Microsoft word - Destination master file - ms-word

I hope you are well.
I have a word file, called destination file, where I want to have the same information that I add to two other word files (source files).
I know that I can copy the content from both data source files and then paste special as a link into the destination file or create an InsertText field in the destination file to bring the content of bookmarks from the source files.
However, the problem that I have is that if I add new content to the data source files, this content does not get added to the destination file. If I amend the content from the data source files, the content also changes in the destination file but not if I add extra content.
Can you please help? Do I have to write a macro to do so?


How to rename an XML file using the pattern in a different .txt file?

I have a folder say, source folder, containing 1000+ xml files with some ambiguous names, like:
_MIM_54154548557_6568436 etc.
Out of these thousands of XML files I’ve to select some 10-12 xml files with a particular node in them and move them to another folder (destination folder) and rename the files respectively with some meaningful names.
For example:
There is an xml file with name _MIM_15646432635_6664684 and it contains a node pattern like: “bab6e7h835468eg” and I’ve to rename it to name like: {1FE9909E-4450-B98665362022}
So for this I’ve to write a script which will search the file in source folder and if it finds my desired node pattern then move this file to destination folder post renaming it to some meaningful name.
Provided I’ve an excel sheet where I do have a list of two columns, one containing the specific node pattern and column two has a respective new name list.
Currenty, I’ve a script which can search a file and move it to another folder provided I’m giving input to the script with the node pattern and file name from that excel sheet:
Select-String – Path “\Dubwta01\AIR\Invalid*.xml” – Pattern ‘bab6e7h835468eg’ | %{Copy-Item – Path $_.Path – Destination ‘\Dubwta01\AIR\Invalid{1FE9909E-4450-B98665362022}.xml’
What now I need is that a new script which will pick all 10 files from source folder and move it to destination folder by renaming it and I don’t have to hard code the pattern and new name in script rather it shall fetch the details from that excel or I can save the details in text files whatever is suitable for script to pick the name and pattern from.

Configuring sink data set in azure data factory

I am trying to copy multiple folders with their files (.dat and .csv ) from ftp to Azure storage account , so I am using a get metadata for each and copy activity. My problem is that when setting the file path in the output data set I am not sure how to set the filename so it picks up all files in my folder.
I added a filename parameter in the data set and in the copydata sink I set it as #item().name but it's not working instead of copying the files, it copies the folder. the second try is that I dont set the filename in the directory, and it does copy the files but it adds the extension.txt to the files instead of keeping their original format.
Thank you for your help,
enter image description here
enter image description here
You need to add a third parameter for the sink dataset for filename.
Here you can pass parameter as you have for container and folder.
Filename can be set from the Get Metadata activity output.

Powershell Only:File name change according to mapping file and then copy to another directory

I have a mapping file in import.CSV as following:
Now, I have a directory which contains files like
Please note #Sal will always be there after Name. I need to pick these files and put into another directory and end result in second directory should look like.
Basically Files need to be renamed based upon CSV file and if Name is not there in file name , then there is no action required. Please note that source file should not be changed.
I will appreciate all kind of help.

How to manipulate the content of a MS Word compressed file format

I know that the microsoft docx file format is a compressed zip archive. I analyzed it and I think I understand that I can manipulate it by changing the content of the /word/document.xml file inside this file structure.
But after I zip the folder again and try to open it, MS-Word complains with a message like:
"The file ... cannot be opened because its content is causing problems. "
I wonder which is the correct method to zip the content of the xml files after manipulating? Or is there something like a checksum I have overseen?
The reason why ms word complains about my manipulated docx format was, that the compressed file structure was within another folder, which I created to edit the document.xml file.
It is important that the xml files are located in the same root folder structure as in the original file.
A similar question has been asked on StackOverflow here.

Copy permissions form source file to file with same name

I 've got over 1000+ .xls files with names like "65223p.xlsx" and I need to copy permissons from this files to files with same name , but without "p".
Each file have different permissions than another.
Can you help me? Thanks.