We have a role that can edit the file in apiary.io
How can I see who changed the file recently?
I am not sure if apiary.io saves the details regarding who changed the file.
I would like to find the reason for a bug with an application and the Google Drive on Mac. With FSMonitor, I see that drive writes many logs in a structured_log_* file at ~/Library/Application Support/Google/DriveFS/Logs/ when I have the issue. But when I open the file it's not really readable in editor and toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/loggershark need drive_fs*.txt file and it does not contain any related log.
I see that structured_log_* are logs related to the file I open fichier test dsi2, but it is not readable.
How can I decode and read the file ?
Did you ever find an answer?
I'm looking to view the structured_log_* logs to see if it contains information on files uploaded and removed from a google drive account. Basically for auditing proposes...
But unfortunately, I can't make anything out. I have passed it through strings and sorted and it looks like the file names are contained within these logs and possibly the hashes of the files.
It would be nice to be able to decode the log properly to see whats the activity on in the log.
Hi I am working with Moodle 2.9.1. Here I have a form for upload a question and an answer file. I successfully upload the answer file to a location and inserted the question text and answer file name in database.
Now I want to edit the question, while editing the question the already uploaded file will be shown in the file picker area.
How can I show the uploaded file in filepicker area??
For text editor I can use
$mform->addElement('editor', 'desc', get_string('description'));
$mform->setDefault('desc', array('text'=>$defaulttext));
Please help me..
The filepicker element is used for uploading a single one-off file, that will be processed (and then, usually, discarded). If you are wanting a file that remains part of the Moodle storage and will reappear when you reopen the form, then you should use a filemanager (and restrict to a single file, if needed).
There are details in the Moodle docs about how to use this https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Using_the_File_API_in_Moodle_forms#filemanager (including re-populating the 'draft files' area when you load the form).
I am trying to edit a .ts file through the Quixplorer.
I click on edit, add the link and hit save. But it does not get updated on the actual page.
When I click a preview of the file within the Quixplorer i can see my change but it just won't show on the homepage...
Any ideas?
While editing *.ts files it is always required to clear whole cache from the backend, to take changes into account.
Also make sure, that you're modifying correct file. The often mistake is editing files which aren't included to the DB TS template. You can verify that with the Template module (after cache clearing).
I would like a better workflow for debugging uploaded SCOs. As things are, I must edit a file in the activity, repackage, upload, and test. Often, I just need to change a single line of code. It would be VERY nice to be able to edit that file, that line of code, on the server. So far, all I've found is that Moodle manages the files, so it seems impractical to locate and decipher the renamed files after upload.
Is there a way to configure Moodle so that it doesn't rename and relocated files in SCOs upon extraction? Actually, I'm open to any suggestions on the best, fastest workflow for debugging SCOs.
Problem background
Since Moodle 2.0, files are no longer stored on server in the conventional /this/is/the/path/to/my.file way. Instead, files are rehashed and stored in Repositories (i.e. spread all over the moodledata folder as a collection of seemingly random data). This increases security and cross-OS compatibility but complicates stuff for people who would like to simply upload a SCORM zip package via FTP. Here's more information on file handling in Moodle 2.0
Path to the soluton
Let's locate the file you want to update, then update it.
Run phpmyadmin, go to mdl_files table, find your file by name in the filename field (let's say it's portrait.jpg)
Look at the contenthash field, it'll look like abcde1234567890. This means your file is stored in moodledata/filedir/ab/cd/ folder under the name abcde1234567890.
Rename the updated portrait.jpg to abcde1234567890, upload and overwrite.
Go back to phpmyadmin and update the filesize field in record for portrait.jpg with the size of the updated file.
Obviously, this process can be automated. You'll have to write a script that allows you to upload a file, then it'll search for that file in mdl_files, save it to the correct folder and update all fields accordingly.
Alternative idea
Enable external package type (and also enable 'Update on every launch'). Go to Site administration / Plugins / Activities / SCORM and check the box down below. Now you'll be able to launch SCORM packages directly from another server, so Moodle won't mess with it. Of course, you can run in other (probably cross-domain related) problems.
Sergey's answer is very good, with one caveat:
In his example with the contenthash of abcde1234567890, the file is stored in the moodledata/filedir/ab/cd/ folder under the name abcde1234567890. Moodle uses the full contenthash to name the file.
I edited my navpoints from within the ToolTwist workbench, and after restarting the server all my navpoints had disappeared. I've checked the navpoint file, and it looks to be correct. I've tried restarting the server, but still ALL the navpoints have disappeared.
Can anybody tell me what I've done wrong, or suggest something to try?
Normally there is no need to edit the navpoint definition files - the navpoint tab in the Designer should be used. If for some reason it does need to be edited, make sure you restart the server immediately after making the changes or else they may be overwritten by the Designer.
Make sure that the encoding for the file is correct. The navpoint allows multi-lingual descriptions, SEO fields, etc, so needs to be stored as Unicode.
To check this, right click on the file in the Workbench (e.g. webdesign/myproject/navpoints/myproject.xml) and select properties. On the Resource tab, you'll see a section titled "Text file encoding". The correct value for this is UTF-16