How to interact with native apps using appium-flutter-driver & webdriverIO project - flutter

I'm using appium-flutter-driver & webdriverIO to automate the flutter mobile app.
I have a use case in my application where clicking on
Mail us button opens Gmail app with subject, body
Call us button opens Dailer app with phone number
I want assert/verify that gmail/phone app is opened. either one of following is fine
verifying that gmail/phone app package name
verifying the subject, content in gmail compose screen is also fine
I see here that
await driver.switchContext('NATIVE_APP');
await (await driver.$('~fab')).click();
what is ~fab means here?
How to find elements using ID, text, class in this case and perform click, enterText, etc operations?

I'm not sure what ~fab means. But the available finders are mentioned here, with links to the documentation. The available commands are mentioned here, with links to the documentation.
An example of a finder by semantics label with a click:
element = FlutterElement(self.driver, FlutterFinder().by_semantics_label('Back'))
An example of entering text:
driver.execute_script('flutter: enterText')
Got these examples from here.


How to setup firebase trigger-mail and cloud functions

I faced a lot of trouble setting up trigger mail extensions along with cloud functions. Here I explain step-by-step how to get things done!
Lets get working.
Set up Firebase
Create a project if you haven't already here.
To use trigger-mail extension and cloud functions, you need to
upgrade the project to BLAZE Plan.
Go on and do that now (check bottom left side of window).
Go on and set-up firestore database and storage. This is
necessary for both extension and functions to work.
Configuring Extensions
Click on Extensions panel under Build.
Find Trigger Mail extension and click on install.
Here's the main part:
Click on next 2 times.
Grant all necessary permissions.
This is where you'll link your mail account from which you'll be sending mail
You'll be greeted with such a screen ->
If the mail I'm linking is, this will be your SMTPS format:
Use this in the SMTPS connection URI field.
This is a little hectic step.
Enable 2 factor Authorization in your Gmail here.
Now you would need to create an App Password
Click on Generate.
You'll see such a screen ->
You have to enter this password in the SMTP password field and click Create secret.
NOTE: Do not enter spaces.
Wait for sometime for the process to finish.
After it's done, Your screen will look like this ->
You could keep the same Gmail for Default Reply-To address as the original mail, or one of your choice.
Let Email documents collection be the same.
Click on Install Extension.
This will take few minutes.*
Voila, you're done!
Let's send a test mail.
Now in-order to send a mail, you need to add a document to mail collection in your firestore db.
Find official documentation here.
to: [''],
message: {
subject: 'Hello from Firebase!',
text: 'This is the plaintext section of the email body.',
html: 'This is the <code>HTML</code> section of the email body.',
This is the format of document to send mail.
"to" is an array and "message" is a map .
Let's create a collection manually ->
Here's my document window
Let's save this document.
If done correctly, within few seconds, you'll see the document automatically update with more fields like attempts etc.
Check your mail for the email.
Writing a function.
Lets set up Firebase CLI
Download Node.js here.
Run the installer.
Copy the installed path in your drive.
I have mine installed under C:\Program Files\nodejs.
Search environment variables in your system tray.
Paste the directory under System Variables -> Path, create new and add.
Download and install Firebase CLI by following the steps here..
login to firebase cli using the above doc.
Open your project in code editor, and type firebase init in terminal.
Select project and add functions support. It'll create a new folder functions.
I've written a function that sends a onboarding email when a new user is created.
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
// sends mail if new user is regestired
exports.userOnboardingMail = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user)=>{
"to": [],
"message": {
"subject": "Welcome to My app! Explore functionalities here.",
"text": `Hi, ${user.displayName}. \n\nIt's nice to have you on-board.`,
.then((result) => {
"onboarding email result: ", result,
"\ntime-stamp: ",;
Hope I was able to make your day a bit easier :)
Upvote if it helped..
Additional Links
Learn firebase cloud functions here. really recommend this channel.
Official Trigger-mail docs.
Firebase CLI docs.
Firebase Cloud Functions docs

How to prevent google action from closing the conversation?

I'm developing a Google Action through DialogFlow and a webhook (that will run on a Nest Hub) that I want to act like this:
the user invokes the action "Hey Google, talk to ACTIONAME"
through the Default Welcome Intent ("hooked" to my web service) the Action replies to the user and open a website
app.intent('Default Welcome Intent', conv => {
conv.ask('Hi! I'm opening your site')
conv.ask(new HtmlResponse({
url: 'https://MY_IOT_SITE'
now, the user could be "silent" for mins or hours, but I'd like to prevent Google Actions to close the ACTIONNAME and return to the clock, while until now the action closes after a couple of minutes
Is it somehow possible?
Thank you.
This is not possible. The platform intentionally places an upper bound on how long an action can run without any user input. This is done so that an action cannot occupy the device longer than expected and prevent future inputs from unintentionally getting routed to your action rather than the Google Assistant.
You can take a look at additional guidelines when developing your web app.
Since your question refers to an IoT-related website, you may want to take a look at the Smart Home reference, which provides an alternative way to let users control smart home devices with their voice or built-in graphical widgets.

Failure to Launch Apps Due to Package Name Inconsistency

When I used huawei AppLinking Serviceļ¼Œ the app package name is queried to locate the app details page. However, the app package name varies depending on the channel. For example, for a Huawei channel, the package name ends with .huawei, which is different from that in a Google channel.Does this mean it's impossible for an App Linking link to be opened in all local app stores due to package name inconsistency?
Does this mean it's impossible for an App Linking link to be opened in
all local app stores due to package name inconsistency?
The answer is no because there is a solution to this problem.
Perform the following to resolve the issue:
We know that App Linking can redirect users to a custom website if the app has not been installed, so you can use Android intents to create custom links, in which you can configure the package name and fallback URL to be opened. The basic syntax is as follows:
HOST/URI-path // Optional host
Taking advantage of the preceding functions, you can:
Create a link of App Linking and use the setOpenType(CustomUrl) method to set the open type to redirect users to a custom website for the Android platform. The involved APIs are as follows:
.setAndroidLinkInfo(new AppLinking.AndroidLinkInfo.Builder()
Use an Android intent to configure the preceding custom website. Here, I use Taobao as an example:
The process is as follows:
1.Use the appmarket scheme to start the app whose package name is com.huawei.appmarket, that is, to open HUAWEI AppGallery.
2.Pass the package name to HUAWEI AppGallery. Then, HUAWEI AppGallery will start this package.
3.If com.huawei.appmarket is not found, set S.browser_fallback_url to a fallback URL.
4.The fallback URL is a Google Play link. Simply set id in this URL to the name of the package to be opened. In this example, the ID is
Ensure that an App Linking project of the Android platform has been completed. For details, visit:
Open the original App Linking project and add the following information in bold:
String BACK_LINK = "intent://details?;" +
"scheme=appmarket;package=com.huawei.appmarket;" +
"S.browser_fallback_url=" +
AppLinking.Builder builder = new AppLinking.Builder()
.setAndroidLinkInfo(new AppLinking.AndroidLinkInfo.Builder()
Install the demo on a device, create a link of App Linking, and add it to the note.
Uninstall the app to simulate the scenario where the app is not installed.
For a Huawei phone, tap Open/Download. On AppGallery that is displayed, open the Taobao details page. The following figure shows the Taobao details page in HUAWEI Browser.
For a non-Huawei phone, tap Open/Download. On Google Play that is displayed, open the Taobao details page. The following figure shows the Taobao details page in Google Chrome.
The problem is now resolved. If you encounter a similar problem, simply follow my example step by step and change the package name to resolve the issue.
For more details, please go to:

Parse Signup Problems

So, I wanted to create a new social media app using Swift and Parse. When I go to the Parse site, and click on dashboard, it gives me a login screen. I don't have an account, so I click on the "I don't have a parse account" button. When I click on that, it just takes me back to the home page. I did manage to get the code and frameworks and stuff that I needed from the docs, but that didn't quite work. It gave me this for the initialize code:
let configuration = ParseClientConfiguration {
$0.applicationId = "YOUR_APP_ID"
$0.server = "http://YOUR_PARSE_SERVER:1337/parse"
In the tutorial I'm watching, rather than "YOUR_APP_ID" and "http://YOUR_PARSE_SERVER:1337/parse" it just had a bunch of letters and numbers, which I would assume are the app ID and Parse server. My guess is, that I need an account to get those. Would that be correct? And, does anyone know why I can't seem to get an account? Thanks. is shutting down, so that's why you are not allowed to create new accounts on the service. Check the blog post.
They open sourced a nodeJS implementation, which you should definitely check out at link, and here is an example to get you started. You can easily use the deploy buttons to host the server on services like Heroku, AWS, Azure, etc. You can also deploy a server locally, for testing purposes.
Although it's true that Parse is discontinuing early next year, you can still setup a new app if you want to use the service for a shorter term project. Replace your code with the following.
Parse.setApplicationId("YOUR-APP-ID", clientKey: "YOUR-CLIENT-ID")
You can find your App ID and Client ID in your app's settings > security & keys.
EDIT: You definitely need an account for this to work.

Google Search autocomplete API?

Does Google provide API access to autocomplete for search like on the actual site? I have not been able to find anything.
I would like to use Google's autocomplete logic for web search on my own site which relies on Google's search API.
The new url is:
the client part is required; I did't test other clients.
If you want the callback use this:
As #Quandary found out; the callback does not work with client "firefox".
As indicated by # user2067021 this api will stop working as of 10-08-2015: Update on the Autocomplete API
First, go to google, click Settings (bottom right corner), change Search Settings to "never show instant results. That way, you'll get regular autocomplete instead of a full page of instant results.
After your settings are saved, go back to the Google main home page. Open your browser's developer tools and go to the Network tab. If you're in Firefox, you might have to reload the page.
Type a letter in the search box. A new line should appear in the Network window you just opened. That line is showing where the autocomplete data came from. Copy that url. It should look something like this:
You'll notice your search term right after the part that says q=.
Add &callback=myAmazingFunction to the end of the url. You may replace myAmazingFunction with whatever you want to name your function that will handle the data.
Here's an example of the code required to show the autocomplete data for the search term "a".
<div id="output"></div>
/* this function shows the raw data */
function myAmazingFunction(data){
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = data;
<script src=""></script>
Now that you know how to get the data, the next step is to automatically change that last script (the one with the autocomplete url). The basic procedure is: each time the user types something in the search box (onkeyup) replace the search term (q=whatever) in the url, and then append to the body a script with that url. Remove the previous script so that the body doesn't get cluttered.
For more info, see
Most of the above mentioned methods works for me, specifically the following serves my purpose.
Being a newbie in web programming, I'm not much aware of the "Callback" functionality and the format of the file returned by query. I'm little aware of AJAX and JSON.
Could someone provide more details about the format of file returned by the query.
Hi I don't know if this answer is relevant for you anymore or not but google returns JSON data through following get request (although this isn't an official API but many toolbars are using this API so there's no reason why google might discontinue it):<Your keywords here>&hl=en
You should use AutocompleteService and pass that text box value into the service.getPlacePredictions function. It send the data in callback function.
let service = new google.maps.places.AutocompleteService();
let displaySuggestions = function(predictions, status) {
input: value
}, displaySuggestions);
I'm using (( )) API that have google search and suggestions that works with both GET & POST:
Google suggestions:
Google search:
and more...
What are you trying to use an auto-complete for? More information would help narrow it down.
As far as I know, google does not provide one, but they do exist like jQuery UI's auto-complete.
If you are using their custom search API view here for autocomplete.