On Linux Mint, I could set up the Octave kernel
pip install jupyter
pip install octave_kernel # install octave kernel
jupyter kernelspec list prints out:
Available kernels:
octave /home/ufc/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/octave
python3 /home/ufc/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/python3
On Jupyter Notebook, I could find it. Howerver, o vscode, I only find these options
How can I set jupyter kernel to octave on vscode?
I am trying to install wolfram kernel for jupyter notebook (vscode) because vscode extension: wolfram language notebook doesn't work.But when I finished installation something werid happended.
I can find wolfram kernel in command line : jupyter kernelspec list, but not in my vscode
Hope someone can tell me how vscode jupyter works?
So I hope my solution (on Linux) will work for you too:
get the repository:
add the kernel by executing: wolframscript configure-jupyter.wls add
check if the kernel is added: jupyter kernelspec list
in vscode search for "select Interpreter to start jupyter server" and select your python version
Now the kernels should be updated and you should be able to choose your installed wolfram kernel.
In case its not working I installed the package
. However I do not know if that is necessary.
I have installed jupyter - but to double check ran the install again:
pip install jupyter
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): jupyter in ./.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
However there is no jupyter (or jupyter-notebook etc.) on the $PATH or anywhere under /usr
find /usr -name jupyter
Where is it installed? I am on ubuntu 16.0.4
Maybe I'm wrong but is your
Because it should be installed there :
And if really you struggle with system based python and Jupyter, I think you should install Anaconda instead.
It's the most used, production ready, compartimented python environment.
And it has jupyter built-in.
To finish my argumentation, it's the recommanded way to install Jupyter.
I've installed anaconda2 and anaconda3 from official website
and now have 2 folders:
user/anaconda with anaconda2
user/anaconda3/anaconda with anacaonda3
the default path for python is set for anaconda 2:
MacBook-Air:anaconda zelenov$ which python
but when I run jupyter notebook I can create only python 3 notebook
how can I add my python2 environment?
I tried this, but it didn't help:
python2 -m pip install ipykernel
python2 -m ipykernel install --user
Thanks in advance for any help!
Choose one Anaconda distribution, not both. I suggest uninstalling one of those distributions, e.g. Python 2. Then create an environment within your Python 3 distribution:
> conda create --name py27 python=2.7
Once the environment is created, you need to enter it, install ipykernel, then exit the environment once completed.
> source activate py27
> conda install ipykernel
> source deactivate
Note source can be omitted for Windows users. As of Anaconda 4.2, installing ipykernel is sufficient for creating a jupyter kernel automatically. Start jupyter:
> jupyter notebook
You should see a dropdown menu in the dashboard with the name of the py27 kernel installed. For more information on installing Python kernels, see Jupyter documentation.
I switch to any other virtualenv and do a "pip install jupyter", when I run the notebook the Python 3 kernel is hardcoded to point to the python of the initial virtualenv that jupyter was installed in.
Is there a way to fix this?
I recently began using julia, and I would like to use in with IPython Notebook/Jupyter.
So, I installed julia using MacPorts, i.e. sudo port install julia. Following the installation instructions here: https://github.com/JuliaLang/IJulia.jl
After the prompt, I used "Pkg.add("IJulia") to install IJulia.
However, I cannot use Julia with IPython notebook. After opening the notebook with
ipython notebook --profile=julia
the kernel for the julia notebook dies instantly and cannot be restarted.
The error on the Terminal shows:
[I 19:03:19.410 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (1/5)
WARNING:root:kernel dc00ae3a-8fa6-4d01-a802-f7845a16a9ba restarted
ERROR: SHA256 not defined
in include at /opt/local/lib/julia/sys.dylib
in process_options at /opt/local/lib/julia/sys.dylib
in _start at /opt/local/lib/julia/sys.dylib
while loading /Users/NAME/.julia/v0.3/IJulia/src/kernel.jl, in expression starting on line 6
I suspect I have installed IJulia incorrectly? How can I solve this?
(The version of julia is julia version 0.3.11. The version of python is Python 2.7.10. The version of ipython is 4.0.0.)
The current stable version of Julia is v0.4.0.
You should download it directly from the Julia homepage (.dmg):
Having done that, run it and do Pkg.add("IJulia") again.
Then from within Julia do
using IJulia
Note that the Jupyter Notebook (the new name for what used to be the IPython Notebook) is run as
jupyter notebook
The --profile julia is no longer necessary and should be removed.
Furthermore, this (jupyter notebook) will only work if you had a previous installation of Jupyter, which seems to be the case. In this case, I suggest you upgrade it with conda, if you installed Anaconda, or with pip.)