MongoDb A timeout exception occurred after 30000ms in azure kubernetes (c#) - mongodb

I deployed same application in two different cluster (aks) test and production. In test cluster it work fine but in production cluster it show a timeout exception occurred in microservice (aks pods), when i restart that pod it work fine but same exception occurred in another microservice (pod).
Connection string for test:
Connection string for production:
[2022-11-16 19:31:06.504 +00:00] [ERR]
Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware :=> HTTP GET
/api/account/get/d122b51d-0655 responded 500 in 30001.3472 ms |
{RequestId="0HMM7RJAUJN3R:00000003", ConnectionId="0HMM7RJAUJN3R",
ApplicationName="Account", Environment="Int"} |
System.TimeoutException: A timeout occurred after 30000ms selecting a
server using CompositeServerSelector{ Selectors =
LatencyLimitingServerSelector{ AllowedLatencyRange = 00:00:00.0150000
} }. Client view of cluster state is { ClusterId :
"1", ConnectionMode : "ReplicaSet", Type : "ReplicaSet", State :
"Disconnected", Servers : [] }.


Cannot connect to Atlas MongoDB from Azure Functions

I just created an Azure Function that should connect to my instance of MongoDB on Atlas, basically following this tutorial:
From my local development with Visual Studio, everything works fine and I can connect to the Atlas environment, but when I deploy the code on Azure, the following exception raises:
A timeout occurred after 30000ms selecting a server using CompositeServerSelector{ Selectors = MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient+AreSessionsSupportedServerSelector, LatencyLimitingServerSelector{ AllowedLatencyRange = 00:00:00.0150000 }, OperationsCountServerSelector }. Client view of cluster state is { ClusterId : "1", ConnectionMode : "ReplicaSet", Type : "ReplicaSet", State : "Disconnected", Servers : [{ ServerId: "{ ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/" }", EndPoint: "Unspecified/", ReasonChanged: "Heartbeat", State: "Disconnected", ServerVersion: , TopologyVersion: , Type: "Unknown", HeartbeatException: "MongoDB.Driver.MongoConnectionException: An exception occurred while opening a connection to the server.
---> MongoDB.Driver.MongoConnectionException: An exception occurred while receiving a message from the server.
---> System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Attempted to read past the end of the stream.
If I instead set the Network Access to "everywhere", again everything works fine.
Now, in the Network Access panel of Atlas, I added the IPs retrieved from the Azure Portal under my function app => Networking => Inbound traffic and Outbound traffic (a total of 1 IP for inbound and 3 IPs for outbound).
But adding those 4 IPs has not solved the issue.
What else should I do?
If you are using static IP, for a workaround, you can check this: How do I set a static IP in Functions?
You can also set up a Private Endpoint and for the security of the database credentials check secrets engine integration using vault.
You can refer to How to connect Azure Function with MongoDB Atlas ,Azure functions unable to connect with Mongo Db Atlas M10 and How to connect Azure Function with MongoDB Atlas

C# says invalid certificate error on Linux Centos

We are using C# driver "Mongo Db driver 2.9.2" in C# API(.NET core version 2.2) deployed in Linux CentOS to connect to Mongo server 4.2 deployed on Linux CentOS. TLS is enabled on Mongo and self signed certificates are used. Same code and certificates are working from Windows machine but on Linux we are getting following error. Please suggest:
A timeout occured after 30000ms selecting a server using CompositeServerSelector{ Selectors = MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient+AreSessionsSupportedServerSelector, LatencyLimitingServerSelector{ AllowedLatencyRange = 00:00:00.0150000 } }. Client view of cluster state is { ClusterId : \"1\", ConnectionMode : \"Automatic\", Type : \"Unknown\", State : \"Disconnected\", Servers : [{ ServerId: \"{ ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : \"Unspecified/ServerName\" }\", EndPoint: \"Unspecified/ip-ServerName\", State: \"Disconnected\", Type: \"Unknown\", HeartbeatException: \"MongoDB.Driver.MongoConnectionException: An exception occurred while opening a connection to the server. ---> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.\n at System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendAuthResetSignal
We could resolve this by using server certificate instead of wild card certificate.

Cosmos DB failover with MongoDB.Driver library

I have an application which is using the MongoDB.Driver library (2.7.3) to connect to CosmosDB on Azure. The Cosmos account is set to replicate to a secondary in another region for disaster recovery. An issue I'm running into is that when we failover the Cosmos account, we lose connectivity and get the following error when we write data:
A timeout occured after 30000ms selecting a server using
CompositeServerSelector{ Selectors =
LatencyLimitingServerSelector{ AllowedLatencyRange = 00:00:00.0150000
} }. Client view of cluster state is { ClusterId : "1", ConnectionMode
: "Automatic", Type : "ReplicaSet", State : "Connected", Servers : [{
ServerId: "{ ClusterId : 1, EndPoint :
"Unspecified/" }",
EndPoint: "Unspecified/",
State: "Connected", Type: "ReplicaSetOther", Tags: "{ region : North
Europe }", WireVersionRange: "[0, 2]" }] }
I know it's possible to specify multiple servers in the MongoDB Connection String, however I'm not clear on how this can be achieved with Cosmos DB which only has a single endpoint for the account. My current connection string is this:
Is this possible to do using this library, or do I need to switch to using the Cosmos DB SDK to improve Disaster Recovery?
I found a solution to this here:
I needed to add: replicaSet=globaldb to the end of my connection string, so it now looks like this:

GCloud SQL Proxy cannot connect, unclear errors

I am having difficulty getting the gcloud sql proxy working on my local machine. I have gone through all the steps here however I am getting the following errors. It is unclear to me what is actually going wrong. Important things to note, I am not using a service account, I am authenticating with my own account through gcloud auth login and I am following the TCP sockets steps.
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0
GCloud SQL Proxy
couldn't connect to "<my instance connection name>": googleapi: Error 400: This operation isn"t valid for this instance., invalidOperation
GCloud Logs
... status: {
code: 2
message: "UNKNOWN"
receiveTimestamp: "2017-09-08T15:45:10.179994989Z"
resource: {…}
severity: "ERROR"
timestamp: "2017-09-08T15:45:04.289Z"
The most likely reason you are receiving this error message is because you are using a First Generation instance.
Proxy connectivity is only supported for Second Generation instances.

Unable to connect to MongoDb using MongoClientSettings as parameter to MongoClient

I am developing a C# MVC Web API which uses MongoDb as backend.I tried connecting to my mongodb database using
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(connectionString)
where connectionstring is in format : mongodb://
Mongo db is hosted in a virtual machine in Azure.I am able to connect to the database and all works good.But I am getting frequent exceptions:
"MongoDb.driver.MongoConnectionException".An exception occurred while
receivinf a message from server--->System.IO.IOException:Unable to
read data from the transport connection : A connection attempt failed
because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of
So after a bit of research I have learnt that Azure is killing idle connections and I have to set MaxConnectionIdleTime.
In order to set MaxConnectionIdleTime I decided to connect to Mongodb in the below way
var credential = MongoCredential.CreateCredential("dbname", "UserName", "Password");
var settings = new MongoClientSettings
Credentials = new[] { credential },
Server = new MongoServerAddress("HostName", 27017),
MaxConnectionIdleTime = new TimeSpan(0, 3, 0)
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(settings);
In this case I am using the same username,password combination given in the connection string which I used to connect before.
While trying to connect here I am getting inner Exception:
MongoDB.Driver.MongoAuthenticationException: "Unable to authenticate
using sasl protocol mechanism SCRAM-SHA-1".
"MongoDb.driver.MongoConnectionException".An exception occurred while receivinf a message from server--->System.IO.IOException:Unable to read data from the transport connection : A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,....
The reason behind this exception is when hosted in Azure,Azure tries to kill the idle connections but the C# driver is not aware of this.The driver tries to execute queries on the killed connections without knowing the connection is not existing.
The solution that worked out for me is to set maxIdleTimeMS=45000 in connection string.
This way driver will not use a connection which has been idle for long time.
Here is the connection string that worked out for me
I have had a similar error with my Azure hosted MongoDb (Cosmos Db). It turned out to be network settings such that I had blocked all access. Changing it to Allow access from "All networks" fixed the issue.
The error is very misleading, I would have expected a connection timeout.
A timeout occured after 30000ms selecting a server using
CompositeServerSelector{ Selectors =
LatencyLimitingServerSelector{ AllowedLatencyRange = 00:00:00.0150000
} }. Client view of cluster state is { ClusterId : "1", ConnectionMode
: "ReplicaSet", Type : "ReplicaSet", State : "Disconnected", Servers :
[{ ServerId: "{ ClusterId : 1, EndPoint :
"Unspecified/" }", EndPoint:
"Unspecified/", State: "Disconnected",
Type: "Unknown", HeartbeatException:
"MongoDB.Driver.MongoConnectionException: An exception occurred while
opening a connection to the server. --->
MongoDB.Driver.MongoAuthenticationException: Unable to authenticate
using sasl protocol mechanism SCRAM-SHA-1. --->
MongoDB.Driver.MongoCommandException: Command saslContinue failed: Not
To troubleshot I tried from MongoDb Compass as well and that didn't work either, showing me it wasn't the code.