whats the use of commented line in my code please explain in details - find

#the problem is why i used GCD (find the max point of a straight line). I can find out the slope by #doing m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1), then whats the purpose to use gcd?
def lineThroughPoints(points):
maxNumberOfPointsOnLine = 1
for idx1, p1 in enumerate(points):
slopes = {}
for idx2 in range(idx1 + 1, len(points)):
p2 = points[idx2]
rise, run = getSlopeOfLineBetweenPoints(p1, p2)
slopeKey = createHashableKeyForRational(rise, run)
if slopeKey not in slopes:
slopes[slopeKey] = 1
slopes[slopeKey] += 1
maxNumberOfPointsOnLine = max(maxNumberOfPointsOnLine, max(slopes.values(), default=0))
return maxNumberOfPointsOnLine
def getSlopeOfLineBetweenPoints(p1, p2):
p1x, p1y = p1
p2x, p2y = p2
slope = [1, 0] # slope of a vertical line
if p1x != p2x: # if line is not vertical
xDiff = p1x - p2x
yDiff = p1y - p2y
gcd = getGreatestCommonDivisor(abs(xDiff), abs(yDiff))
xDiff = xDiff // gcd
yDiff = yDiff // gcd
if xDiff < 0:
xDiff *= -1
yDiff *= -1
slope = [yDiff, xDiff]
return slope
def createHashableKeyForRational(numerator, denominator):
return str(numerator) + ":" + str(denominator)
def getGreatestCommonDivisor(num1, num2):
a = num1
b = num2
while True:
if a == 0:
return b
if b == 0:
return a
a, b = b, a % b
points = [[1, 1],[2, 2],[3, 3],[0, 4],[-2, 6],[4, 0],[2, 1]]


Straighten contours OpenCV

Hello guys I would like to "straighten" some contours using opencv/python. Is there anyway to accomplish this?
I have attached two images:
in the current stage
and how I would like to see it .
Bounding boxes resolve the majority of the problem, but there are some exceptions that do not produce the desired outcome (see the top right contour in the image).
Thank you very much!
Current Contours
Squared Contours
def approximate_contours(image: np.ndarray, eps: float, color=(255, 255, 255)):
contours, _ = cv.findContours(image, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
approx_contours = []
for cnt in contours:
epsilon = eps * cv.arcLength(cnt, True)
approx = cv.approxPolyDP(cnt, epsilon, True)
cv.drawContours(image, [approx], -1, color=color)
return image, approx_contours
def get_angle(pts: np.ndarray):
a = np.array([pts[0][0][0], pts[0][0][1]])
b = np.array([pts[1][0][0], pts[1][0][1]])
c = np.array([pts[2][0][0], pts[2][0][1]])
ba = a - b
bc = c - b
unit_vector_ba = ba / np.linalg.norm(ba)
unit_vector_bc = bc / np.linalg.norm(bc)
dot_product = np.dot(unit_vector_ba, unit_vector_bc)
angle_rad = np.arccos(dot_product)
angle_deg = degrees(angle_rad)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("nan value detected")
return int(angle_deg)
def move_points(contour:np.ndarray, pts: np.ndarray, angle: int, ext: list, weight=1):
(ext_left, ext_right, ext_bot, ext_top) = ext
a = np.array([pts[0][0][0], pts[0][0][1]])
b = np.array([pts[1][0][0], pts[1][0][1]])
c = np.array([pts[2][0][0], pts[2][0][1]])
right_angle = False
if 45 < angle < 135:
right_angle = True
diff_x_ba = abs(b[0] - a[0])
diff_y_ba = abs(b[1] - a[1])
diff_x_bc = abs(b[0] - c[0])
diff_y_bc = abs(b[1] - c[1])
rap_ba = diff_x_ba / max(diff_y_ba, 1)
rap_bc = diff_x_bc / max(diff_y_bc, 1)
if rap_ba < rap_bc:
a[0] = int((a[0] * weight + b[0]) / (2 + weight - 1))
b[0] = a[0]
c[1] = int((c[1] + b[1]) / 2)
b[1] = c[1]
c[0] = int((c[0] + b[0]) / 2)
b[0] = c[0]
a[1] = int((a[1] * weight + b[1]) / (2 + weight - 1))
b[1] = a[1]
diff_x_ba = abs(b[0] - a[0])
diff_y_ba = abs(b[1] - a[1])
diff_x_bc = abs(b[0] - c[0])
diff_y_bc = abs(b[1] - c[1])
if (diff_x_ba + diff_x_bc) > (diff_y_ba + diff_y_bc):
a[1] = int((a[1] * weight + b[1] + c[1]) / (3 + weight - 1))
b[1] = a[1]
c[1] = a[1]
a[0] = int((a[0] * weight + b[0] + c[0]) / (3 + weight - 1))
b[0] = a[0]
c[0] = a[0]
return a, b, c, right_angle
def straighten_contours(contours: list, image: np.ndarray, color=(255, 255, 255)):
image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
for cnt in contours:
idx = 0
ext_left = cnt[cnt[:, :, 0].argmin()][0]
ext_right = cnt[cnt[:, :, 0].argmax()][0]
ext_top = cnt[cnt[:, :, 1].argmin()][0]
ext_bot = cnt[cnt[:, :, 1].argmax()][0]
while idx != int(cnt.size / 2):
angle = get_angle(cnt[idx:idx + 3])
except Exception:
idx += 1
(a, b, c, right_angle) = move_points(cnt, cnt[idx:idx + 3], angle, [ext_left, ext_right, ext_bot, ext_top])
cnt[idx][0] = a
cnt[idx + 1][0] = b
cnt[idx + 2][0] = c
idx += 1
if not right_angle:
idx -= 1
cnt = np.delete(cnt, (idx + 1), 0)
if idx == 1:
cnt = np.append(cnt, cnt[:2], axis=0)
cnt = np.delete(cnt, [0, 1], 0)
cv.drawContours(image, [cnt], -1, color=color)
return image
I managed to do some workarounds. The straighten contours function is applied onto the approximate_contours result (the first image in the question). Is not as good as I would have wanted it to be but it works.

Using a simple Euler method to solve the EoS of Stars (Mathematica)

I attempted to translate a matlab code:
%Use a resolution of dr = 10^-N
N = 4;
%G = GAMMA, adiabatic parameter
G = 4/3; % high density/extreme relativistic
%G = 5/3; % low density/nonrelativistic
r = 0;
dr = 10^-N;
m(1) = 0;
r(1) = 0;
rho(1) = 0.1;
i = 1;
while (i>0)
r(i) = r(i-1)+dr;
Gamma(i) = rho(i-1)^(G-1) / (3*sqrt(2)) ;%(rho(i-1))^(2/3) / (3*(1+rho(i-1)^(2/3) )^(1/2) );
drho = (m(i-1)*rho(i-1)) / (Gamma(i) * r(i)^2)*dr;
if (drho > rho(i-1))
rho(i) = rho(i-1) - drho;
m(i) = m(i-1) + (r(i)^2 * rho(i)) * dr;
Mass = m(i-1)
Rad = r(i-1)
ylabel('M(r) (M_{sol})')
Into Mathematica, what I have is:
EoS[n0_] :=
Module[{n = n0},
N1 = 4;
G1 = 4/3;
G2 = 5/3;
rho[n_] := 0.1 + n;
m1[n_] := n;
dr = 10^(-N1);
r[n_] := n;
Gamma1[n_] := ((rho[n - 1])^(G1 - 1))/(3*Sqrt[2]);
drho = ((m1[n - 1]*rho[n - 1]))/(Gamma1[n - 1]*r[n - 1]^2)*dr;
n = 1;
While[n > 0, Gamma1[n] && drho; n++]
If[drho > rho[-1], Break[], rho[n] = rho[-1] - drho]
m1[n] = m1[-1] + ((r[n]^2)*rho[n])*dr;
Mass = m1[n - 1];
Rad = r[n - 1];
ParametricPlot[{m[n], r[n]}, {n, 1, n - 1},
AxesLabel -> {"Log10(r/[m])", "M(r)(M_{sol})"}]
My problem is I'm getting complex solutions when I obviously shouldn't. I'm an absolute novice to mathematica, especially with modules and the euler method itself. Any and all feedback/help would be much appreciated. I'm assuming my increments are wrong, I don't really know.

Plotting iteratively defined function in MATLAB

I'm not a MATLAB professional and so, I need some help at producing a 3D plot of the iteratively defined function f : R^2-0 -> R defined below (in pseudocode) for x,y values in [-1,1] and
For each I = 1,2,3 and A = (0.5,0.5)
function f(v in R^2-0)
a=b=0; (a,b in R)
for (i=0; i<I; i=i+1)
v = |v| / ||v||^2 - A;
a = a + | ||v||-b |;
b = ||v||;
return a;
(|v| denotes component-wise vector absolute value)
(If you want you can look at the fractal that is generated by the function at my question on math-exchange here:
MATLAB code to do that will be appreciated.
Much Thanks.
Save this your main program:
close all
% I = 1;
% A = [ 0.5 0.5 ];
I = 10;
A = [ 0.5 0.5 0.5 ];
xmin = -1;
xmax = 1;
ymin = -1;
ymax = 1;
nx = 101;
ny = 101;
dx = (xmax - xmin) / (nx - 1);
dy = (ymax - ymin) / (ny - 1);
x = xmin: dx: xmax;
y = ymin: dy: ymax;
for ix = 1: nx
for iy = 1: ny
if (length(A) == 2)
z(iy, ix) = f([x(ix) y(iy)], A, I);
elseif (length(A) == 3)
z(iy, ix) = f([x(ix) y(iy) 0], A, I);
pcolor(x, y, z)
shading interp
Then save this function in the same directory as the main program as f.m:
function result = f(v, A, I)
a = 0;
b = 0;
for i = 1: I
v = abs(v) / dot(v, v) - A;
a = a + abs(norm(v) - b);
b = norm(v);
result = a;

Perform step-by-step integral

I have this piece of code:
time = 614.4;
Uhub = 11;
HubHt = 90;
TI = 'A';
N1 = 4096;
N2 = 32;
N3 = 32;
L1 = Uhub*time;
L2 = 150;
L3 = 220;
V = L1*L2*L3;
gamma = 3.9;
c = 1.476;
b = 5.6;
if HubHt < 60
lambda1 = 0.7*HubHt;
lambda1 = 42;
L = 0.8*lambda1;
if isequal(TI,'A')
Iref = 0.16;
sigma1 = Iref*(0.75*Uhub + b);
elseif isequal(TI,'B')
Iref = 0.14;
sigma1 = Iref*(0.75*Uhub + b);
elseif isequal(TI,'C')
Iref = 0.12;
sigma1 = Iref*(0.75*Uhub + b);
sigma1 = str2num(TI)*Uhub/100;
sigma_iso = 0.55*sigma1;
%% Wave number vectors
ik1 = cat(2,(-N1/2:-1/2),(1/2:N1/2));
ik2 = -N2/2:N2/2-1;
ik3 = -N3/2:N3/2-1;
[x y z] = ndgrid(ik1,ik2,ik3);
k1 = reshape((2*pi*L/L1)*x,N1*N2*N3,1);
k2 = reshape((2*pi*L/L2)*y,N1*N2*N3,1);
k3 = reshape((2*pi*L/L3)*z,N1*N2*N3,1);
k = sqrt(k1.^2 + k2.^2 + k3.^2);
Now I should calculate
The procedure to calculate the integral is
At the moment I'm using this loop
E = #(k) (1.453*k.^4)./((1 + k.^2).^(17/6));
E_int = zeros(1,N1*N2*N3);
E_int(1) = 1.5;
for i = 2:(N1*N2*N3)
E_int(i) = E_int(i) + quad(E,i-1,i);
neglecting for the k>400 approximation. I believe that my loop is not right.
How would you suggest to calculate the integral?
I thank you in advance.
This is a list of correction from the more obvious to the possibly more subtle. (Indeed I start from what you wrote in the final part going upwards).
From what you write:
E = #(k) (1.453*k.^4)./((1 + k.^2).^(17/6));
E_int = zeros(1,N1*N2*N3);
E_int(1) = 1.5;
for i = 2:(N1*N2*N3)
%//No point in doing this:
%//E_int(i) = E_int(i) + quad(E,i-1,i);
%//According to what you write, it should be:
E_int(i) = E_int(i-1) + quad(E,i-1,i);
You could speed the whole thing up by doing
%//Independent integration on segments
Local_int = arrayfun(#(i)quad(E,i-1,i), 2:(N1*N2*N3));
Local_int = [1.5 Local_int];
%//integral additivity
E_int = cumsum(Local_int);
Moreover, if the known condition (point 2.) really is "... ( = 1.5 if k' = 0)", then the whole implementation should really be more like
%//Independent integration on segments
Local_int = arrayfun(#(i)quad(E,i-1,i), 2:(N1*N2*N3));
%//integral additivity + cumulative removal of queues
E_int = 1.5 - [0 fliplr(cumsum(fliplr(Local_int)))]; %//To remove queues

a variation of Windy gridworld game problem in reinforcement learning with my matlab code

In reinforcement learning, a typical example is the windy gridworld
And I face with a new variation of windy gridworld, which additionally has a wall and stochastic wind, I am stuck in these two new things
Figure 1 shows a standard gridworld, with start (S) and goal (G) cells, but with two dierences: there
is a wall the agent can not cross (indicated by the black cells) and there is a crosswind down and to the
left at the right edge of the grid. The available actions in each cell are the king's moves | 8 actions in
total for each cell. If any action would bring you outside the gridworld or collide with the wall, you end
up in the nearest cell (e.g. going northeast in the top left cell will bring you one cell to the right). In the
right region the resultant next cells are shifted down-left by a stochastic \wind", the mean strength of
which varies column by column. The mean strength of the wind is given below each column, in number
of cells shifted down-left.
Due to stochasticity, the wind sometimes varies by 1 from the mean values
given for each column (except if the mean is 0). That is, a third of the time you are shifted down-left
exactly according to the values indicated below the column, a third of the time you are shifted one cell
further down and left that, and another third of the time you are shifted one cell less than the mean.
For example, if you are in the row of the wall and in the middle of the opening and you move up, then
one-third of the time you end up one row west of that cell, one-third of the time you end up two colums
west, one column south of that cell, and one-third of the time you end up at the same column north of
that cell. The wind aects the cell you are in, not the cell you are going to.
Implement the Q-learning algorithm2 in the above problem with = 0:1,
= 0:9 and initial Q(s; a) = 0
for all s; a. Each action generates a reward of rs = 􀀀1, except for the actions that lead immediately to
the goal cell (rg = 10). Use the:
-Greedy action selection method with = 0:2.
Greedy action selection method with initial Q(s,a) > 0 and initial Q(s,a) < 0.
my matlab code will work.
My real problem is on the
function nextPos = GiveNextPos(curPos, actionIndex, windpowers, gridCols, gridRows), in which the agent will decide a action, and move to the next step. But there are many factors to influence the next step, such as stochastic wind and wall
so first question is about the stochastic wind, how can I program in matlab to say in 1/3 chance, it is 3, in another 1/3 chance, it is 1...
the second question is about colliding wall?should I firstly calculate the next step for king's walk and wind, and then use this next step value to check if I hit the wall or not???)
function WindyGridWorldQLearning()
gamma = 0.9;
alpha = 0.1;
epsilon = 0.2;
gridcols = 10;
gridrows = 7;
windpowers = [0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 1];
fontsize = 16;
showTitle = 1;
episodeCount = 900;
selectedEpisodes = [900];
isKing = 1;
canHold = 0;
start.row = 7;
start.col = 1;
goal.row = 1;
goal.col = 1;
selectedEpIndex = 1;
actionCount = 8;
% initialize Q with zeros
Q = zeros(gridrows, gridcols, actionCount);
a = 0; % an invalid action
% loop through episodes
for ei = 1:episodeCount,
%disp(sprintf('Running episode %d', ei));
curpos = start;
nextpos = start;
%epsilon or greedy
if(rand > epsilon) % greedy
[qmax, a] = max(Q(curpos.row,curpos.col,:));
a = IntRand(1, actionCount);
while(PosCmp(curpos, goal) ~= 0)
% take action a, observe r, and nextpos
nextpos = GiveNextPos(curpos, a, windpowers, gridcols, gridrows);
if(PosCmp(nextpos, goal) ~= 0), r = -1; else r = 10; end
% choose a_next from nextpos
[qmax, a_next] = max(Q(nextpos.row,nextpos.col,:));
if(rand <= epsilon) % explore
a_next = IntRand(1, actionCount);
% update Q:
curQ = Q(curpos.row, curpos.col, a);
nextQ = qmax; %Q(nextpos.row, nextpos.col, a_next);
Q(curpos.row, curpos.col, a) = curQ + alpha*(r + gamma*nextQ - curQ);
curpos = nextpos; a = a_next;
end % states in each episode
% if the current state of the world is going to be drawn ...
if(selectedEpIndex <= length(selectedEpisodes) && ei == selectedEpisodes(selectedEpIndex))
curpos = start;
rows = []; cols = []; acts = [];
for i = 1:(gridrows + gridcols) * 10,
[qmax, a] = max(Q(curpos.row,curpos.col,:));
nextpos = GiveNextPos(curpos, a, windpowers, gridcols, gridrows);
rows = [rows curpos.row];
cols = [cols curpos.col];
acts = [acts a];
if(PosCmp(nextpos, goal) == 0), break; end
curpos = nextpos;
end % states in each episode
figure('Name',sprintf('Episode: %d', ei), 'NumberTitle','off');
DrawWindyEpisodeState(rows, cols, acts, start.row, start.col, goal.row, goal.col, windpowers, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);
if(showTitle == 1),
title(sprintf('Windy grid-world SARSA - episode %d - (\\epsilon: %3.3f), (\\alpha = %3.4f), (\\gamma = %1.1f)', ei, epsilon, alpha, gamma));
selectedEpIndex = selectedEpIndex + 1;
end % episodes loop
function c = PosCmp(pos1, pos2)
c = pos1.row - pos2.row;
if(c == 0)
c = c + pos1.col - pos2.col;
function nextPos = GiveNextPos(curPos, actionIndex, windpowers, gridCols, gridRows)
nextPos = curPos;
switch actionIndex
case 1 % east
nextPos.col = curPos.col + 1;
case 2 % south
nextPos.row = curPos.row + 1;
if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 ) nextPos.row = curPos.row; end
case 3 % west
nextPos.col = curPos.col - 1;
if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 ) nextPos.col = curPos.col; end
case 4 % north
nextPos.row = curPos.row - 1;
if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 ) nextPos.row = curPos.row; end
case 5 % northeast
nextPos.col = curPos.col + 1;
nextPos.row = curPos.row - 1;
if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 ) nextPos.row = curPos.row; end
case 6 % southeast
nextPos.col = curPos.col + 1;
nextPos.row = curPos.row + 1;
if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 ) nextPos.row = curPos.row; end
case 7 % southwest
nextPos.col = curPos.col - 1;
nextPos.row = curPos.row + 1;
if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 ) nextPos.row = curPos.row; end
case 8 % northwest
nextPos.col = curPos.col - 1;
nextPos.row = curPos.row - 1;
if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 ) nextPos.row = curPos.row; end
case 9 % hold
nextPos = curPos;
disp(sprintf('invalid action index: %d', actionIndex))
if(curPos.col > 4)
nextPos.row = nextPos.row - windpowers(nextPos.col);
nextPos.col = nextPos.col - windpowers(nextPos.col);
if(nextPos.col <= 0), nextPos.col = 1; end
if(nextPos.col > gridCols), nextPos.col = gridCols; end
if(nextPos.row <= 0), nextPos.row = 1; end
if(nextPos.row > gridRows), nextPos.row = gridRows; end
function n = IntRand(lowerBound, upperBound)
n = floor((upperBound - lowerBound) * rand + lowerBound);
function DrawWindyEpisodeState(rows, cols, acts, SRow, SCol, GRow, GCol, windpowers, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize)
DrawGrid(gridrows, gridcols);
DrawTextOnCell('S', 0, SRow, SCol, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);
DrawTextOnCell('G', 0, GRow, GCol, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);
for i=1:length(rows),
DrawActionOnCell(acts(i), rows(i), cols(i), gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);
for i=1:gridcols,
[xc, yc] = FindColBaseCenter(i, gridrows, gridcols);
text(xc, yc, sprintf('%d',windpowers(i)), 'FontSize', fontsize, 'Rotation', 0);
function DrawEpisodeState(rows, cols, acts, SRow, SCol, GRow, GCol, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize)
DrawGrid(gridrows, gridcols);
DrawTextOnCell('S', 0, SRow, SCol, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);
DrawTextOnCell('G', 0, GRow, GCol, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);
for i=1:length(rows),
DrawActionOnCell(acts(i), rows(i), cols(i), gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);
function DrawGrid(gridrows, gridcols)
xsp = 1 / (gridcols + 2);
ysp = 1 / (gridrows + 2);
x = zeros(1, 2*(gridcols + 1));
y = zeros(1, 2*(gridcols + 1));
i = 1;
for xi = xsp:xsp:1 - xsp,
x(2*i - 1) = xi; x(2*i) = xi;
if(mod(i , 2) == 0)
y(2*i - 1) = ysp;y(2*i) = 1-ysp;
y(2*i - 1) = 1 - ysp;y(2*i) = ysp;
i = i + 1;
x2 = zeros(1, 2*(gridrows + 1));
y2 = zeros(1, 2*(gridrows + 1));
i = 1;
for yi = ysp:ysp:1 - ysp,
y2(2*i - 1) = yi; y2(2*i) = yi;
if(mod(i , 2) == 0)
x2(2*i - 1) = xsp;x2(2*i) = 1-xsp;
x2(2*i - 1) = 1 - xsp;x2(2*i) = xsp;
i = i + 1;
plot(x, y, '-');
hold on
plot(x2, y2, '-');
axis([0 1 0 1]);
axis off
set(gcf, 'color', 'white');
function DrawTextOnCell(theText, rotation, row, col, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize)
[xc, yc] = FindCellCenter(row, col, gridrows, gridcols);
text(xc, yc, theText, 'FontSize', fontsize, 'Rotation', rotation);
function DrawActionOnCell(actionIndex, row, col, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize)
rotation = 0;
textToDraw = 'o';
switch actionIndex
case 1 % east
textToDraw = '\rightarrow';
rotation = 0;
case 2 % south
textToDraw = '\downarrow';
rotation = 0;
case 3 % west
textToDraw = '\leftarrow';
rotation = 0;
case 4 % north
textToDraw = '\uparrow';
rotation = 0;
case 5 % northeast
textToDraw = '\rightarrow';
rotation = 45;
case 6 % southeast
textToDraw = '\downarrow';
rotation = 45;
case 7 % southwest
textToDraw = '\leftarrow';
rotation = 45;
case 8 % northwest
textToDraw = '\uparrow';
rotation = 45;
disp(sprintf('invalid action index: %d', actionIndex))
DrawTextOnCell(textToDraw, rotation, row, col, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);
function [x,y] = FindCellCenter(row, col, gridrows, gridcols)
xsp = 1 / (gridcols + 2);
ysp = 1 / (gridrows + 2);
x = ((2*col + 1) / 2) * xsp;
y = 1 - (((2*row + 1) / 2) * ysp);
x = x - xsp/5;
function [x,y] = FindColBaseCenter(col, gridrows, gridcols)
row = gridrows + 1;
xsp = 1 / (gridcols + 2);
ysp = 1 / (gridrows + 2);
x = ((2*col + 1) / 2) * xsp;
y = 1 - (((2*row + 1) / 2) * ysp);
x = x - xsp/5;
For the wind just generate a random number n, say between 0 and 1. If you want 3 different behaviors each with a 1/3 chance, just have conditions for n < .33 , .33 < n < .66 ... etc.
I don't quite understand what you're saying with the wall, but you should check the action the agent will take and the effect the wind will have on it and then see if this results in you hitting a wall. If so take the appropriate action.