Covert ObjectId to String SwiftUI Realm object - swift

I have my model called Restaurant:
realm object on kotlin:
class Restaurant : RealmObject {
var _id: ObjectId = ObjectId.create()
var name: String = ""
var adress: String? = null
I want to use the _id property. But for that I need to convert to a String in SwiftUI
I tried: restaurant_id as! String, it does not work,
Is is related to this post:
No real answers there
Any other solutions?
the error when using .toHexString(): Value of type 'any Library_baseObjectId' has no member 'toHexString':
the type of _id in this case:
The error when trying: "\(restaurant._id.stringValue)"

I solved this by adding a getter to the class:
class Restaurant : RealmObject {
var _id: ObjectId = ObjectId.create()
var name: String = ""
var adress: String? = null
fun getID() : String{
return _id.toString()

ObjectID's in Swift have a stringvalue property which returns the ObjectID as a string
You could do this
let idAsAsString = someRealmObject._id.stringValue
Or for kotlin and other SDK;s
let idAsString = object._id.toString()
In SwiftUI, the id can be accessed in a similar way, and then use the value to init a new string
let x = someRealmObject._id.stringValue
let y = String(stringLiteral: x)
let _ = print(x, y)
Text("\(x) \(y)")
and the output will be
6376886a1dbb3c142318771c 6376886a1dbb3c142318771c
in the console and the same in the Text in the UI
Here's some SwiftUI showing the use
List {
ForEach(myModel) { model in
NavigationLink(destination: SecondView(navigationViewIsActive: $navigationViewIsActive, selectedEntryToShow: model))
Text("\(model._id.stringValue)") //ormodel._id.toString()
This Swift model works perfectly and the string of ObjectId can be read per above.
class Restaurant: Object {
#Persisted(primaryKey: true) var _id: ObjectId
#Persisted var name: String = ""
#Persisted var adress: String? = null


Inheritance from non-protocol type 'PFObject'

I am getting this error Inheritance from non-protocol type 'PFObject' on Xcode with Swift while trying to create a Model, here is the code of the model:
import Foundation
import ParseSwift
import Parse
import SwiftUI
struct Category: ParseObject, PFObject {
// Required properties from ParseObject protocol
var originalData: Data?
var objectId: String?
var createdAt: Date?
var updatedAt: Date?
var ACL: ParseACL?
// Custom fields for the contact's information
var name: String = ""
var cover: String = ""
var color: String = ""
var createdBy: String = ""
extension Category {
init(name: String, cover: String, color: String, createdBy: String) { = name
self.cover = cover
self.color = color
self.createdBy = createdBy
What am I doing wrong?
It looks like you are trying to use Parse-Swift and the Parse Objective-C SDK at the same time which you shouldn't be doing. Your ParseObject is setup using Parse-Swift so assuming that's what you want to use, remove, import Parse and your Parse Object should look like:
import Foundation
import ParseSwift
import SwiftUI
struct Category: ParseObject {
// Required properties from ParseObject protocol
var originalData: Data?
var objectId: String?
var createdAt: Date?
var updatedAt: Date?
var ACL: ParseACL?
// All Custom fields should be optional
var name: String?
var cover: String?
var color: String?
var createdBy: String?
extension Category {
init(name: String, cover: String, color: String, createdBy: String) { = name
self.cover = cover
self.color = color
self.createdBy = createdBy
Remove the Parse dependency completely from your project as Parse-Swift doesn't use or need it at all. The playgrounds in Parse-Swift show how to use the SDK correctly along with any imports that are needed to use the SDK.

Environmentobject keep track of arrays variables

I'm pretty new to xCode so this could have an obvious answer.
I've just learned about environment objects and created the following one:
import SwiftUI
class Data: ObservableObject {
#Published var types = [Type]()
#Published var customers = [Customer]()
#Published var templates = [SubscriptionTemplate]()
#Published var subscriptions = [Subscription]()
#Published var giftCodes = [Giftcode]()
As you can see the object contains an array of objects. One of these is a customer array. The customer object looks like this:
import SwiftUI
class Customer: Identifiable, Codable{
var id: Int
var firstname: String
var lastname: String
var address: String
var plz: Int
var place: String
var credit: Int
init(id: Int, firstname: String, lastname: String, address: String, plz: Int, place: String, credit: Int) { = id
self.firstname = firstname
self.lastname = lastname
self.address = address
self.plz = plz = place = credit
extension Customer: Equatable {
static func == (lhs: Customer, rhs: Customer) -> Bool {
return ==
In my project, I implemented an API call to update the customer. This works like a charm, but after updating, I also want to fetch the customer objects with the following method:
API().fetchCustomers { (customers) in = customers
After updating an object this doesn't work. The environment object doesn't update, but after creating a new object or fetching the data initial, it works.
What is the difference between the update and the create / fetch?
Make Customer a value type (ie. struct):
struct Customer: Identifiable, Codable{
var id: Int
// ... other code

How to map a Firestore DocumentID to a RealmObject attribute?

I'm trying to provide some data in the cloud with Firestore that can be downloaded and stored in a Realm database on an iOS device.
The structure of my object that I want to store is:
import Foundation
import RealmSwift
import FirebaseFirestore
import FirebaseFirestoreSwift
#objcMembers class Flashcard: Object, Codable{
#objc dynamic var id: String? = NSUUID().uuidString
#objc dynamic var character: String?
#objc dynamic var title: String?
#objc dynamic var translation: String?
#objc dynamic var created: Date = Date()
let deck = LinkingObjects<FlashcardDeck>(fromType: FlashcardDeck.self, property: "cards")
override class func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id
case character
case translation
case created
case title
If I try to map the documentID to my id attribute with
#DocumentID #objc dynamic var id: String? = NSUUID().uuidString
If get the following error:
'Primary key property 'id' does not exist on object 'Flashcard'
How can I solve this problem?
EDIT: To make it more understandable here is a screenshot of my Firestore database:
The collection "PredifinedDecks" will store many decks. For example the id = DF59B1B3-BD22-47CE-81A6-04E7A274B98F represents one deck. Each deck will store an array/List with cards in it.
Not sure I fully understand the question but let me address this at a high level.
It appears there is a PredefinedDecks (a collection) that contains documents. Each document has a field (an array) of cards and some other field data. If the goal is to read in all of the documents (the decks) and their child data and store them as Realm objects, here's one solution. Start with a Realm object to hold the data from Firestore
class DeckClass: Object {
#objc dynamic var deck_id = ""
#objc dynamic var created = ""
#objc dynamic var title = ""
let cardList = List<CardClass>()
convenience init(withDoc: QueryDocumentSnapshot) {
self.deck_id = withDoc.documentID
self.title = withDoc.get("title") as? String ?? "no title"
self.created = withDoc.get("created") as? String ?? "no date"
let cardArray = withDoc.get("cards") as? [String]
for card in cardArray {
let card = CardClass(withCard: card) {
With this, you simply pass the documentSnapshot from Firestore for each document and the class will populate its properties accordingly.
and the code to read Firestore
func readDecks() {
let decksCollection = self.db.collection("PredefinedDecks")
decksCollection.getDocuments(completion: { documentSnapshot, error in
if let err = error {
for doc in documentSnapshot!.documents {
let deck = DeckClass(withDoc: doc)
self.decksList.append(deck) //a Realm List class object? Something else?

How to wrap relationship children into array in Vapor?

I have a parent-child relationship, and the children need to wrap into array how can I do it?
event.testPrices = release.testPrices
final class Event: Content {
var id: String
var inProgress: Bool?
var name: String
var purpose: String?
var testPrices: [TestPrice]
init(id: String, name: String) { = id = name
extension Release {
var testPrices: Children<Release, TestPrice> {
return children(\.releaseId)
The assignment gives the error:
Cannot assign value of type 'Children' to type '[TestPrice]'
You can use a query to form the Future array and then map it. Assuming you are in some controller/route where event contains the appropriate Event and release contains the appropriate Release, try this:
release, event in
_ = release.testPrices.query(on:request).all().map { testP in
// testP is now [TestPrice]
event.testPrices = testP

Want to create particular property value array from array

Having array of employee object, called employees and now I want to create another array called filteremployees which is having only id and date of birth value.
let filteremployees ={ $})
I can get array which contains only id value but i want to have id as well dateOfBirth
class Employee {
var id: Int
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
var dateOfBirth: NSDate?
init(id: Int, firstName: String, lastName: String) { = id
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
Try this:
let employees : [Employee] = ...
let list: [(Int, NSDate?)] = { ($, $0.dateOfBirth) }
You must explicitly declare the type of list otherwise you get this error from the compiler
Type of expression is ambiguous without more context.
Tested with Xcode 7 Playground and Swift 2.0.
Hope this helps.
You could try using the same map method and returning a tuple of your expected values:
let filter employees: [(Int, NSDate?)] ={ ($, $0.dateOfBirth) })
Alternatively, and I think this is a better solution, create a new value type and create that with only your required values
struct FilteredEmployee {
let id: String
let dateOfBirth: NSDate?
init(employee: Employee) {
id =
dateOfBirth = employee.dateOfBirth
And then you can map the initialiser over the array
let filteremployees = { FilteredEmployee($0) }