Can we get a Facebook Page Messenger Webhook When Chat "move to done" or into folder "page_done" - facebook

I Can't find the ways to get a facebook facebook Page Messenger Webhook When Chat "move to done" or into folder "page_done" only find by API
I looking for ways to get a webhooks when page's admin move chat to done or archived it


How to reset unread_count on Facebook Messenger API?

So I created a ChatBot with Messenger API and I get the messages that has been sent to the Facebook Pages. I also get the unread_messages which is from "unread_count" but I couldn't find how to update the unread_count for each conversation. There is no answer for that in the docs.
It doesn't go away when i send message from my chat. It only goes 0 when I manually login to and click the chat.
There is a "sender_action" parameter which has "mark_seen" indicator but it is only for visual seen. It doesn't do anything on the unread_count.
Do I have to handle this on my backend or Facebook API has the solution?

How can a facebook bot send a message via messenger that the user can then share to their timeline?

I'm writing a facebook bot and want to enable the user to be able to post or share a URL, description and hashtag to their own wall, from within the messenger app.
Looking at messenger it appears as though the only native sharing options are to share to other messenger users or post an update to your day, not post to your facebook wall.
The only way I can think of doing this is having a standard FB share button hosted on the page I want them to share, but that would not be as fluid a user experience for the user, it would be lovely if there was a way within the messenger app that I could enable the user to share the URL with description and hashtag directly.
Is this possible? Thanks.

post a comment on facebook wall after submitting a button on my website

Is it possible to post a comment on users facebook wall after submitting a button on my website?
On my web page users can review certain products and after they review them the press on ‘submit review’ button. I want to make the review report to be published on the user’s facebook feed.
Thanks in advance,
For a normal post, you can use the Feed dialog – this does not require that the user connect to your app first.
If you want to post via API in the background, then you have to have the user login to your app first.
If you do not want a normal post, then look into Open Graph actions:

Implementing comments and notifications using Facebook plugins

I have a reviews website where I want to integrate Facebook social plugins. I initially thought of integrating facebook comment plugin where users can write their reviews for the products I have listed on my site. But that seemed like laying waste to my own review functionality.
Here's the flow I came up with:
create a facebook app for the website
Users write a review and post it to their facebook profile
When some action happens on the review like when it is voted up or replied to, the user who posted the review to facebook gets notified via the facebook notification center
I fetch the likes, replies on facebook post and display them on my website on the review
Is it possible to implement this workflow? I basically want to send notifications to user from inside my website not from the facebook application I created.
This is possible using apprequests. One requirement for this to work is your website and facebook canvas app must be registered under the same 'app' (ie have the same appID) and be under the same base domain.

Request user to post on their facebook wall

I have a merchandising web site that allows user to buy stuff on my web site. I want to integrate this feature with facebook and enable users to allow my site to post on their wall a message showing that they have purchased an item from my web site.
How should I got about doing this. Do I need to create a facebook app to do this? Basically, I just want to enable users to accept my request to post a custom message on their walls.
You will have to implement the Facebook Connect in your site so that users are able to login and you need this to publish stream to their walls.
See this tutorial on how to implement facebook connect
Before you publish streams to their wall, you will have to ask them for publish_steam and offline_access extended permissions.
See this tutorial on how to get permissions
To actually post streams to their wall, have a look at stream.publish method.