I have the following criteria builder statement:
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<TestEntity> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(TestEntity.class);
Root<TestEntity> itemRoot = criteriaQuery.from(TestEntity.class);
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.In inClause = criteriaBuilder.in(itemRoot.get("cost"));
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.In inClause2 = criteriaBuilder.in(itemRoot.get("cost"));
Predicate pred = criteriaBuilder.or(inClause, criteriaBuilder.and(inClause2, criteriaBuilder.like(itemRoot.get("name"), "%name%")));
TypedQuery typedQuery = entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
List<TestEntity> list = typedQuery.getResultList();
Which produces the following sql :
select *
from test_entity testentity0_
testentity0_.cost in (
or (
testentity0_.cost in (
and (
testentity0_.name like ?
but the where clause is wrong, i would expect the following :
select *
from test_entity testentity0_
testentity0_.cost in (
or (
testentity0_.cost in (
and (
testentity0_.name like ?
The and is misplaced, it should go inside the second expression of the or statement
Both expressions are equivalent since and operator has precedence on or:
A or B and C is equivalent to A or (B and C)
I'd like to rewrite following sql query to criteria api:
select * from demands d
where exists (
select * from (
select a.demandid,
min(coalesce(a.securitylevel, a.securitylevel, -1)) themin,
max(coalesce(a.securitylevel, -1)) themax
from allocations a
group by demandid)
where demandid = d.id
and (themin = -1 and themax = -1
or themax >= 5)
The problem is that I'm not able to figure out how to write select clause for sub-queries, my current implementation produces CompoundSelection however subQyer.select accepts only Expression (DemandSecLevel is custom POJO/DTO).
public static Specification<Demand> bySecurityLevel(
final Integer securityLevel) {
return (root, query, cb) -> {
final Subquery<DemandSecLevel> subQuery = query.subquery(DemandSecLevel.class);
final Root<AllocationEntry> allocationEntryRoot = subQuery.from(AllocationEntry.class);
cb.min(cb.coalesce(allocationEntryRoot.get(AllocationEntry_.securityLevel), -1))
cb.max(cb.coalesce(allocationEntryRoot.get(AllocationEntry_.securityLevel), -1))
I have the following criteria query, which retrieves some fields from Anfrage and Sparte entities and also the translated string for the sparte.i18nKey.
This works as expected if I dont use orderBy.
Now I have the requirement to sort by the translated string for sparte.i18nKey and using the orderBy as shown below, results in QuerySyntaxException: unexpected AST node
So the problem must be the subselect in the orderBy clause!
select distinct new
-- retrieve translated string for sparte.i18nKey
(select rb0.value from at.luxbau.mis2.domain.model.ResourceBundleEntity as rb0
where (anfrage0.sparte.i18nKey = rb0.key) and (rb0.language = 'de'))
from my.domain.model.impl.Anfrage as anfrage0
left join anfrage0.sparte as sparte
order by (
-- sort by translated string for sparte.i18nKey
select rb1.value
from my.domain.model.ResourceBundleEntity as rb1
where (anfrage0.sparte.i18nKey = rb1.key) and (rb1.language = 'de')
) asc
My Java code looks like this:
private List<AnfrageDTO> getAnfragen() {
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<AnfrageDTO> query = cb.createQuery(AnfrageDTO.class);
Root<Anfrage> anfrage = query.from(Anfrage.class);
anfrage.join(Anfrage_.sparte, JoinType.LEFT);
// create subquery for translated sparte.i18nKey
createResourceBundleSubQuery(cb, query, anfrage.get(Anfrage_.sparte).get(Sparte_.i18nKey)).getSelection()));
TypedQuery<AnfrageDTO> tq = entityManager
// use subquery to sort by translated sparte.i18nKey
.orderBy(cb.asc(createResourceBundleSubQuery(cb, query, anfrage.get(Anfrage_.sparte).get(Sparte_.i18nKey))));
List<AnfrageDTO> anfragen = tq.getResultList();
return anfragen;
public Subquery<String> createResourceBundleSubQuery(CriteriaBuilder cb, CriteriaQuery<?> query, <String> expr) {
Subquery<String> subquery = query.subquery(String.class);
Root<ResourceBundleEntity> rb = subquery.from(ResourceBundleEntity.class);
cb.equal(expr, rb.get(ResourceBundleEntity_.key)),
cb.equal(rb.get(ResourceBundleEntity_.language), "de")));
return subquery;
Using a native SQL query with subselect in orderBy works also as expected.
select distinct
(select rb3.i18n_value from resource_bundle rb3 where rb3.language_code = 'de' and rb3.i18n_key = sparte4_.i18n_key) as sparte_i18n_value
mis2.anfrage anfrage0_
left outer join mis2.sparte sparte4_ on anfrage0_.sparte_id = sparte4_.id
order by (
select rb.i18n_value
from mis2.resource_bundle rb
where sparte4_.i18n_key = rb.i18n_key and rb.language_code = 'de'
) asc
Also using an alias in the native SQL query works also as expected.
select distinct
(select rb3.i18n_value from resource_bundle rb3 where rb3.language_code = 'de' and rb3.i18n_key = sparte4_.i18n_key) as sparte_i18n_value
mis2.anfrage anfrage0_
left outer join mis2.sparte sparte4_ on anfrage0_.sparte_id = sparte4_.id
order by sparte_i18n_value
It would be great if JPA Criteria API would support using an alias in orderBy clause!
Any hints welcome - Thank you!
My environment is WildFly 11 and PostgreSQL 9.6.
JPA doesn't support passing parameter in order by clause, your problem has been asked before: Hibernate Named Query Order By parameter
This code throws an exception when rawVoters.Count() is called:
string sql = #"select * from Voters as v
inner join Homes as h on v.HomeID = h.ID
inner join Locations as l on h.LocationID = l.ID
inner join Streets as s on l.StreetID = s.ID
inner join Cities as c on s.CityID = c.ID
inner join VoterAgencies as va on v.CountyID = va.CountyID and v.VoterID = va.VoterID
where (va.AgencyID = #agencyID)
and (c.Name like '%' + #city + '%')
and (v.FirstName like '%' + #firstName + '%')
and (v.LastName like '%' + #lastName + '%')
and (s.Name like '%' + #street + '%')
and ((#voterID = 0) or (v.VoterID = #voterID))";
List<SqlParameter> parameters = new List<SqlParameter>();
parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "#agencyID", agencyID ) );
parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "#city", model.City ) );
parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "#firstName", model.FirstName ) );
parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "#lastName", model.LastName ) );
parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "#street", model.Street ) );
parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "#voterID", model.VoterID ) );
IQueryable<Voter> rawVoters = _context.Voters
.FromSql( sql, parameters.ToArray() );
int numVoters = 0;
numVoters = rawVoters.Count();
catch( Exception e )
int i = 9;
The error message is:
"The column 'ID' was specified multiple times for 'v'."
I thought this might be because EF Core doesn't like the "as x" phrasing, so I substituted the table names for each of the identifiers...and got the same error message.
I'm curious as to what's going on here.
The problem was that the T-SQL was returning all fields (select *). Under EF Core, the returned fields must match the fields specified for the entity being returned, in this case Voter.
An inner join, like the one I was using, by default returns far more than just the Voter fields.
Changing the SQL to be select v.* (where v is the alias for Voters) solved the problem.
Hence you're just getting the Count,you can specify your column name as shown below.Then no issues :)
string sql = #"select v.ID from Voters as v
Is there a way to write with JPA 2 CriteriaBuilder the equivalent of the following query?
select * from season s1
where end = (
select max(end)
from season s2
where s1.contest_id=s2.contest_id
In JPQL this query is:
Select s1 from Season s1
where s1.end = (
select max(s2.end)
from Season s2
where s1.contest=s2.contest
This should work, with contest being either a basic Integer property, or a ManyToOne property pointing to another non-basic Entity.
EntityManger em; //to be injected or constructed
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Season> cq = cb.createQuery(Season.class);
Subquery<Date> sq = cq.subquery(Date.class);
Root<Season> s1 = cq.from(Season.class);
Root<Season> s2 = sq.from(Season.class);
sq.where(cb.equal(s2.get(Season_.contest), s1.get(Season_.contest)));
cq.where(cb.equal(s1.get(Season_.end), sq));
List<Season> result = em.createQuery(cq).getResultList();
select ForumCategories.ID , ForumCategories.Title , ForumCategories.DateCreated,
CO = ( select COUNT(*) from ForumSubCategories where ForumSubCategories.CategoryID_FK = ForumCategories.ID)
from ForumCategories
var q = from fc in Context.ForumCategories
select new
Id = fc.ID,
Title = fc.Title,
DateCreated = fc.DateCreated
CO = fc.ForumSubCategories.Count()
return q;
The "join" (subquery) is implicit; it's defined in the relationship between ForumCategories and ForumSubCategories in your model. Using this syntax, the call to Count() will be done on the DB server.