JBoss logging subsystem configuration define lower level logger for a specific package - jboss

Is it possible in JBoss logging subsystem configuration to set root log level to "INFO" and to define lower level such as "DEBUG" for a specific package ?

Yes, that is possible. For clarity loggers are defined by names and not packages. That said, the typical logger names are class/package names. If you have a class named org.wildfly.example.SimpleResource and you get the logger like Logger.getLogger(SimpleResource.class) your logger name is org.wildfly.example.SimpleResource.
By default the root logger is set to INFO. If you want to add debug logging for your logger, you can do that in CLI or the HAL web console. A CLI example would look like:
If you want to see debug messages on the console you likely need to do something like this too:
/subsystem=logging/console-handler=CONSOLE:write-attribute(name=level, value=DEBUG)
You can also be more generic with the logger name to add debugging for all loggers within the name segments.


Configure logging programmatically in Scala/Play

The Play framework requires (by default) that you configure logging through a logback.xml file. I'd like to build my log appenders through code so I can fetch parameters at runtime (e.g. the graylog destination for the logs is fetched from the deployment environment, rather than baking it in statically through an XML file).
This sort of thing is fairly easy to achieve in Java (by overriding logging factories and the like), I wondered if the same were possible in Play.
Yes, you can configure logback programmatically, see: https://akhikhl.wordpress.com/2013/07/11/programmatic-configuration-of-slf4jlogback/
But I wouldn't recommend it. For starters it's a verbose API that isn't pleasant to work with. Beyond that, it generally nice for configuration to be declarative (even if it is in XML in this case).
For your usecase, Logback's XML does support variables which can come from System properties or Environment variables: https://logback.qos.ch/manual/configuration.html#definingProps
However, you probably want a different config across environments (no greylog locally). I think many projects do that by specifying the logback XML location as a system property at startup: https://logback.qos.ch/manual/configuration.html#configFileProperty
Alternatively, I suspect greylog has some method of watching a file to pickup your logging. That's what we do for picking up logs in Splunk in my team. We don't want to make a change to our code when someone reconfigures Splunk/Greylog.
The solution I used in the end was to use a logback contextlistener to populate the context with the parameters pulled from the environment. The listener can be added as follows to the logback.xml:
<contextListener class="LoggerStartup"/>
The LoggerStartup can then populate the context, which I achieved through AWS SSM (see the simplified code below).
class LoggerStartup extends ContextAwareBase with LoggerContextListener with LifeCycle {
override def start() = {
val context = getContext()
val graylogUrl = ... // Go get value from remote store
context.putProperty("GRAYLOG_URL", graylogUrl)
And then referenced this context variable in the logback file:
<appender name="GELF UDP APPENDER" class="me.moocar.logbackgelf.GelfUDPAppender">

sling run modes use?

what is the use of sling run modes property in sling.properties file?
I have a osgi felix bundle that installed onto aem admin bundle console through aem cq5 package manager.
configuration properties of one of the bundle service is not available
unless I put the following line in cq5/config/sling.properties file.
sling.run.modes=author,sandbox why is this so ? what is the importance
of sling.run.modes ?
Thank you,
Run modes allow you to tune your AEM instance for a specific purpose; for example author or publish, test, development, intranet or others.
Exampe: For dev: sling.run.modes=author,dev
use of run mode is, example - i have a config.author.prod and config.author.dev in crxd/e. Based on the run mode instance, the OSGI Bundle will pick the corresponding config.author.dev or prod configuration settings defined in nt:unstructured and start working.
Ref: https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/deploying/configure_runmodes.html
Ref: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/RunModeDependentConfigAndInstall.html
Define a respository-based configuration for a single instance
There are two ways to configure CQ5.
Configure the Apache Felix Web Management Console
The configuration on the Apache Felix Web Management Console (http://:/system/console/configMgr) is always specific for the current instance.
You can find a description in the documentation: http://dev.day.com/content/docs/v5_2/html-resources/cq5_guide_system_administrator/ch05s03.html
Repository-based configuration
It is also possible to store configuration in the CRX repository as nodes of nodetype sling:OsgiConfig.
For more information, see http://dev.day.com/content/docs/v5_2/html-resources/cq5_guide_system_administrator/ch05s02.html
With this method, it is possible to share configuration among several instances.
The name of these nodes must be equal to the Persistent Identity (PID) of the configuration (for example, the name of the service). If you look at http://:/system/console/config, you see these names listed as service.pid properties. These configuration nodes have to be child-nodes of nodetype nt:folder with a name starting with config followed with a dot. All the run-modes that the config applies to are also separated with a dot.
Examples: config.author, config.publish, config.author.dev, config.author.foo.dev, and so on.

Log4s log format configuation

How do I configure how the format of the logging output?
E.g. the time format, thread name level etc.
How do I get the following?
17:15:00.154 Main INFO : Here is a log...
log4s is merely a wrapper for slf4j. So its purpose is to provide a logging facade, not an implementation. You'll have to decide which actual logger implementation to use. A popular choice is logback, which you would configure using a logback.xml file. See http://www.slf4j.org/manual.html#swapping and http://logback.qos.ch/manual/configuration.html.

Ignore an log4net Error in powershell

I have an issue on the script, basically I don't use any log4net or whatever and im not planning, but some resource which i access during my script i suppose has some references to this log4net, so i get this messages:
log4net:ERROR XmlConfigurator: Failed to find configuration section
'log4net' in the application's .config file. Check your .config file
for the and elements. The configuration
section should look like:
I don't really care about this, as this is also not a real error, i would prefere to somehow hide this messages from the propmpt window, is this possible?
How can I ignore this information, without too much hassle?
This message comes from the log4net internal debugging, and means that not log4net configuration information is found in the config file. What I find strange is that this kind of info is usually opt-in:
There are 2 different ways to enable internal debugging in log4net.
These are listed below. The preferred method is to specify the
log4net.Internal.Debug option in the application's config file.
Internal debugging can also be enabled by setting a value in the application's configuration file (not the log4net configuration file,
unless the log4net config data is embedded in the application's config
file). The log4net.Internal.Debug application setting must be set to
the value true. For example:
This setting is read immediately on startup an will cause all internal debugging messages to be emitted.
To enable log4net's internal debug programmatically you need to set the log4net.Util.LogLog.InternalDebugging property to true.
Obviously the sooner this is set the more debug will be produced.
So either the code of one component uses the code approach, or there is a configuration value set to true. Your options are:
look through the configuration files for a reference to the log4net.Internal.Debug config key; if you find one set to true, set it to false.
add an empty log4net section in the configuration file to satisfy the configurator and prevent it from complaining
if the internal debugging is set through code, you may be able to redirect console out and the trace appenders (see link for where the internal debugging writes to) but this really depends on your environment so you'll need to dig a bit more to find how to catch all outputs. Not really simple

Cannot get Glassfish to log my apps debuug level logs

I am using commons-logging swith the following commons-logging.properties:
I have set my app logger to FINEST in GF4 ui management console but it only logs INFO messages. Any ideas why?
Also where is it more appropriate to set my log levels, under server-config or default-config?
I managed to find the answer in Oracle's documentation. GF3 (and apparently GF4) set the min level to the root level to INFO. The global log settings must be changed in GF props file: logging.properties which is usually under the domain/conf directory