Is it possible to add a class to an input in observablehq? - observablehq

I would like to add a custom class to an observablehq input so that Bootstrap styling can be applied (e.g. Is this possible?

Yes. Here is an example:
viewof bins = {
const input = Inputs.range([3, 20], { step: 1, label: "Bins" });
return input;


How can I enter 5M or 10k into AG Grid so it shows the full number (i.e. 5,000,000 or 10,000)

Our users need quick and reliable data entry so they want to type 'M' into a number cell in AG Grid but have that converted into a number. e.g. 5M will become 5000. I dont want to change the cell type to text or do a value formatter if at all possible as that then brings its own problems.
You can use a Value Setter to set the value to be entered into the cell after editing a cell
headerName: 'B',
field: 'b',
valueSetter: function (params) {
const THOUSAND = 'k';
const MILLION = 'm';
const lastCharacter = params.newValue
.charAt(params.newValue.length - 1)
if (lastCharacter == THOUSAND) {
var newValInt = parseInt(params.newValue) * 1000;
} else if (lastCharacter == MILLION) {
var newValInt = parseInt(params.newValue) * 1000000;
} else {
var newValInt = parseInt(params.newValue);
var valueChanged = !== newValInt;
if (valueChanged) { = newValInt;
return valueChanged;
See this implemented in the following plunkr
If you are using AdapTable with AG Grid then you can use the Shortcut Module.
This allows you to define shortcuts at design time or run time.
So in this case you would define a shortcut ('M' for Multiply by 1000) and then each time the user types 5M, AdapTable will convert it to 5,000 but the column will remain a numeric one.
Shortcut: {
Shortcuts: [
Scope: { DataTypes: ['Number'] },
ShortcutKey: 'M',
ShortcutOperation: 'Multiply',
ShortcutValue: 1000,

Is it possible to display multiple icons in a single AG Grid cell and then be able to filter rows on each individual icon?

enter image description here
So would I be able to display multiple icons here and if so would the user be able to filter the grid rows to display rows that feature each icon (alone and as part of a group) by selecting each icon in the filter?
And could users tap the icons to open a detail grid?
Thanks in advance
Please see this sample which implements your use case:
You can display multiple icons on a row by using cellRenderers, first you have to provide it to the grid:
columnDefs: [
// group cell renderer needed for expand / collapse icons
field: 'name',
minWidth: 300,
cellRenderer: 'agGroupCellRenderer',
cellRendererParams: {
innerRenderer: 'iconRenderer',
components: {
iconRenderer: IconCellRenderer,
Here is the Cell Renderer Component:
class IconCellRenderer {
init(params) {
this.params = params;
this.eGui = document.createElement('div');
this.eFilterButton = document.createElement('button');
this.eExpandButton = document.createElement('button');
this.eText = document.createElement('span');
this.eText.textContent = params.value;
this.eFilterButton.textContent = 'filter';
this.eExpandButton.textContent = 'expand';
this.eFilterButton.addEventListener('click', this.filterOnClick.bind(this));
this.eExpandButton.addEventListener('click', this.expandOnClick.bind(this));
getGui() {
return this.eGui;
expandOnClick(ev) {
const isExpanded = this.params.node.expanded;
filterOnClick(ev) {
const value = this.params.value;
name: { values: [value] },
The key here is that we can expand a row by calling api.setExpanded(true) on a node. And we can filter on the grid by calling api.setFilterModel(filterModel)

Ag-Grid: Number Formatting eg:123456.78 to 123,457

I have huge sets of numeric data.
this needs to be rendered as comma separated value.
For Ex.
123456.78 to be rendered as 123,457 using Ag-Grid.
Kindly help me on achieving this.
As per the cell rendering flow documentation (here), you can use the colDef.valueFormatter, like this:
var columnDefs = [
{headerName: "Number", field: "number"},
{headerName: "Formatted", field: "number", valueFormatter: currencyFormatter}
function currencyFormatter(params) {
return '£' + formatNumber(params.value);
function formatNumber(number) {
// this puts commas into the number eg 1000 goes to 1,000,
// i pulled this from stack overflow, i have no idea how it works
return Math.floor(number).toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "$1,");
You could also use a cellRenderer as other posts describe, but that's typically for more complex rendering, whereas the valueFormatter is specifically for this case. From the ag-grid documentation:
valueFormatter's are for text formatting.
cellRenderer's are for when you want to include HTML markup and
potentially functionality to the cell. So for example, if you want to
put punctuation into a value, use a valueFormatter, if you want to put
buttons or HTML links use a cellRenderer. It is possible to use a
combination of both, in which case the result of the valueFormatter
will be passed to the cellRenderer.
headerName: 'Salary', field: 'sal'
cellRenderer: this.CurrencyCellRenderer
private CurrencyCellRenderer(params:any) {
var usdFormate = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'USD',
minimumFractionDigits: 4
return usdFormate.format(params.value);
Like these we can mention in Angular2 Typescript code.
You can do this by writing a "customcellRenderer", when you create a column definition provide a function to "cellRenderer " attribute and in renderer use number filter, something like this
var colDef = {
name: 'Col Name',
field' 'Col Field',
cellRenderer: function(params) {
var eCell = document.createElement('span');
var number;
if (!param.value || !isFinite(param.value)) {
number = '';
} else {
number = $filter('number')(param.value, 0);
eCell.innerHTML = number;
return eCell;

hasCls() not working for my Extjs Grid

i am applying css for a clicked record in my grid like below
listeners: {
select: function(record,rowIndex) {
this.getView().addRowCls(rowIndex, 'green');
i need to check on a condition whether css is present or not, i am trying to check like this
select: function(record,rowIndex) {
this.getView().addRowCls(rowIndex, 'green');
which is always returning false. Please help me...
You can use the bellow way to check if the specified CSS class exists.
var row = this.getView().getNode(rowIndex, false);
if (row) {
console.log('green') );

How to create custom ExtJS form field component?

I want to create custom ExtJS form field components using other ExtJS components in it (e.g. TreePanel). How can I do it most easily?
I've read docs of Ext.form.field.Base but I don't want to define field body by fieldSubTpl. I just want to write code which creates ExtJS components and maybe some other code which gets and sets values.
Update: Summarized purposes are the followings:
This new component should fit in the
form GUI as a field. It should have
label and the same alignment (label,
anchor) of other fields without need
of further hacking.
Possibly, I have
to write some getValue, setValue
logic. I'd rather embed it into this component than making separated code which copies things into further hidden form fields that I also have to manage.
To extend #RobAgar 's answer, following a really simple Date Time field that I wrote for ExtJS 3 and it's quickport that I made for ExtJS 4. The important thing is the use of the Ext.form.field.Field mixin. This mixin provides a common interface for the logical behavior and state of form fields, including:
Getter and setter methods for field values
Events and methods for tracking value and validity changes
Methods for triggering validation
This can be used for combining multiple fields and let act them as one. For a total custom fieldtype I recommend to extend Ext.form.field.Base
Here is the example that I mentioned above. It should shoe how easy this can be done even for something like a date object where we need to format the data within the getter and setter.
Ext.define('QWA.form.field.DateTime', {
extend: 'Ext.form.FieldContainer',
mixins: {
field: 'Ext.form.field.Field'
alias: 'widget.datetimefield',
layout: 'hbox',
width: 200,
height: 22,
combineErrors: true,
msgTarget: 'side',
submitFormat: 'c',
dateCfg: null,
timeCfg: null,
initComponent: function () {
var me = this;
if (!me.dateCfg) me.dateCfg = {};
if (!me.timeCfg) me.timeCfg = {};
me.dateField = me.down('datefield')
me.timeField = me.down('timefield')
buildField: function () {
var me = this;
me.items = [
xtype: 'datefield',
submitValue: false,
format: 'd.m.Y',
width: 100,
flex: 2
}, me.dateCfg),
xtype: 'timefield',
submitValue: false,
format: 'H:i',
width: 80,
flex: 1
}, me.timeCfg)]
getValue: function () {
var me = this,
date = me.dateField.getSubmitValue(),
dateFormat = me.dateField.format,
time = me.timeField.getSubmitValue(),
timeFormat = me.timeField.format;
if (date) {
if (time) {
value = Ext.Date.parse(date + ' ' + time, me.getFormat());
} else {
value = me.dateField.getValue();
return value;
setValue: function (value) {
var me = this;
getSubmitData: function () {
var me = this,
data = null;
if (!me.disabled && me.submitValue && !me.isFileUpload()) {
data = {},
value = me.getValue(),
data[me.getName()] = '' + value ? Ext.Date.format(value, me.submitFormat) : null;
return data;
getFormat: function () {
var me = this;
return (me.dateField.submitFormat || me.dateField.format) + " " + (me.timeField.submitFormat || me.timeField.format)
Now that's cool. The other day, I created a fiddle to answer another question before realizing I was off-topic. And here your are, finally bringing to my attention the question to my answer. Thanks!
So, here are the steps required in implementing a custom field from another component:
Creating the child component
Render the child component
Ensuring the child component is sized and resized correctly
Getting and setting value
Relaying events
Creating the child component
The first part, creating the component, is easy. There's nothing particular compared to creating a component for any other usage.
However, you must create the child in the parent field's initComponent method (and not at rendering time). This is because external code can legitimately expect that all dependent objects of a component are instantiated after initComponent (e.g. to add listeners to them).
Furthermore, you can be kind to yourself and create the child before calling the super method. If you create the child after the super method, you may get a call to your field's setValue method (see bellow) at a time when the child is not yet instantiated.
initComponent: function() {
this.childComponent = Ext.create(...);
As you see, I am creating a single component, which is what you'll want in most case. But you can also want to go fancy and compose multiple child components. In this case, I think it would be clever to back to well known territories as quickly as possible: that is, create one container as the child component, and compose in it.
Then comes the question of rendering. At first I considered using fieldSubTpl to render a container div, and have the child component render itself in it. However, we don't need the template features in that case, so we can as well bypass it completely using the getSubTplMarkup method.
I explored other components in Ext to see how they manage the rendering of child components. I found a good example in BoundList and its paging toolbar (see the code). So, in order to obtain the child component's markup, we can use Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup in combination with the child's getRenderTree method.
So, here's the implementation of getSubTplMarkup for our field:
getSubTplMarkup: function() {
// generateMarkup will append to the passed empty array and return it
var buffer = Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(this.childComponent.getRenderTree(), []);
// but we want to return a single string
return buffer.join('');
Now, that's not enough. The code of BoundList learns us that there's another important part in component rendering: calling the finishRender() method of the child component. Fortunately, our custom field will have its own finishRenderChildren method called just when that needs to be done.
finishRenderChildren: function() {
Now our child will be rendered in the right place, but it will not respect its parent field size. That is especially annoying in the case of a form field, because that means it won't honor the anchor layout.
That's very straightforward to fix, we just need to resize the child when the parent field is resized. From my experience, this is something that was greatly improved since Ext3. Here, we just need to not forget the extra space for the label:
onResize: function(w, h) {
this.childComponent.setSize(w - this.getLabelWidth(), h);
Handling value
This part will, of course, depend on your child component(s), and the field you're creating. Moreover, from now on, it's just a matter of using your child components in a regular way, so I won't detail this part too much.
A minima, you also need to implement the getValue and setValue methods of your field. That will make the getFieldValues method of the form work, and that will be enough to load/update records from the form.
To handle validation, you must implement getErrors. To polish this aspect, you may want to add a handful of CSS rules to visually represent the invalid state of your field.
Then, if you want your field to be usable in a form that will be submitted as an actual form (as opposed to with an AJAX request), you'll need getSubmitValue to return a value that can be casted to a string without damage.
Apart from that, as far as I know, you don't have to worry about the concept or raw value introduced by Ext.form.field.Base since that's only used to handle the representation of the value in an actual input element. With our Ext component as input, we're way off that road!
Your last job will be to implement the events for your fields. You will probably want to fire the three events of Ext.form.field.Field, that is change, dirtychange and validitychange.
Again, the implementation will be very specific to the child component you use and, to be honest, I haven't explored this aspect too much. So I'll let you wire this for yourself.
My preliminary conclusion though, is that Ext.form.field.Field offers to do all the heavy lifting for you, provided that (1) you call checkChange when needed, and (2) isEqual implementation is working with your field's value format.
Example: TODO list field
Finally, here's a complete code example, using a grid to represent a TODO list field.
You can see it live on jsFiddle, where I tries to show that the field behaves in an orderly manner.
Ext.define('My.form.field.TodoList', {
// Extend from Ext.form.field.Base for all the label related business
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Base'
,alias: 'widget.todolist'
// --- Child component creation ---
,initComponent: function() {
// Create the component
// This is better to do it here in initComponent, because it is a legitimate
// expectationfor external code that all dependant objects are created after
// initComponent (to add listeners, etc.)
// I will use this.grid for semantical access (value), and this.childComponent
// for generic issues (rendering)
this.grid = this.childComponent = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
hideHeaders: true
,columns: [{dataIndex: 'value', flex: 1}]
,store: {
fields: ['value']
,data: []
,height: this.height || 150
,width: this.width || 150
,tbar: [{
text: 'Add'
,scope: this
,handler: function() {
var value = prompt("Value?");
if (value !== null) {
this.grid.getStore().add({value: value});
text: "Remove"
,itemId: 'removeButton'
,disabled: true // initial state
,scope: this
,handler: function() {
var grid = this.grid,
selModel = grid.getSelectionModel(),
store = grid.getStore();
,listeners: {
scope: this
,selectionchange: function(selModel, selection) {
var removeButton = this.grid.down('#removeButton');
// field events{
scope: this
,datachanged: this.checkChange
// --- Rendering ---
// Generates the child component markup and let Ext.form.field.Base handle the rest
,getSubTplMarkup: function() {
// generateMarkup will append to the passed empty array and return it
var buffer = Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(this.childComponent.getRenderTree(), []);
// but we want to return a single string
return buffer.join('');
// Regular containers implements this method to call finishRender for each of their
// child, and we need to do the same for the component to display smoothly
,finishRenderChildren: function() {
// --- Resizing ---
// This is important for layout notably
,onResize: function(w, h) {
this.childComponent.setSize(w - this.getLabelWidth(), h);
// --- Value handling ---
// This part will be specific to your component of course
,setValue: function(values) {
var data = [];
if (values) {
Ext.each(values, function(value) {
data.push({value: value});
,getValue: function() {
var data = [];
this.grid.getStore().each(function(record) {
return data;
,getSubmitValue: function() {
return this.getValue().join(',');
Heh. After posting the bounty I found out that Ext.form.FieldContainer isn't just a field container, but a fully fledged component container, so there is a simple solution.
All you need to do is extend FieldContainer, overriding initComponent to add the child components, and implement setValue, getValue and the validation methods as appropriate for your value data type.
Here's an example with a grid whose value is a list of name/value pair objects:
Ext.define('MyApp.widget.MyGridField', {
extend: 'Ext.form.FieldContainer',
alias: 'widget.mygridfield',
layout: 'fit',
initComponent: function()
this.valueGrid = Ext.widget({
xtype: 'grid',
store: Ext.create('', {
fields: ['name', 'value'],
data: this.value
columns: [
text: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'name',
flex: 3
text: 'Value',
dataIndex: 'value',
flex: 1
setValue: function(value)
getValue: function()
// left as an exercise for the reader :P
I've done this a few times. Here is the general process/pseudo-code I use:
Create an extension of field that provides the most useful re-use (typically Ext.form.TextField if you just want to get/set a string value)
In the afterrender of the field, hide the textfield, and create a wrapping element around this.el with this.wrap = this.resizeEl = this.positionEl = this.el.wrap()
Render any components to this.wrap (e.g. using renderTo: this.wrap in the config)
Override getValue and setValue to talk to the component(s) you rendered manually
You may need to do some manually sizing in a resize listener if your form's layout changes
Don't forget to cleanup any components you create in the beforeDestroy method!
I can't wait to switch our codebase to ExtJS 4, where these kinds of things are easy.
Good luck!
Since the question was asked rather vague - I only can provide the basic pattern for ExtJS v4.
Even if it's not too specific, it has the advance that it's rather universal like this:
Ext.define('app.view.form.field.CustomField', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Base',
requires: [
/* require further components */
/* custom configs & callbacks */
getValue: function(v){
/* override function getValue() */
setValue: function(v){
/* override function setValue() */
getSubTplData: [
/* most likely needs to be overridden */
initComponent: function(){
/* further code on event initComponent */
The file /ext/src/form/field/Base.js provides the names of all configs and functions that can be overridden.
Following the documentation at
This code will create a reusable TypeAhead/Autocomplete style field for selecting a language.
var langs = Ext.create( '', {
fields: [ 'label', 'code' ],
data: [
{ code: 'eng', label: 'English' },
{ code: 'ger', label: 'German' },
{ code: 'chi', label: 'Chinese' },
{ code: 'ukr', label: 'Ukranian' },
{ code: 'rus', label: 'Russian' }
} );
Ext.define( 'Ext.form.LangSelector', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',
alias: 'widget.LangSelector',
allowBlank: false,
hideTrigger: true,
width: 225,
displayField: 'label',
valueField: 'code',
forceSelection: true,
minChars: 1,
store: langs
} );
You can use the field in a form simply by setting the xtype to the widget name:
xtype: 'LangSelector'
fieldLabel: 'Language',
name: 'lang'
Many of the answers either use the Mixin Ext.form.field.Field or just extends on some already made class that suits their needs - which is fine.
But I do not recommend fully overwriting the setValue method, that is IMO really bad form!
A lot more happens than just setting and getting the value, and if you fully overwrite it - well you will for instance mess up the dirty state, processing of rawValue etc..
Two options here I guess, one is to callParent(arguments) inside the method you declare to keep things streamlined, or to at the end when you are done apply the inherited method from where ever you got it (mixin or extend).
But do not just overwrite it with no regards for what that already made method does behind the scenes.
Also remember that if you use other field types in your new class - then do set the isFormField property to false - otherwise your getValues method on the form will take those values and run with em!
Another solution could be this tree-field implementation.
It behaves just like a normal form field:
Here is an example of a custom panel that extends an Ext Panel. You can extend any component, check the docs for the fields, methods and events you can play with.
yournamespace.MyPanel = function(config) {, config);
Ext.extend(yournamespace.MyPanel, Ext.Panel, {
myGlobalVariable : undefined,
constructor : function(config) {
yournamespace.MyPanel.superclass.constructor.apply(this, config);
initComponent : function() {
this.comboBox = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
fieldLabel: "MyCombo",
store: someStore,
displayField:'My Label',
typeAhead: true,
mode: 'local',
forceSelection: true,
triggerAction: 'all',
tabIndex: 1,
width: 200
// configure the grid
Ext.apply(this, {
listeners: {
'activate': function(p) {
border: false,
bodyStyle:"padding: 15px",
width: 350,
height: 75,
handler: this.someAction.createDelegate(this),
text: 'Some Action'
}); // eo apply
yournamespace.MyPanel.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
this.comboBox.on('select', function(combo, record, index) {
this.myGlobalVariable = record.get("something");
}, this);
}, // eo function initComponent
someAction : function() {
//do something
getMyGlobalVariable : function() {
return this.myGlobalVariable;
}); // eo extend
Ext.reg('mypanel', yournamespace.MyPanel);
Could you describe the UI requirements that you have a bit more? Are you sure that you even need to do build an entire field to support the TreePanel? Why not set the value of a hidden field (see the "hidden" xtype in the API) from a click handler on a normal tree panel?
To answer your question more fully, you can find many tutorials on how to extend ExtJS components. You do this by leveraging the Ext.override() or Ext.Extend() methods.
But my feeling is that you may be over-complicating your design. You can achieve what you need to do by setting a value to this hidden field. If you have complex data, you can set the value as some XML or JSON string.
EDIT Here's a few tutorials. I highly recommend going with the KISS rule when it comes to your UI design. Keep It Simple Stupid!
Extending components using panels