Invalid parameters error on createConversation in #google-cloud/contact-center-insights SDK - google-api-nodejs-client

I'm trying to call createConversation function of CCAI insights SDK #google-cloud/contact-center-insights but getting below error
ERROR ==> Error: 3 INVALID_ARGUMENT: Request contains an invalid argument.
What would be the correct request payload? I'm not able to find sample request payload for this function.
I'm using below code:
const [conversation] = await client.createConversation({
parent: client.locationPath(projectId, 'us-central1'),
conversation: {
medium: 'CHAT',
name: 'TestModel',
transcript: {
transcriptSegments: [{
segmentParticipant: {
role: 'HUMAN_AGENT',
userId: '1234'
text: 'Thank you for calling IBC, how can I help you today?',
confidence: 0.90,
sentiment: {
magnitude: 0.2,
score: 0.9
});`Created `,;
Note: It's working for below github code but I need to send the payload in transcript format.
ccai-insight-github code
And even if we store the conversation in Storage bucket, what would be the format?


Why is my PaymentMethod ID not detected when I run my AWS stripe application via Docker?

I am learning web development and I am currently working on creating a lambda test application for stripe. The paymentMethod id from the front-end is not being detected by my lambda function when I run it locally by calling sam local start-api. I am doing my development on VS Code.
I followed the instructions on this page to create and run my application. My directory structure looks like this:
hello_world/ has my Lambda function.
The code for invoking the lambda end-point in script.jslooks like this:
var stripe = Stripe('pk_test_DIGITS');
var elements = stripe.elements();
form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
// We don't want to let default form submission happen here,
// which would refresh the page.
type: 'card',
card: cardElement,
billing_details: {
// Include any additional collected billing details.
name: 'Jenny Rosen',
function stripePaymentMethodHandler(result) {
if (result.error) {
// Show error in payment form
} else {
// Otherwise send to your server (see Step 4)
fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({
}).then(function(result) {
// Handle server response (see Step 4)
result.json().then(function(json) {
I ran the application on the browser by doing this:
When I click on Pay from my browser I can see the response in the logs on my dashboard:
The following code is for my lambda function
import json
import stripe
import requests
import logging
stripe.api_key= "sk_test_DIGITS"
def process_payment(event, context):
intent = stripe.PaymentIntent.create(
payment_method = 'event["body"]["payment_method_id"]',
amount = 1555,
currency = 'usd',
confirmation_method = 'automatic',
confirm = True,
return {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": json.dumps({
'clientSecret': intent['client_secret'],
# "location": ip.text.replace("\n", "")
except Exception as e:
return {
"statusCode": 400,
"body": json.dumps({
"message": str(e),
# "location": ip.text.replace("\n", "")
My template.yaml is as follows:
Timeout: 30
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
CodeUri: hello_world/
Handler: app.process_payment
Runtime: python3.6
Type: Api
Path: /payment
Method: post
Description: "API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for Payment function"
Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}"
Description: "Payment Lambda Function ARN"
Value: !GetAtt StripePaymentProcessor.Arn
Description: "Implicit IAM Role created for Payment function"
Value: !GetAtt StripePaymentProcessorRole.Arn
While keeping the browser window open, I ran the sam build command and it worked properly. After that I ran the sam local invoke command and it produced the following output:
I do not understand why event is empty. Should it not show the JSON data that got produced when I hit the pay button?
To do some trouble-shooting, I ran sam local start-api, invoked the POST method on Postman by pasting the JSON body from my Stripe logs:
What I did on Postman makes no sense to me and the snippet above raised another question for me. I do not understand why I see "message": "string indices must be integers" as a response on Postman.
After following wcw's suggestion I edited my fetch code to look like this:
I did not not see any written matter on the console by changing my code in this way.
I am keeping the browser open via the command prompt and I ran sam local start-api via the VS code console to keep open. When I clicked on the pay button, I got the following response:
So the image above seems to indicate that the lambda function is not detecting the paymentmethod body.

Create Payment Request API

I am trying to integrate the Payment Request API for the Google Pay for Payments using javascript but my code returns a PaymentRequest is not defined error.
Here is my code.
const supportedInstruments = [
supportedMethods: [''],
data: {
pa: '',
pn: 'abc',
tr: '1234ABCD', // your custom transaction reference ID
url: 'http://url/of/the/order/in/your/website',
mc: '1234', // your merchant category code
tn: 'Purchase in Merchant',
const details = {
total: {
label: 'Total',
amount: {
currency: 'INR',
value: '10.01', // sample amount
displayItems: [{
label: 'Original Amount',
amount: {
currency: 'INR',
value: '10.01',
let request = null;
try {
request = new PaymentRequest(supportedInstruments, details);
catch (e) {
console.log('Payment Request Error: ' + e.message);
if (!request) {
console.log('Web payments are not supported in this browser.');
Error Message:
Payment Request Error: PaymentRequest is not defined
Sounds to me like you are testing it in an older browser that simply doesn't support it. Browser support is pretty good these days, but not universal. You just need to do a simple bit of feature detection and wrap your code in an if statement to check the browser supports it:
if (window.PaymentRequest) {
// your payment request code here

Serverless Framework and DynamoDB: Unexpected token in JSON at JSON.parse

Hi I followed this Serverless + AWS REST API tutorial and it went great, I got it to work.
Now, I'm trying to modify it but have hit a wall while trying to submit data into the DynamoDB table.
Using Postman to submit a valid JSON object I get a 502 response. If I test the function in Lambda, I get the following error:
"errorType": "SyntaxError",
"errorMessage": "Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1",
"trace": [
"SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1",
" at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)",
" at Runtime.module.exports.submit [as handler] (/var/task/api/interview.js:11:28)",
" at Runtime.handleOnce (/var/runtime/Runtime.js:66:25)",
" at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)"
After searching for solutions, what I found out is that it seem like the event that is being passed as JSON.parse(event)is undefined.
Here's the serverless.yml:
service: interview
frameworkVersion: ">=1.1.0 <2.0.0"
name: aws
runtime: nodejs10.x
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
INTERVIEW_TABLE: ${self:service}-${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}
INTERVIEW_EMAIL_TABLE: "interview-email-${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}"
- Effect: Allow
- dynamodb:Query
- dynamodb:Scan
- dynamodb:GetItem
- dynamodb:PutItem
Resource: "*"
Type: 'AWS::DynamoDB::Table'
DeletionPolicy: Retain
AttributeName: "id"
AttributeType: "S"
AttributeName: "id"
KeyType: "HASH"
ReadCapacityUnits: 1
WriteCapacityUnits: 1
StreamViewType: "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"
TableName: ${self:provider.environment.INTERVIEW_TABLE}
handler: api/interview.submit
memorySize: 128
description: Submit interview information and starts interview process.
- http:
path: interviews
method: post
and the interview.js
'use strict';
const uuid = require('uuid');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
module.exports.submit = (event, context, callback) => {
const requestBody = JSON.parse(event);
const fullname = requestBody.fullname;
const email =;
const test = requestBody.test;
const experience = requestBody.experience;
if (typeof fullname !== 'string' || typeof email !== 'string' || typeof experience !== 'number') {
console.error('Validation Failed');
callback(new Error('Couldn\'t submit interview because of validation errors.'));
submitInterviewP(interviewInfo(fullname, email, experience, test))
.then(res => {
callback(null, {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({
message: `Sucessfully submitted interview with email ${email}`,
.catch(err => {
callback(null, {
statusCode: 500,
body: JSON.stringify({
message: `Unable to submit interview with email ${email}`
const submitInterviewP = interview => {
console.log('Submitting interview');
const interviewInfo = {
TableName: process.env.INTERVIEW_TABLE,
Item: interview,
return dynamoDb.put(interviewInfo).promise()
.then(res => interview);
const interviewInfo = (fullname, email, experience,test) => {
const timestamp = new Date().getTime();
return {
id: uuid.v1(),
fullname: fullname,
email: email,
experience: experience,
test: test,
submittedAt: timestamp,
updatedAt: timestamp,
If I replace the event param for a valid JSON object and then deploy again. I'm able to successfully insert the object into dynamoDB.
Any clues? Please let me know if there's anything I missing that could help.
API Gateway stringify the request body in event's body property.
Currently you are trying to parse event object const requestBody = JSON.parse(event); which is wrong. You need to parse event.body property:
const requestBody = JSON.parse(event.body);

OrientJS: How to get standard JSON (serialized) from query

I don't understand how to get standard JSON back from an orientjs query. I see people talking about "serializing" the result, but I don't understand why or how to do that. There is a toJSON() method, but i only see it being used with fetchplans etc...
I am trying to pipe a stream to a csv file and it isn't working properly because of the incorrect JSON format.
I would love an explanation of how and when to serialize. :-)
My Query:
return db.query(
out('posted_to').name as page,
out('posted_to').id as page_id,
out('posted_to').out('is_language').name as language,
out('posted_to').out('is_network').name as network
FROM post
WHERE posted_at
My Result:
[ { '#type': 'd',
id: '207109605968597_1053732754639607',
name: '10 maneiras pelas quais você está ferindo seus relacionamentos',
page: 'Eu Amo o Meu Irmão',
page_id: '207109605968597',
language: 'portuguese',
network: 'facebook',
'#rid': { [String: '#-2:1'] cluster: -2, position: 1 },
'#version': 0 },
{ '#type': 'd',
id: '268487636604575_822548567865143',
name: '10 maneiras pelas quais você está ferindo seus relacionamentos',
page: 'Amo meus Filhos',
page_id: '268487636604575',
language: 'portuguese',
network: 'facebook',
'#rid': { [String: '#-2:3'] cluster: -2, position: 3 },
'#version': 0 }]
This is my dataset:
.then(function (vertex) {
console.log('Vertexes found: ');
Vertexes found:
[ { '#type': 'd',
id: '6256650b-f5f2-4b55-ab79-489e8069b474',
code: '4b7d99fa-16ed-4fdb-9baf-b33771c37cf4',
'#rid': { [String: '#-2:0'] cluster: -2, position: 0 },
'#version': 0 },
{ '#type': 'd',
id: '2751c2a0-6b95-44c8-966a-4af7e240752b',
code: '50356d95-7fe7-41b6-b7d9-53abb8ad3e6d',
'#rid': { [String: '#-2:1'] cluster: -2, position: 1 },
'#version': 0 } ]
If I add the instruction JSON.stringify():
.then(function (vertex) {
console.log('Vertexes found: ');
Vertexes found:
Hope it helps
I found a way that worked for me. instead of using :
i used http request in node to query on database. on OrientDB Document also said you get only JSON format in result. this way if you query in database you will always get a valid JSON.
for making a http request i used request module.
this is a sample that worked for me :
var request = require("request");
var auth = "Basic " + new Buffer("root" + ":" + "root").toString("base64")
url : encodeURI('http://localhost:2480/query/tech_graph/sql/'+queryInput+'/20'),
headers : {
"Authorization" : auth
function (error, response, body) {
return body;

Ext.Direct File Upload - Form submit of type application/json

I am trying to upload a file through a form submit using Ext.Direct, however is sending my request as type 'application/json' instead of 'multipart/form-data'
Here is my form.
xtype: 'form',
api: {
submit: 'App.api.RemoteModel.Site_Supplicant_readCSV'
items: [
xtype: 'filefield',
buttonOnly: false,
allowBlank: true,
buttonText: 'Import CSV'
text: 'Upload',
handler: function(){
var form = this.up('form').getForm();
waitMsg: 'Uploading...',
success: function(form, action){
On the HTTP request, it checks to see if the request options is a form upload.
if (me.isFormUpload(options)) {
which arrives here
isFormUpload: function(options) {
var form = this.getForm(options);
if (form) {
return (options.isUpload || (/multipart\/form-data/i).test(form.getAttribute('enctype')));
return false;
getForm: function(options) {
var form = options.form || null;
if (form) {
form = Ext.getDom(form);
return form;
However, options looks like this
callback: function (options, success, response) {
jsonData: Object
action: "RemoteModel"
data: Array[1]
0: form
length: 1
__proto__: Array[0]
method: "Site_Supplicant_readCSV"
tid: 36
type: "rpc"
__proto__: Object
scope: constructor
timeout: undefined
transaction: constructor
And there is no direct form config, but it exists in[0]. So it doesn't set it as type multipart/form-data and it gets sent off as type application/json.
What am I doing wrong? Why isn't the form getting submitted properly?
Edit - I am seeing a lot of discussion about a 'formHandler' config for Ext.Direct? I am being led to assume this config could solve my issue. However I don't know where this should exist. I'll update my post if I can find the solution.
Solution - Simply adding /formHandler/ to the end of the params set the flag and solved my issue. Baffled.
Supplicant.prototype.readCSV = function(params,callback, request, response, sessionID/*formHandler*/)
var files = request.files;
The method that handles file upload requests should be marked as formHandler in the
Ext.Direct API provided by the server side.
EDIT: You are using App.api.RemoteModel.Site_Supplicant_readCSV method to upload files; this method needs to be a formHandler.
I'm not very familiar with Node.js stack but looking at this example suggests that you may need to add /*formHandler*/ descriptor to the function's declaration on the server side.