What .ssh config file parameters are needed to connect Remote - SSH extension at https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh&ssr=false#version-history to Pantheon hosting?
Pantheon does not allow customers SSH access and the VS Code Remote SSH extension does not support SFTP/FTP.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to use the Remote SSH extension on Pantheon for SFTP.
It might be possible using a different extension, but I have not tested this.
I'm trying to use a favorites extension (any of them, I've tried several) with a workspace that uses a remote SSH host. It seems the config is never updated on the server side. This extension, for example, works as it should with local workspaces. It doesn't work on my remote host. I'm also not really sure how to troubleshoot this.
I have two remote SSH servers, server A (dev) and server B (production). When working on files on server A via SSH in VSCode, I want to be able to upload / sync files to server B using the SFTP plugin.
I can see how this is done when working on a local file system and then deploying via SFTP to a single remote SSH server, but I want to know if it's possible to deploy from one remote SSH server to another.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I have connected to a remote Ubuntu host from Windows using VS Code and using it for remote development. Often times I open different code repositories in VS Code but every time I have to open a different folder despite having the connection established the VS Code ask for password.
It seems that once we are commented to a remote host then successive opening of different folder from same host should not prompt for password.
Is there any setting I am missing or should do to resolve this or save password.
I'm assuming you're connecting to an ssh remote.
There are two ways to authenticate an ssh connection, via password and via public/private key. When using the latter you don't need to enter the password each time.
To use the public/private keys here's what you have to do:
You first need a pair (public/private) of ssh keys. On windows you can use ssh-keygen to generate them for you and put them in the default ssh config folder ( ~/.ssh/)
You then have to configure the remote server to allow your ssh key, you can do this in two ways:
with the ssh-copy-id command if available (I think on windows it's not there, but you can try)
by manually add your public key (~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) to the.ssh/authorized_keys file on the host machine
Here's a link to know more about passwordless logins via ssh: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/passwordless-ssh
Open git bash on Windows
cd .ssh
ssh-copy-id -i id_ed25519.pub your-username#your-server
I have a dockerfile, a .sh file, a nginx config file and the private keys. But on a clean server how to add those files for the first time (before making the docker image) to the server?
Should I FTP and put those files there?
Should I git pull my project? // but I still need the keys or I can use password
What you do?
I'm not using digital ocean, and I would not like to have a private paid docker repo like https://registry.hub.docker.com/plans/
You use a physical server or a vps ?
If you can ssh to your server, add files have so many ways.
1.The most easy way is use sftp (you can find some sftp client to do this or use ftp command line tools), only need your ssh login permission, and you can upload these file to your user home directory.
2.The other way is use scp, command like:
scp YOUR_FILE username#ipaddressORhostname:/home/username/
this also only need your ssh login permission
git or ftp is not a good way to push files fisrt time to server.
Most git remotes repos (GitHub, GitLab etc) will support a https access mechanism, the data is encrypted in transit much like sftp and ssh. you'll get a password challenge. No keys...
git remote add myHttpsRemote https://my/foo/bar/project.git
git pull myHttpsRemote [branch]
I have read Configuring Git over SSH to login once. Muein Muzamil's answer says that to use SSH, we must configure as follows:
Which is to say, that in a normal Windows PowerShell, SSH does not work with HTTPS.
GitHub for Windows comes with the Git Shell. It's a souped-up PowerShell with some fancy features, including the ability to use SSH with HTTP. I know this because I just ran git push without needing to authenticate, and then ran git config -l to see that I am using HTTPS as the remote origin url.
Why does a normal Windows PowerShell require the git#github.com protocol whereas a Git Shell does not?
Windows PowerShell, SSH does not work with HTTPS
That doesn't make sense: you are using ssh or you are using https (http with ssl). One "does not work with" the other.
G4W (GitHub for Windows) has your GitHub account credentials, so it can use an https url.
A regular Git shell from msysgit/Git for Windows can use https or ssh, BUT for ssh, you need to make sure that:
the environment variable %HOME% is defined (which git-cmd.bat or git-bash.vbs do for you),
your id_rsa(.pub) private/public ssh keys are in it,
your id_rsa.pub public key is published in your GitHub account.