Scala 2.13: avoid repeated case class conversion? - scala

I have a pattern matching for sealed trait which expects two of one case classes as shown below:
expressions.head match {
case SingleValueExpression(value,_operator,_ignoreCase) => filter ++ FromScala(
case MultipleValueExpression(value,_operator,_apply,_instances) => filter ++ FromScala(
You can see that even after decoding the case classes, I am recreating the case class in the next step:
case MultipleValueExpression(value,_operator,_apply,_instances) => MultipleValueExpression(value,_operator,_apply,_instances)
Is there a way to match the pattern such that I could check if the instance is of that case class and then use the value as it is instead of destructuring it and recreating the same case class?

To just check the type in a pattern match, use :, like so:
expressions.head match {
case sve: SingleValueExpression => filter ++ FromScala(sve).transform(ToJson.string)
case mve: MultipleValueExpression => filter ++ FromScala(mve).transform(ToJson.string)
You could even have something like
val fromScala =
expressions.head match {
case sve: SingleValueExpression => FromScala(sve)
case mve: MultipleValueExpression => FromScala(mve)
filters ++ fromScala.transform(ToJson.string)
You can alternatively use # to do extraction and binding in one case (e.g. you want to match based on a component of a case class but save the overall match):
case sve # SingleValueExpression(value, _, _) if somePredicate(value) =>
// sve is the overall SingleValueExpression, and value is also available in this branch


How to use a Result[String] in Scala match expression

In the following code the first expression returns a Result[String] which contains one of the strings "medical", "dental" or "pharmacy" inside of a Result. I can add .toOption.get to the end of the val statement to get the String, but is there a better way to use the Result? Without the .toOption.get, the code will not compile.
val service = element("h2").containingAnywhere("claim details").fullText()
service match {
case "medical" => extractMedicalClaim
case "dental" => extractDentalClaim
case "pharmacy" => extractPharmacyClaim
Hard to say without knowing what Result is. If it's a case class, with the target String as part of its constructor, then you could pattern match directly.
Something like this.
service match {
case Result("medical") => extractMedicalClaim
case Result("dental") => extractDentalClaim
case Result("pharmacy") => extractPharmacyClaim
case _ => // default result
If the Result class doesn't have an extractor (the upapply() method) you might be able to add one just for this purpose.
I'm assuming this Result[T] class has a toOption method which returns an Option[T] - if that's the case, you can call toOption and match on that option:
val service = element("h2").containingAnywhere("claim details").fullText().toOption
service match {
case Some("medical") => extractMedicalClaim
case Some("dental") => extractDentalClaim
case Some("pharmacy") => extractPharmacyClaim
case None => // handle the case where the result was empty

Do something when exactly one option is non-empty

I want to compute something if exactly one of two options is non-empty. Obviously this could be done by a pattern match, but is there some better way?
(o1, o2) match {
case (Some(o), None) => Some(compute(o))
case (None, Some(o)) => Some(compute(o))
case _ => None
You could do something like this:
if (o1.isEmpty ^ o2.isEmpty)
But pattern matching is probably the better way to go.
Thanks to helpful comments from #Suma, I came up with another solutions in addition to the current ones:
Since the inputs are always in the form of Option(x):
.map( x => compute(x.head.get))
Using iterator also allows for a sequence of values to be passed to the input. The final mapping will be done if and only if one value in the sequence is defined.
Inspired by now deleted answer of pedrofurla, which was attempting to use o1 orElse o2 map { compute }, one possibility is to define xorElse, the rest is easy with it:
implicit class XorElse[T](o1: Option[T]) {
def xorElse[A >: T](o2: Option[A]): Option[A] = {
if (o1.isDefined != o2.isDefined) o1 orElse o2
else None
(o1 xorElse o2).map(compute)
Another possibility I have found is using a pattern match, but using Seq concatenation so that both cases are handled with the same code. The advantage of this approach is it can be extended to any number of options, it will always evaluate when there is exactly one:
o1.toSeq ++ o2 match {
case Seq(one) => Some(compute(one))
case _ => None
Just initialize a sequence and then flatten
Seq(o1, o2).flatten match {
case Seq(o) => Some(compute(o))
case _ => None

Scala methods with generic parameter type

I have been working with Scala for close to a year, but every now and then I come across a piece of code that I don't really understand. This time it is this one. I tried looking into documents on "scala methods with generic parameter type", but I am still confused.
def defaultCall[T](featureName : String) (block : => Option[T])(implicit name: String, list:Seq[String]) : Option[T] =
val value = block match {
case Some(n) => n match {
case i : Integer => /*-------Call another method----*/
case s : String => /*--------Call another method----*/
case _ => None
The method is called using the code shown below :
var exValue = Some(10)
val intialization = defaultCall[Integer]("StringName"){exValue}
What I don't understand in the above described code is the "case" statement in the defaultCall method.
I see that when the exValue has a value and is not empty, the code works as expected. But in case I change the exValue to None, then my code goes into the "case _ = None" condition. I don't understand why this happens since the match done here is against the "variable" which would be either an Integer or a String.
What happens here is that when you pass a None it will match on the second case, which "catches" everything that is not an instance of a Some[T]:
block match {
case Some(n) => // Will match when you pass an instance of Some[T]
case _ => // Will match on any other case
Note that None and Some are two different classes that inherit from Option.
Also, the variable match is only done if the first match succeeds, otherwise not. To achieve the type checking in the first match you could do:
block match {
case Some(n: Int) => // do stuff
case Some(n: String) => // do stuff
case _ => // Will match on any other case
Hope that helps

separate scala list based on matching pattern

i have a list of the following scala trait. How can i separate the list into two, one containing only ValidatedSbcCommand objects and other only containing FailedValidationSbcCommand objects?
sealed trait SbcCommandorOrValidationError
case class ValidatedSbcCommand(sbcCommand: SbcCommand) extends SbcC ommandorOrValidationError
case class FailedValidationSbcCommand(sbcCommandError: SbcCommandError) extends SbcCommandorOr
Use the partition method on list. It takes a predicate and produces a (List, List) The first list is for the true case the second is for false.
val result = originalList.foldRight(Tuple2(List[ValidatedSbcCommand](), List[FailedValidationSbcCommand]())){ (start, rest) =>
start match {
case a:ValidatedSbcCommand => (a::rest._1, rest._2)
case b:FailedValidationSbcCommand => (rest._1, b::rest._2)
case _ => rest
Then result._1 will give you a list of ValidatedSbcCommand, and result._2 will give you a list of FailedValidationSbcCommand.
I prefer using partition with pattern matching. Given list is of type List[SbcCommandorOrValidationError] and contains only ValidatedSbcCommands and FailedValidationSbcCommands, you can do this:
val (validatedCommands, failedCommands) = list.partition {
case command: ValidatedSbcCommand => true
case _ => false
This will return a tuple of type (List[SbcCommandorOrValidationError], List[SbcCommandorOrValidationError]) where the first list is all the ValidatedSbcCommands and the second is all the FailedValidationSbcCommands.
If you need to access the specific subclass later on, don't cast. Use pattern matching as above: {
case c: ValidatedSbcCommand => functionTakingValidatedSbcCommandsOnly(c)
From Scala 2.13, you can use of partitionMap, which does exactly what you want, keeping the subtype info:
list partitionMap {
case v: ValidatedSbcCommand => Left(v)
case f: FailedValidationSbcCommand => Right(f)

Scala Map pattern matching

How to do pattern matching on a Map in Scala ?
A (non working) attempt includes,
Map("a"->1, "b"->2, "c"->3) match {
case Map(a,b,_*) => a
which errs with
value Map is not a case class, nor does it have an unapply/unapplySeq member
case Map(a,b,_*) => a
The error is indicative enough, yet how to enrich Map with an unapply method for pattern matching ?
Many Thanks
Following #Paul's comment, a neater use case may be like this,
Map("a"->1, "b"->2, "c"->3) match {
case Map("b"->2,_*) => "222"
namely, in this case, if map contains key b that maps onto value 2.
Most easy way is tramsform Map to List:
Map("a"->1, "b"->2, "c"->3).to[List] match {
case List(a,b,_*) => a
An approach to enriching Map with an unapplySeq method for pattern matching includes this,
object MapExtractor {
def unapplySeq[A <% Ordered[A], B <% Ordered[B]]
(s: Map[A,B]): Option[Seq[(A,B)]] = Some(s.toSeq.sorted)
where the sorting approach may be changed to any orderable (items comparable) logic. In this example,
Map("b"->2, "a"->1, "c"->3) match {
case MapExtractor ( x, xs # _* ) => println(s"x: $x") ; println(s"xs: $xs")
x: (a,1)
xs: ArrayBuffer((b,2), (c,3))