use the java api to get the incremental change log between two snapshot id in a table.
It will get the full change log.
If you just want to query incremental data, an easier way is to use spark or flink:
.option("start-snapshot-id", "10963874102873")
.option("end-snapshot-id", "63874143573109")
Currently gets only the data from append operation. Cannot support replace, overwrite, delete operations.
Enjoy yourself.


How to actually delete files in Iceberg

I know that in Apache Iceberg I can set limits on number and age of snapshots, and that "deleting" data from the table does not result in underlying data removal, it simply masks or deletes tracking information.
I would like to actually delete the underlying files on delete, however. I know this will make time-travel inconsistent, but it is still a business requirement.
As best as I can tell, I'll have to track and manage the physical life-cycle every file independently. Am I missing something?
If you don't care about table history (or time travel) you can simply call the expire_snapshots procedure after each delete.
What you get is a common question for many iceberg users.
We often need an asynchronous task to delete and expire snapshots\data.
If you use spark, you can use, as shay saied.
you can also do this using the java api provided by iceberg
Starting a task for each table is difficult to manage. Tables often have different TTL. In this case, You can add custom configurations to a table. Manually scan all iceberg tables, then determines whether to delete expired snapshots and data based on these configurations.
If you are using Iceberg with Hive (4.0.0-alpha2 + version), you can try expire_snapshot command on beeline.
ALTER TABLE test_table EXECUTE expire_snapshots('2021-12-09 05:39:18.689000000');
Can read:
Hive Jira adding support:

Kafka Connect and Custom Queries

I'm interested in using the Kafka Source JDBC connector to perform to a publish to Kafka, for when an Invoice gets created. On the source end, it's broken up into 2 tables Invoice, and InvoiceLine.
Is this possible, using custom queries. What would the query look like?
Also since its polling, what gets published could contain one or more invoices in a topic?
Yes, you can use custom queries. From the docs:
Custom Query: The source connector supports using custom queries instead of copying whole tables. With a custom query, one of the other update automatic update modes can be used as long as the necessary WHERE clause can be correctly appended to the query. Alternatively, the specified query may handle filtering to new updates itself; however, note that no offset tracking will be performed (unlike the automatic modes where incrementing and/or timestamp column values are recorded for each record), so the query must track offsets itself.

Saving JDBC db data as shared state Spark

I have an MSSQL table as a data source and I would like to save some kind of the processing offset in the form of the timestamp (it is one of the table's columns). So it would be possible to process the data from the latest offset. I would like to save as some kind of shared state between Spark sessions. I have researched shared state in Spark session, however, I did not find the way to store this offset in the shared state. So is it possible to use existing Spark constructs to perform this task?
As far as I know there is no official built-in feature supporting passing data between sessions in Spark. As alternative I would consider the following options/suggestions:
First the offset column must be an indexed field in MSSQL in order to be able to query it fast.
If there is already an in-memory (i.e Redis, Apache Ignite) system installed and used by your project I would store there the offset.
I wouldn't use a message queue system such as Kafka because once you consume one message you will need to resend it therefore that would't make sense.
As solution I would prefer to save it in the filesystem or in Hive even if it would add extra overhead since you will have only one value in that table. In the case of the filesystem of course the performance would be much better.
Let me know if further information is needed

DB2 updated rows since last check

I want to periodically export data from db2 and load it in another database for analysis.
In order to do this, I would need to know which rows have been inserted/updated since the last time I've exported things from a given table.
A simple solution would probably be to add a timestamp to every table and use that as a reference, but I don't have such a TS at the moment, and I would like to avoid adding it if possible.
Is there any other solution for finding the rows which have been added/updated after a given time (or something else that would solve my issue)?
There is an easy option for a timestamp in Db2 (for LUW) called
This is managed by Db2 and could be defined as HIDDEN so existing SELECT * FROM queries will not retrieve the new row which would cause extra costs.
Check out the Db2 CREATE TABLE documentation
This functionality was originally added for optimistic locking but can be used for such situations as well.
There is a similar concept for Db2 z/OS - you have to check that out as I have not tried this one.
Of cause there are other ways to solve it like Replication etc.
That is not possible if you do not have a timestamp column. With a timestamp, you can know which are new or modified rows.
You can also use the TimeTravel feature, in order to get the new values, but that implies a timestamp column.
Another option, is to put the tables in append mode, and then get the rows after a given one. However, this option is not sure after a reorg, and affects the performance and space utilisation.
One possible option is to use SQL replication, but that needs extra tables for staging.
Finally, another option is to read the logs, with the db2ReadLog API, but that implies a development. Also, just appliying the archived logs into the new database is possible, however the database will remain in roll forward pending.

BigQuery - how to determine Data Availability

In regards to:
What's the best way to programatically determine if a table's data is available after streaming?
I am getting unexpected results trying to fetch Rows and TotalRows with the following apis: Jobs.Query, Jobs.GetQueryResults, Tables.Get, Tabledata.List
You can tell whether data is flushed on the table by executing the Tables.Get() API and looking at the streamingBuffer.oldestEntryTime value. This can be considered a high-water mark of data that has been flushed out of the buffer.
Any data before this timestamp should be available for copy, export, and list operations.
Also, I should clarify that data in the table is available for query immediately after streaming. It only is unavailable to table copy, export, and tabledata.list() operations. Yes, this is confusing, but yes, we're also working on addressing the problem.
For tables that haven't been streamed to before or recently, there is a warmup period where new streaming data won't show up.
See for more information.