I'm using https://github.com/perplexhub/rsql-jpa-specification to filter entities of my database in Spring with the QuerydslPredicateExecutor and RSQLQueryDslSupport fromio.github.perplexhub:rsql-querydsl-spring-boot-starter package.
I want to filter nested collection (OneToMany) is empty or have an specific value.
how can I achieve to get a filter like describe?
This is my search query so far :
filter=deleted==false ;properties.deleted==false
Example of data is:
I want to filter Query to achieve this result, which is the best way or how to integrate a custom
The End Result should be
and not
I'm having a collection called vehicles whose structure is given below.
I want to update the sellingPrice as 500.00 if the partName is brake and sellingPrice is <= 170.00. I excuted the below query, but it is updating the value only for the 1st object.
if(p.partName=="brake" && p.sellingPrice<=170.00){
Below is the output of above query
Don't know what went wrong. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I think that the easiest way to do that is with the following query using the positional operator $
"parts.partName": "brake",
"parts.sellingPrice": {
$lte: 170.00
"$set": {
"parts.$.sellingPrice": 500
In case you can use mongodb cursor methods like forEach try something like this.
After a few pipeline stages, I came up with following sample result which is one document. If the videos.views.userId contains 10, I need to indicate videos.isWatched = true else false. We can use $unwind, check the condition, then group it.
This is sample output, The original document contains a lot of field, so I just like to do with less code unless I need to unwind Is there any way to do without unwind("videos")?
"title": "Hello world"
Expected result
title: "Hello world"
You can use $map along with $mergeObjects to add a new field to an existing array. $anyElementTrue can be used to determine whether there's any userId equal to 10:
$addFields: {
videos: {
$map: {
input: "$videos",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
isWatched: {
$anyElementTrue: {
$map: { input: "$$this.views", in: { $eq: [ "$$this.userId", 10 ] } }
Mongo Playground
Let's say I have a Purchase order document and this purchase order document has Ids of the supplier and outlet which both of them are separated document (*not embedded).
What I want when user query like this from client-side "give me the purchase order documents which (purchase-order reference-number or supplier name or outlet name) is like "Otilia"
The aggregation query I made so far is this:
What is working:
if I remove the tow other objects from $or array which looks like this
Note: I used $and because it could be more filters from client-side like purchase order status and more.
Purchase Order document Sample
Supplier document Sample:
outlet document Sample:
The result I want t to achieve is the matched purchase orders documents by the query.
Solved by wrapping every $or expression with {}.
I just forgot to wrap every $or expression in brackets.
the correct format of the query is this:
"$regex":".*Celia Pouros.*",
"$regex":".*Celia Pouros.*",
"$regex":".*Celia Pouros.*",
Below is my schema:
I want to update placement.offer.comment where placement.offer.sent_by is Mary but it always updates the first record. I don't want to provide a hard coded number like placement.0.offer.1.sent_by.
This should be the resulting document:
"comment":"Some comment updated"
You would need to use array filters to achieve that:
{ /* add additional query filters here */ },
{ $set: { "placement.$[].offer.$[o].comment": "Some updated comment" } },
{ arrayFilters: [ { "o.sent_by": "Mary" } ] }
Upon the mongoose find() query the result i am getting is:
Is there any way to extract the output in such a way that i want an array of only location values such as:-
Edit: I am aware that map method does the job, but i am not able to find a workaround of implementing the map method for the above query.
My schema:
var serviceSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
location:[{type: Number}]
I used for-of loop and map function to achieve the result you need
var your_output =[
var location_array = []
for (var services of output[0].services) {
for(var loc of services.location){