how can cashed chat when pusher channel will disconnect or internet will turn off in flutter app? - flutter

actually i am working with the chat app with Laravel backend support. i received message using pusher channel. the problem is cashes chat for offline mode as like other chat apps.
is SQFlite solution or any other way to make is easier?


How to make push notifications target a flutter app?

Using firebase web, I want to trigger a notification in a flutter app from a dashboard. In other words, I want to target the flutter app whenever I make certain changes in the dashboard using firebase cloud messaging.
Can I do that? Or do I have to write separate codes in both the flutter app and the web app?
when you trigger a notification in a flutter app from a dashboard. You can choose which app to push (Android/iOs/web)
Just to add more on Vu Thanh's answer, you can use the User Segment in the Messaging console to select the Flutter app you want to send notifications to. You can read about a related post here.

what are the limits of what a Flutter app can't do vs a native iOS/Android app

I'm new to Flutter having been burned attempting to use PWA/Chrome to create a mobile app with native behaviour. So I don't get fooled again. I'm trying to understand what, if any, are the restrictions of Flutter on mobile.
Specifically, my app needs the following features (I'll use the Android terms but the equivalent iOS features also apply):-
receive Firebase Cloud Messages
those messages to be silent (ie. they are consumed by the app rather than go straght to a notification)
background http access (an Android Service)
local storage (more SQL-Lite than KV pairs)
Raise device notifications ...
... such notifications to have a deep link into the app, and ...
... have the ability to send a reply from the notification without opening the app
intercept incoming SMS (Android Telephony.Sms.Intents )
desktop widget
read the user's Gallery
access Location
intelligently guide the user to enable any necessary app permissions, such as Location, read Gallery, notifications, lock screen, etc
Is this kind of native behaviour within Flutter's realm?
Flutter, over the past years has grown mature enough to be doing all the above functionalities.
Here is the list of packages that you can use to make the app.
receive Firebase Cloud Messages ==> firebase_messaging 12.0.2
those messages to be silent ==> notifications 2.0.1
background http access ==> background_fetch
local storage ==> shared_preferences
Raise device notifications ==> in_app_notifications
deep link into the app ==> Can use
have the ability to send a reply from the notification ==> using platform channels
intercept incoming SMS ==> Telephony
desktop widget ==> currently not possible using flutter, MacOS yes, in some ways.
read the user's Gallery ==> Photo_Gallery
access Location ==> Location(Fine Access)
intelligently guide ==> Coach_Mark

Flutters Push Notifications without FCM or is it a must?

I'm trying out the push notifications for flutter apps, so I was wondering, is using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) a must use for push notifications or not? Can I do this without FCM? NOTE:I tried using FCM and it works when the app is offline, in the background and foreground. I tried just the local push notifications with an alarm app and it only works while the app is in the background or foreground, not when the app is offline. I want to build a push notification system that sends data that works like this Some system -> My API -> My mobile App, can I work like that with a flutter app? Or do I need to go like this Some system -> My API -> FCM -> My mobile App. I know FCM is cross platform so is probably the best, but I just want to know my other options too.
Thanks in advance for your help and advice!
The OS shows push notifications, and it doesn't matter what kind of technology you're using to create the app. All you need is to get unique token and send it to the server, so it can send a notification to the phone. Thus, you need a service to do that for you. FCM is one of them. There are other options like OneSignal, Amazon AWS, Pusher and others.

how to get real time chat history using agora sdk

how can I get all pervious real chat history from agora server ,I develop code for messaging but when I close the app and reopen the app do not get any message from peer to peer messaging mechanism. Please suggest any idea about what can I do?

WhatsApp voice message not working after WebRTC call

We have developed a community app with WebRTC. Where admin calls (from web panel) to app.
After every call on phone WhatsApp voice feature does not work. User have to close our app from phone memory in order for Whatsapp voice to work.
I know its very strange issue but any help would be great.