Register `Distant` nvim plugin with Packer - neovim

In my vim plugins I added use { 'chipsenkbeil/distant.nvim' } and it appears to have installed because when I run :DistantLaunch it recognizes it as a command but asks me to include a host.
But when I run
:DistantLaunch <the-remote-host
I get the error:
ck/packer/start/impatient.nvim/lua/impatient/profile.lua:247: attempt to index a nil value
Which is interestingly printed out twice.
I'm wondering if I'm not understanding the installation process correctly or trying to do something that doesn't actually make sense. (I also installed the binary directly on my computer)
Distant repo.


esp-idf build fails with "fatal error: esp_wifi.h: No such file or directory"

I am a student who has gotten a part time job embedded system programming. I am given a program the company uses, and asked to understand it. This is a working program. Therefore, the project can be built and flashed on ESP32 by the developers with no problem. So, the code and CMake files should have no issues. However, I cannot build the program either with VSCode extension nor with In fact, I cannot build esp-idf examples from the official website, either.
Note: I am new to StackOverflow as well as to ESP32, so sorry if I made any mistakes here. If this post is problematic in any way, please inform me.
The error message from the terminal is shown here
I was initially using VSCode on Windows 10 (Windows is not activated). At first, ESP extension was completely failing to start the building process because it could not locate the tools. I was getting "could not be located" errors for all the tools. Below is a list of what I did in this setting:
I had v5.0.0 for esp-idf downloaded from Espressif server. I deleted it and tried v4.3.3 and then I tried to download from Github server. I downloaded the requirements for scripting environment and completed the settings for it as described by the Espressif's documentation.
I manually set the environment variables for IDF_PATH and PATH for both the user and for the system.
After 2, the initial error was gone. Unfortunately, I had a new error which indicated that ".elf" file for the project output could not be found. I do not exactly recall the error but if it is integral to the problem's solution I can try to replicate this issue.
I tried to delete and reinstall VSCode. I tried running VSCode with admin authority.
I tried changing the IDF_TOOLS_PATH in the VSCode esp-idf extension configurations from ".espressif" to "esp\esp-idf".
At this point, I moved to try to build the project on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS:
In Ubuntu, I got the fatal error: esp_event.h: No such file or directory error.
It does not seem to be a common issue and I could not find much about it online.
I followed the Linux setup steps in the documentation. It said that only step 1 (Downloading the prerequisites) was necessary for the VSCode extension.
I decided to try the "master branch" from esp-idf configurations as well. After I downloaded the master branch, the error changed to the current version: 'fatal error: esp_wifi.h: No such file or directory'
I also tried the in Ubuntu but I got the same error.
Both in Ubuntu and in Windows, the Doctor Command returns nothing. It does not even open the terminal or any window. I am not sure what it should return but some online discussions were asking about its return so I wanted to note it here.
Edit: When I tried the examples on Ubuntu, they actually build just fine. Doctor Command also works with examples.
However, the main code has still issues. Initially, I assumed I made some mistakes with esp-idf configurations. But, perhaps that was not the case.
I had the same problem and ended up editing my project's CMakeLists.txt. When I added "esp_wifi" to the "REQUIRES" list, it worked for me:
SRCS "main.c"
EMBED_FILES res/settings.html
REQUIRES esp_wifi

Eclipse: Need to update some register prior to downloading bin file

I'm using Eclipse Oxygen (4.7.3a) for an embedded C work project. There are multiple processors and I'd like to configure some registers prior to downloading the binary image. Eclipse/Debug Configuration/Startup has a Run/Restart Command area which allows commands (like register writes) to be run. I cannot find what this script register write format is.
I have tried:
monitor memU32 0x22002222=0x0005A5AF
It then error with: invalid command name "memU32". Is there a description of what the expected format is? I found this script in a different project, but it doesn't seem to work.
My goal is to be able to set a register to a value, prior to downloading the binary image to RAM.
The 'set' command can be used to set register values. The Debugger Command window appears to link to the GDB, therefore the GDB commands are used here.
set *((int *) 0x22002222)=0x0005A5AF

Squarespace Local Development doesnt seem to want to work

I am following the documentation and I am trying to use a local dev environment to make my static website into a squarespace template. As far as getting the server started, everything is working fine until I get to the point of installing the squarespace server to my system. To beging, I use this command in my Mac's terminal:
npm install -g #squarespace/server
After I enter this, everything once again seems to be working correctly because I am met with this (which doesn't show any errors as I have seen for others):
Executing: npm run bundle
> #squarespace/server#1.1.2 bundle /Users/Squid/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/#squarespace/server
> node scripts/bundlejre.js --accept --clear -tz -j 8u131 -o build/distributions/runtimes/jre
Bundling compatible JRE (This may take a while)
> #squarespace/server#1.1.2 cleanupscript /Users/Squid/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/#squarespace/server
> node scripts/execif.js --os=win32 --exists=build node scripts/vetolines.js build/distributions/local-developer/bin/run.bat #!
+ #squarespace/server#1.1.2
updated 1 package in 56.891s
Following that, I clone my site into a folder on my desktop from git and then navigate to the folder in terminal. At this point, I attempt to start the Dev Server, by running the following command(with the "site-name" changed to my site's name:
My problem begins here, I am met with the following response from the terminal:
-bash: squarespace server: command not found
My mac doesn't recognize the server, even though I found the folder manually on my computer (but I don't know what to do with it).
So far I have attempted a couple troubleshooting methods:
I have a trial site so I tried to use the --auth flag as suggested on the documentation.
I restarted the whole process, so I removed all node and squarespace related files from my system and started again.
After looking online for answers, I installed homebrew to make sure that I am installing node and git correctly to my system.
Finally, I have attempted to change permissions for npm (but I'm not sure that I did this part correctly or not since I don't receive any permission errors).
Also, thank you so much for reading through all this. I just really wanted to make sure you all understood where I was at in this whole process.
I think you can solve this by adding an export path to your profile.
Open the terminal
Enter the following command
touch ~/.bash_profile
(this creates the bash profile)
open ~/.bash_profile
(this opens the bash profile you just created)
Your bash profile will open in a text editor.
Add the following line, then save:
export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
Restart terminal and try using the command again. < This part is important. If you don't restart your terminal it won't recognise the profile.

Why can I not compile TypeScript anymore?

I'm doing some web development and I did a commit & sync via GitHub's Mac GUI, then I installed some Mac updates that required a restart (I don't know what the updates were). When I opened my project in PHPStorm again, I found this error when I tried compiling my TypeScript:
env: node: No such file or directory
I know the compilation was working before. My web application had no issues. This question deals specifically with me being able to do this yesterday, with no changes to the FileWatcher configuration.
I have my TypeScript Compiler in usr/local/bin/tsc (which I have checked as a valid path to a typescript compiler alias). When I click on the alias, It opens a terminal window and runs typescript, so I know it's there. PHPStorm also complains if I try to change the file path, saying I must pick a valid executable.
I modified my Environment Variables on the advice of Dan Clark's site but that hasn't changed anything. I don't have the reputation to upload a photo of my File Watchers Dialog.
Does anyone know why I am getting this error, and how it can be fixed? I mention GitHub because that's the last thing I did before things stopped working: a commit & sync, then a restart to install some Mac updates.
Both which node and which tsc point in the right direction. Just tsc also works.
My solution was to use the directory of the actual TypeScript compiler at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc
instead of
/usr/local/bin/tsc, which is the alias.
That lets me compile using the FileWatcher.
As for why this happened, it's still a mystery to me.

How to package a PySide/Phonon app under Mac OSX?

I have a PySide/Phonon app (developed for and working flawlessly on Windows) that I need to "port" to Mac OSX - where I have no development experience whatsoever.
The app works as expected if I just run the Python file - the problems arise when I try to package it (which I need to do) with py2app.
If I leave the resulting .app as is, Phonon doesn't work, because it fails to load the required phonon_backend ; if I add the plugin path to qt.conf, as various sources suggest, Phonon seems to load (that is, I don't get the corresponding error message anymore), but I start getting the "so-and-so library is loaded twice, one will be used, which one is undefined" error, and the app crashes right away.
Finally, if I try to use the macdeploy_qt tool, I receive a message to the effect of "no external framework" and the results are functionally equivalent to what I get without using the tool, except there are a few more plugins in the relevant directory.
Any ideas/pointers/tutorials/etc? I'm using PySide1.1.1 for Qt4.7, by the way, and python binaries (otherwise py2app can't even start to build a standalone app, it seems).
I suggest you do it like in this tutorial.
Then you just have to add the following line somewhere at the top of your main module:
QApplication.setLibraryPaths([os.path.join(os.environ['_MEIPASS2'], 'qt4_plugins'), os.environ['_MEIPASS2'] ])
For PyInstaller >1.5 the following code should be used instead:
QApplication.setLibraryPaths([os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, 'qt4_plugins'), sys._MEIPASS])