What is the Postgres DATABASE_URL to connect cloud run to postgres on cloud SQL - postgresql

I am trying to connect my cloud run app to cloud sql, here is my cloudbuild.yaml
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'
entrypoint: npx
dir: './server'
- 'prisma'
- 'migrate'
- 'deploy'
However, I keep on getting the error Please make sure your database server is running at '/cloudsql/learninfra001:us-central1:learninfra001-postgres':'5432'.
Here is the _DATABASE_URL I use for substitution variable postgresql://postgres:password#localhost/db?schema=public&host=/cloudsql/learninfra001:us-central1:learninfra001-postgres
I have made sure the following:
The default cloud run service account has Cloud SQL Client role
The database db is created
Within the cloudrun service, under connections, the Cloud SQL connections is pointing to the correct instance (learninfra001:us-central1:learninfra001-postgres)
Using white-listed public IP, I am able to connect to the DB. However, I just can't seem to get cloud run to work. Is there anything else I could check? Or is there a way to get more logging to see why it is not connecting?

In short, you'll need to enable a Cloud SQL connection to your Cloud SQL instance from Cloud Build.
See https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/connect-build for details.


What could I be missing with Prisma client, Cloud Run, and Cloud SQL - my Prisma client can't socket-connect to my Cloud SQL instance DB?

I have a NestJS project with Prisma ORM, and I am continually receiving the error:
PrismaClientInitializationError: Can't reach database server at `localhost`:`5432`
This is happening during the Cloud Build Deploy step.
Since this is a containerized application (attempting to) run in a Cloud Run instance, I'm supposed to use a socket connection. Here's the documentation from Prisma on connecting to a Postgres DB through a socket connection: https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/database-connectors/postgresql#connecting-via-sockets
Connecting via sockets
To connect to your PostgreSQL database via sockets, you must add a host field as a query parameter to the connection URL (instead of setting it as the host part of the URI). The value of this parameter then must point to the directory that contains the socket, e.g.: postgresql://USER:PASSWORD#localhost/database?host=/var/run/postgresql/
Note that localhost is required, the value itself is ignored and can be anything.
I've done this to the letter, as described in the Cloud SQL documentation, with the exception that I percent-encoded my path to the directory containing the socket. I've included and excluded the trailing slash.
So my host var looks like this, mapped from the percent-encoded values:
I've read over the Cloud Run documentation, and in my mind, I should expect a different error if the instance itself can't connect to the Cloud SQL instance. I've followed the "Make sure you have the appropriate permissions and connection" from the documentation a few times now.
Is there anything obvious that I'm missing? Am I wrong about an error related to Cloud Run instance just not connecting with Cloud SQL instance?
Things I've tried & things I know
I CAN connect directly to the Cloud SQL instance locally through psql
I CAN run a local server with the Cloud SQL instance public IP and establish a client connection & interact with the database
I CAN successfully create an image and run a container from that image locally
My big concern
It doesn't make sense to me in which order things should connect to the Cloud SQL instance. To me, the Cloud Run - Cloud SQL connection MUST be established before the application run inside the Cloud Run instance can establish its connection through the socket to the Cloud SQL instance. -- Am I thinking through that correctly?

Google Cloud postgres – connecting from Heroku

I was using Postgres addon on Heroku and was connecting to the database using DATABASE_URL env var.
I now need to switch to Google Cloud Platform Postgres. I've created an instance and successfully added my local connection to the Authorised networks. Yet it seems that Heroku does not provide a static IP for its apps.
My question is then – is it possible to connect my Heroku app to a Postgres database from the Google Cloud Platform? If yes – what's the best way to do it?
You will want to run the Cloud SQL Proxy alongside your application. This will allow your Heroku App to connect to Cloud SQL without the need to worry about changing and adding IPs to your Authorized Networks.
This thread might be useful for your use-case. Node and Cloud SQL with Heroku

Connect Postgres db hosted in azure storage using docker

I am trying to connect the postgres database hosted in azure storage account from within the flyway, flyway is running as docker image in docker container
docker run --rm flyway/flyway -url=jdbc:postgresql://postgres-azure-db:5432/postgres -user=user -password=password info but I am getting the error ERROR: Unable to obtain connection from database
Any idea/doc-link would be helpful
You have a similar error (different context, same general solution) in this flyway issue
my missing piece for reaching private Cloud SQL instances from private worker pools in Cloud Build was a missing network route.
The fix is ensuring the Service Networking VPC peer has the "Export custom routes" setting enabled, and that the Cloud Router advertises the route.
In your context (Azure), see "Quickstart: Use Azure Data Studio to connect and query PostgreSQL"
You can also try with a local Postgres instance first, and Azure Data Studio, for testing.
After exploring few option, I implemented the flyway using the Azure container instance. Create an ACI to store the flyway docker image and to execute the commands inside ACI, Also created a file share to keep the config file and sql scripts.
All these resource (Storage, ACI, file share) I created via the terraform scripts which is being triggered from Jenkins.

Prisma DATABASE_URL error (Cloud Run + Cloud SQL)

I use Prisma with Cloud Run & Cloud SQL. After providing DATABASE_URL to the prisma.schema it throws me an error in runtime.
Can't reach database server at `(/cloudsql/project-name:us-east1:database-id)`:`5432`
Please make sure your database server is running at `(/cloudsql/project-name:us-east1:database-id)`:`5432`."
Database: Postgres
Provided url DATABASE_URL: postgresql://username:password#localhost/databasename?host=(/cloudsql/project-name:us-east1:database-id)
What is wrong with connection? Do I failed to construct DATABASE_URL correctly?
I removed brackets () around host parameter /cloudsql/project-name:us-east1:database-id and everything start to work as expected.
Before (with brackets)
After (without brackets)

Migrated from standard to flex App Engine environment, now Cloud SQL won't connect

I have a Google App Engine app written in Node.js which connects to a Cloud SQL Postgres instance under the same GCP project. Previously I was using the standard environment and it worked fine, but when I switch to a flex environment, the SQL connection no longer works.
My app.yaml:
runtime: nodejs
env: flex
instances: 1
cloud_sql_instances: mopho-217900:us-central1:mopho
I'm connecting to the DB through Knex with hostname /cloudsql/mopho-217900:us-central1:mopho. This gives me the following error:
Error: connect ENOENT /cloudsql/mopho-217900:us-central1:mopho/.s.PGSQL.5432
The username/password/database I'm providing are all valid, and continue to work if I switch back to the standard environment. It only fails when I switch to the flexible environment.
It turns out that the Cloud SQL Admin API needed to be enabled. (thanks to this Google groups post for the pointer)