GKE Pod get no route to host from new Node - kubernetes

In my GKE cluster, I have a node pool with 2 nodes.
Also, I have an external dedicated server with a database.
During the google maintenance, one of the nodes in this node pool was replaced with a new one.
After this, my pods on the new node can't connect to my external server with the error 'no route to host'.
But pods that are located on the old node can connect to my external server without any problems.
So the problem is with the new node only.
The settings of the network and firewall are default in the cluster.
As a result, I have 2 nodes in the node pool, but correctly works only one of them.
The hotfix that works it's a replace the problemed node with a new one.
But a new node would work correctly with a probability of 50% (yes or no).
If the new one also doesn't work, then repeat this step until you get a node that works correctly.
I think it's a very bad solution.
I add a connectivity test from this problemed node to my external dedicated server and database port.
This test says that everything is ok and the destination is reached.
But, when I connect to the node by ssh and try to connect to an external dedicated server with telnet, I get the same 'no route to host' as in pods on that node.
How is it possible?
Also didn't help:
Additional firewall rule to allow all traffic to my dedicated server
Add ip-masq-agent


Can't get to GCE instance from k8s pods on the same subnet

I have a cluster with container range on a net A and subnet SA with ranges On the same subnet, there is VM in GCE with IP and it can be pinged just fine from within the cluster, e.g. from a node with However, if I go to a pod on this node which got address (which is expected - this node assigns addresses or something), I don't get meaningful answer from that VM I want to access from this pod. Using tcpdump on icmp, I can see that when I ping that VM machine from the pod, the ping gets there but I don't receive ACK in the pod. Seems like VM is just throwing it away.
Any idea how to resolve it? Some routes or firewalls? I am using the same topology in the default subnet created by kubernetes where this work but I cannot find anything relevant which could explain this (there are some routes and firewall rules which could influence it but I wasn't successful when trying to mimic them in my subnet)
I think it is a firewall issue.
Here I've already provided the solution on Stakoverflow.
It may help to solve your case.

How to make cluster nodes private on Google Kubernetes Engine?

I noticed every node in a cluster has an external IP assigned to it. That seems to be the default behavior of Google Kubernetes Engine.
I thought the nodes in my cluster should be reachable from the local network only (through its virtual IPs), but I could even connect directly to a mongo server running on a pod from my home computer just by connecting to its hosting node (without using a LoadBalancer).
I tried to make Container Engine not to assign external IPs to newly created nodes by changing the cluster instance template settings (changing property "External IP" from "Ephemeral" to "None"). But after I did that GCE was not able to start any pods (Got "Does not have minimum availability" error). The new instances did not even show in the list of nodes in my cluster.
After switching back to the default instance template with external IP everything went fine again. So it seems for some reason Google Kubernetes Engine requires cluster nodes to be public.
Could you explain why is that and whether there is a way to prevent GKE exposing cluster nodes to the Internet? Should I set up a firewall? What rules should I use (since nodes are dynamically created)?
I think Google not allowing private nodes is kind of a security issue... Suppose someone discovers a security hole on a database management system. We'd feel much more comfortable to work on fixing that (applying patches, upgrading versions) if our database nodes are not exposed to the Internet.
GKE recently added a new feature allowing you to create private clusters, which are clusters where nodes do not have public IP addresses.
This is how GKE is designed and there is no way around it that I am aware of. There is no harm in running kubernetes nodes with public IPs, and if these are the IPs used for communication between nodes you can not avoid it.
As for your security concern, if you run that example DB on kubernetes, even if you go for public IP it would not be accessible, as this would be only on the internal pod-to-pod networking, not the nodes them selves.
As described in this article, you can use network tags to identify which GCE VMs or GKE clusters are subject to certain firewall rules and network routes.
For example, if you've created a firewall rule to allow traffic to port 27017, 27018, 27019, which are the default TCP ports used by MongoDB, give the desired instances a tag and then use that tag to apply the firewall rule that allows those ports access to those instances.
Also, it is possible to create GKE cluster with applying the GCE tags on all nodes in the new node pool, so the tags can be used in firewall rules to allow/deny desired/undesired traffic to the nodes. This is described in this article under --tags flag.
Kubernetes Master is running outside your network and it needs to access your nodes. This could the the reason for having public IPs.
When you create your cluster, there are some firewall rules created automatically. These are required by the cluster, and there's e.g. ingress from master and traffic between the cluster nodes.
Network 'default' in GCP has readymade firewall rules in place. These enable all SSH and RDP traffic from internet and enable pinging of your machines. These you can remove without affecting the cluster and your nodes are not visible anymore.

in kubernetes 1.7 with multi-master nodes and etcd cluster, how the master node connect the etcd cluster by default?

I want to know when the master nodes want to connect the etcd cluster, which etcd node will be selected?does the master node always connects the same etcd node untill it becomes unavailable?does each node in master cluster will connect the same node in etcd cluster?
The scheduler and controller-manager talk to the API server present on the same node. In a HA setup you'll have only one of them running at a time (based on a lease) and whoever is the current active will be talking to the local API server. If for some reason it fails to connect to the local API server, it doesn't renew the lease and another leader will be elected.
As described only one API server will be the leader at any given moment so that's the only place that needs to worry about reaching the etcd cluster. As for the etcd cluster itself, when you configure the kubernetes API server you pass it the etcd-servers flag, which is a list of etcd nodes like:
This is then passed the Go etcd/client library which, looking at it's README states:
etcd/client does round-robin rotation on other available endpoints if the preferred endpoint isn't functioning properly. For example, if the member that etcd/client connects to is hard killed, etcd/client will fail on the first attempt with the killed member, and succeed on the second attempt with another member. If it fails to talk to all available endpoints, it will return all errors happened.
Which means that it'll try each of the available nodes until it succeeds connecting to one.

Kubernetes service ip isn't always accessible within cluster (with flannel)

I built a kubernetes cluster, using flannel overlay network. The problem is one of the service ip isn't always accessible.
I tested within the cluster, by telneting the service ip and port, ended in connection timeout. Checked with netstat, the connection was always in "SYN_SENT" state, seemed that peer didn't accept connection.
But if I telnet to the pod ip and port that backed the service directly, the connection could be made successfully.
It only happened to one of the service, other services are ok.
And if I scaled the backend pod to a larger value, like 2. Then some of requests to the service ip can succeed. It seemed that the service wasn't able to connect to one of the backed pod.
Which component may be the cause of such problem? My service configuration, kube-proxy or flannel?
Check the discussion here: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/38802
It's required to sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1 on nodes.

request service from minion only forward to local deployed pod in that minion

I am working on a POC, and i find out some strange behavior after setting up my kubernetes cluster
In fact, i am working on a topology of one master and two minions.
When i tried to make up 2 pods into each minion and expose a service for them, it turned out that when i try to request the service from the master, nothing is returned (any response from 2 pods) and when i try to request the service from a minion, only the pod deployed in that minion respond but the other no.
This can heavily depend on how your cluster is provisioned.
For starters, you need to validate how networking is set up and if it works as kubernetes expects. Said short, if you launch two pods (on separate nodes), they should get IPs from their dedicated per node ranges, and be able to route that between nodes. You can use some small(ish) base image (alpine/debian/ubuntu etc.), with something like sleep 1d , exec into them interactively with bash and simply ping one from the other. If it does not work, your network setup is broken.
Make sure you test between pods, not directly from node host OS. In some configurations node is unable to access service IPs due to routing concerns, but pod-to-pod works fine (seen this in some flannel configurations)
Also, your networking is probably provided by some overlay network solution like flannel, weave, calico etc. so check their respective logs for signs of problems.