How to force the order of UIKit pop up menu button items? - swift

I have a couple of UIKit pop-up menu buttons with identical menu items on the same screen in a Swift app. The buttons are built by calling a function that uses an array of strings to create the list of menu items.
The problem is that depending on the button's vertical position on the screen, the menu items may appear in the order specified by the function, or reversed. If the button is in the upper half of the screen, the menu items are listed in the correct order. If the button is in the lower half of the screen the menu items are listed in reverse order.
I would prefer the menu items to appear in the same order regardless of the button's position on the screen. I could check the button location and have the menu creation function reverse the order, but that seems kind of clunky. I am hoping there's a cleaner way to override this behaviour.
The code and array used to create the button menus:
let buttonMenuItems = ["Spring","Summer","Autumn","Winter"]
func createAttributeMenu(menuNumber: Int)->UIMenu {
var menuActions: [UIAction] = []
for attribute in buttonMenuItems {
let item = UIAction(title: attribute) { action in
self.updateMenu(menuID: menuNumber, selected: attribute)
return UIMenu(title: "", children: menuActions)
The result is this:
Versions I'm using now in testing: Xcode 14.1, iOS 16.1, but I have seen this behaviour on earlier versions as well. (back to iOS 14.x)

Starting with iOS 16, there is a .preferredMenuElementOrder property that can be set on the button:
case automatic
A constant that allows the system to choose an ordering strategy according to the current context.
case priority
A constant that displays menu elements according to their priority.
case fixed
A constant that displays menu elements in a fixed order.
Best I can tell (as with many Apple definitions), there is no difference between .automatic and .priority.
From the .priority docs page:
This ordering strategy displays the first menu element in the UIMenu closest to the location of the user interaction.
So, we get "reversed" order based on the position of the menu relative to the button.
To keep your defined order: = createAttributeMenu(menuNumber: 1) = createAttributeMenu(menuNumber: 2)
if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {
buttonNearBottom.preferredMenuElementOrder = .fixed
buttonNearTop.preferredMenuElementOrder = .fixed
} else {
// out of luck... you get Apple's "priority" ordering


Flutter ShowDialog to show correct data once

I have a working method that places Map Markers on a HERE map in Flutter
When an individual marker is pressed it pops up with a metadata box containing relevant data
Depending on which List type of marker is pressed I will trigger a different ShowDialog to show the correct data
I have a Flutter Gesture Handler that listens for taps and then reacts.
I need different _pickMapMarker*x* to be options (in 'Gesture Handler')depending on the list type of marker pressed
All markers are added to a list, List<MapMarker> _x when placed, there is list _mapMarkertype1, _mapMarkertype2
This is what I currently have. The issue is as follows... If there are 12 mapMarkers in the List the marker I click displays 12 pop-ups, all with the correct information, just duplicated 12 times (Or as many markers in List when button pressed)
I need to display just the info from the selected pop-up one time, in one pop-up
Here is the method (Which is by no means correct, just the nearest I have got. I think rather than contains, I need it the other way around, to check which list the tapped marker is in)
void _setTapGestureHandler() {
_hereMapController.gestures.tapListener = TapListener((Point2D touchPoint) {
for(MapMarker mapMarker in _mapMarkerList1) {
if (_mapMarkerList1.contains(mapMarker)) {
for(MapMarker mapMarker in _mapMarkerList2) {
if (_mapMarkerList2.contains(mapMarker)) {
Place marker

Mutually exclusive radio buttons for MacOS in Swift

I've got five radio buttons, and selecting one should deselect the others.
I've been over a lot of the questions here about radio buttons in Swift, but they're either for iOS or outdated versions of Swift, because Xcode isn't offering me options like ".isSelected". I've got ".isEnabled" but clearly semantics matter here, because "enabled" isn't the same thing as "selected" and it shows.
Writing my code as a series of "if-else" statements along these lines:
func disableUnselectedButtons() {
if Button2.isEnabled == true {
Button1.isEnabled = false
Button3.isEnabled = false
Button4.isEnabled = false
Button5.isEnabled = false
results in a situation where I can select all five buttons, and can't DEselect any of them after another has been selected. I've tried variations of .on/.off as well, and can't find the right one for this situation.
It's also clumsy as heck to write a method with five if-else statements along those lines. So there's that.
What's the best way to go about implementing this?
If your radio buttons have the same superview and have the same action then they should work as expected.
To set the same action for each of your radio buttons you can do one of the following.
If you are using Storyboards, open both storyboard and related NSViewController swift file. Ctrl-drag your first radio button to the swift file. Then do the same for each of the other radio buttons ensuring you are dragging onto the function generated from the first Ctrl-drag.
If you are creating the radio buttons in code then set the action parameter in the init for each radio button to be the same.
Another way to approach this is to represent the buttons as a Set and then it's easy to iterate through them and configure their state. The below code actually allows for allowing multiple selections to support a scenario that wants to "select three of the six options".
let allButtons = Set(1...5). //or however many you want
func selectActiveButtons(_ activeButtons: Set<Int>, from allButtons: Set<Int>){
let inactive = allButtons.subtracting(activeButtons)
setButtonState(forButtons: inactive, isSelected: false)
setButtonState(forButtons: activeButtons, isSelected: true)
func setButtonState(forButtons buttons: Set<Int>, isSelected: Bool) {
//remove below line and replace with code to update buttons in UI
print("Button \($0): \(isSelected ? "Selected" : "Unselected")")
// select buttons 1 & 3.
//If wanting a "classic" radio button group just use one value in the arrayLiteral.
selectActiveButtons(Set(arrayLiteral: 1,3), from: allButtons)

Looping through entities which describe what action should be taken on screen after keypresses

Please forgive me if I don't describe this question too well, I am new to programming MacOS apps using Swift. I know the way I'm going about this is probably wrong and I just need someone to tell me the right way.
My main app screen
I have a Core Data application that stores an ordered list of entities called Items. These Items are intended to describe a single step in an activity that describes what should happen on screen. If you know the Mac application QLab each Item is like a single cue in QLab.
I have created an Activity class that is designed to read through each Item to determine the Item type and it's related information. Once the Item type has been determined the Activity class needs to present a View with information related to that particular Item and then wait until the user presses the right arrow key to then proceed to the next Item in the Core Data store where the process repeats until all Items have been read. Each time a new Item is read in the loop, the information on the screen should change after the user presses the right arrow each time.
The problem is that I don't know exactly how the best way of going about this should be programatically speaking. I have the code that retrieves the array of Items as an NSFetchRequest:
let moc = (NSApplication.shared.mainWindow?.contentViewController?.representedObject as! NSPersistentDocument).managedObjectContext!
let fetchRequest : NSFetchRequest = Item.fetchRequest()
do {
let items = try moc.fetch(fetchRequest)
print("Found " + String(items.count) + " items to use in the activity.")
for item in items {
// How do I pause this loop for a user keypress after using data from this Item to display?
} catch {
print("Error retrieving Items")
I can retrieve the keydown event using NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEvents(matching: .keyDown) and I'm also able to create View Controllers to display the information on a second screen. I just don't know how I should create the 'main loop', so to speak, so that information is displayed and then the app waits until the user presses a key to proceed...
I can share my project code if more information is needed and many thanks to anyone who can enlighten me... :)
You could try using a NSPageController. In your NSPageController you add a ContainerView which will display the ViewControllers that display information for each item. Each ViewController will need a storyboard identifier, e.g. ViewControllerItem1.
Your NSPageController class must conform to the NSPageControllerDelegate protocol and contains an array of ViewControllers to display.
override func viewDidLoad() {
delegate = self
arrangedObjects = ["ViewControllerItem1", "ViewControllerItem2", "...","ViewControllerItemN" ]
Note about arrangedObjects from the NSPageController documentation: An array containing the objects displayed in the page controller’s view.
Then you implement NSPageControllers viewControllerForIdentifier to return the ViewController that you currently want to display in the ContainerView.
func pageController(_ pageController: NSPageController, viewControllerForIdentifier identifier: String) -> NSViewController {
switch identifier {
case "ViewControllerItem1":
return mainStoryboard().instantiateController(withIdentifier:"ViewControllerItem1") as? ViewControllerItem1
case "...":
In your action handler for the key down event you implement.
self.navigateForward(sender) or self.navigateBack(sender)
I also implemented this method but I don't remember whether it was required.
func pageControllerDidEndLiveTransition(_ pageController: NSPageController) {

How to highlight the selected tab in sap.m.IconTabBar?

Dear SAPUI5 developers,
I have a sap.m.IconTabBar and I set the active tab by the code when the user switch between pages. I used the following code:
The problem is that it switch the selected tab correctly to the first tab. But it does not show the blue line under the tab that shows it is selected.
Please look at the following images:
What shows when I select the first tab by code:
But what it shows when I press the tab by the mouse it shows a blue line under the icon like the following:
As #Ash said in the comments you need to call fireSelect but this works just if user the second tab at first. If the user is on the first tab and switches between the pages then fireSelect does not act properly. Thus you need to select the second tab at first then it will works almost all times.
Ok I had a look into the IconTabBar source Code and theres something I dont really get why but here is how it proceeds :
when you call IconTabBar.setSelectedKey(key), it calls IconTabHeader.setSelectedKey(key)
then internally the IconTabBarHeader calls setSelectedItem(item, true)
the 'true' here is important, the parameter is named 'bAPIchange' in the setSelectedItem function, and it is used as condition for the fireSelect() :
if (!bAPIchange) {
// fire event on iconTabBar
if (bIsParentIconTabBar) {
selectedItem: this.oSelectedItem,
selectedKey: sSelectedKey,
item: this.oSelectedItem,
key: sSelectedKey
} else {
// fire event on header
selectedItem: this.oSelectedItem,
selectedKey: sSelectedKey,
item: this.oSelectedItem,
key: sSelectedKey
Which explains why the event is not fired in your case

What does the single | mean in swift

I found some example code when building a menu bar item in OS X. It makes use of the single | and I'm unsure what it actually means.
(What I'm trying to do is have a function called on left click of the menu item, but have it show the menu on right click)
Here's my code
//Get reference to main system status bar
let statusItem = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar().statusItemWithLength(-1)
statusItem.image = icon = menuBar
if let statusButton = statusItem.button
{ = self
statusButton.action = #selector(statusItemClicked)
statusButton.sendActionOn(Int(NSEventMask.RightMouseUpMask.rawValue | NSEventMask.LeftMouseUpMask.rawValue))
Original Answer with code Left vs Right Click Status Bar Item Mac Swift 2
Bitwise OR, just like it does in most C-like languages. In this context, it's being used to combine flags.
That must be really old code. Nowadays, in modern Swift, NSEventMask is an Option Set. You can just say [NSEventMask.rightMouseUp, NSEventMask.leftMouseUp], and you don't need the Int cast at all. (Or if you haven't updated to Swift 3 yet, the case names would start with capital letters.)