I am plotting some values with geom_point in gramm. The x-axis is trials within a session and I'm also plotting a line (geom_line) to connect the dots. My problem is that I'm trying to color the dots of the plot without having the lines also follow this color and thus connecting my dots in a weird way and messing up with the numbers of trials (see screenshot below).
clear g
g(n,m) = gramm('x',a.TrialsInBlock,'y',a.RT, 'color', a.feedback, 'subset', a.blockNumbered==1)
figure('Position',[191.5000 358 2153 967]);
I figured out how to do this, first I plot the data without grouping it and then I update that same plot with colors based on a group.
clear g
g(n,m) = gramm('x',a.TrialsInBlock,'y',a.RT, 'column', a.blockNumbered);
g(1,1).set_color_options('map', [0 0 0]);
figure('Position',[191.5000 358 2153 967]);
g(1,1).set_color_options('map', 'spring');
I'm trying to display a discrete plot with values on the x-axis that are not equally space but I want them to appear equally spaced. I would like a stem plot with the first stick not on the y-axis, and I'd also like to have an horizontal dashed line at y=1.
So far here is what I tried.
x = [10 50 150 3000];
y = [.6 .754 .853 .954];
xv = [1 2 3 4];
Unfortunately, this is not what I expected. The value on the x-axis are not right and the sticks start on the y-axis and end on the figure edge.
How can I fix this?
EDIT: I initially forgot the horizontal dashed line. Added this.
You just need two tiny additions:
x = [10 50 150 3000];
y = [.6 .754 .853 .954];
xv = [1 2 3 4];
stem(xv, y);
xlim([min(xv)-1 max(xv)+1]); % <--
set(gca, 'xtick', xv); % <--
set(gca, 'xticklabel', x);
You (also) need to explicitly set the xtick option, so that only these ticks are drawn, and no other.
With xlim, you can manipulate the x-axis limits. (Left and right limit might be modified to your needs.)
To add the horizontal dashed line, just add the following at the end:
hold on;
plot([min(xv)-1 max(xv)+1], [1 1], 'k--');
hold off;
(Start and end points of the line might be modified to your needs.)
From Matlab R2018b on, you could also use yline.
The output then looks like this:
When you have a sequence of values that you want to plot equally spaced without any special treatment to what each value actually is, you're essentially defining a set of categories.
MATLAB is good at handling these nicely without any extra trickery to lay them out uniformly on your axes if you declare the values explicitly as categorical.
All you need, therefore, is:
x = [10 50 150 3000];
y = [.6 .754 .853 .954];
ylim([0 1.5]) % Make some space on the y-axis so the horizontal line doesn't sit on the top edge
I want to draw a contour plot of a plane and a surface with legends. Plotting two surfaces in the same figure create the same legends. I want to change the resulting ellipses in the legend. Can I draw parallel lines instead of ellipses on the legend chart?
This is a sample source code:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-3:.1:3);
Z1 = peaks(X,Y);
Z2 = 2*X+3*Y+4;
colormap jet
shading interp
axis([-3 3 -3 3])
hold on
Honestly there's no good way to get an image in front.
There are a few work arounds that I could show you, but you'll have to be specific.
The easiest things are, getting a colorbar or a rectangular box (1 color) infront of text. These are standard options for datatypes/legend entries.
I suggest you start off with giving your surfaces/countours handles.
lgd=legend([h1, h2, ....],[entries']);
For text with white in front you can do
h_separator1 = plot(NaN,NaN,'.','Color',[1 1 1]);
Here's an example you can run that let's you do the things I just said
clear all; % just for ease of quickly plotting this
close all; %closing all figures
myc=[1 1 1; 0 0 0; 1 1 1; 0 0 0; 1 1 1]; %this is want we will use to draw the paralel lines, can be of any color, just replace the zeros, with the respective values of the colors you want, 0 0 0 is black
x = [0 0 0 0]; %making it have 0 area and thus invisible
y = [0 0 0 0];
c = [0 0.33 0.66 1]; %lets you add a colorbar
colormap(myc); %update the figure to use your colormap
hold on
h3 = plot(NaN,NaN,'Color','none'); %blank entry
h4 = plot(NaN,NaN,':'); % entry with dotted line, color "pseudo random"
h1=patch(x,y,'red','EdgeColor','none'); %For a rectangular color entry in legend
h2=patch(x,y,c,'EdgeColor','none'); %lets you add the colorbar, later use to place inside the legend as paralel lines
[lgd,OBJH,OUTH,OUTM]=legend([h1,h3,h2,h4],{'HI your text here','Nothing','paralel lines','line'}); %the lgd handle let's you later modify properties of the legend
hcb=colorbar; %the colorbar can still be modified, to have no number or a different scale, color, etc.
xlim([0 1])
ylim([0 1])
lpos=lgd.Position; % get position legend
lnr=numel(OUTH); %legend entries is useful
lhstp=lpos(4)/(lnr+1); %heigth step
axpos=hax.Position; %to shift position because the colorbar is placed in the figure and not within the axes in comparison to the legend
% placing at by example 3rd entry
wdentry=0.04; %at the moment trial and error depends on width on legend box which is based on amount of characters and text size.
hcb.TickLabels=[]; %remove tick labels
hcb.Ticks=[]; %remove ticks
hcb.Color=[1 1 1]; %white border around it to make it "semi-invisible"
hcb.Position=[p1 p2 p3 p4];
Situation: change Position of a single subplot with imagesc
%% Matlab recommends this structure if axes(); in loop
a1 = subplot(1,2,1);
a2 = subplot(1,2,2);
while 1
plot(a1, rand(3))
plot(a2, rand(3))
%% Test code
unitsPerInches=[0 0 15 15];
figure('Units', 'inches');
a1 = subplot(1,2,1);
a2 = subplot(1,2,2);
while 1
set(a1, 'Position', unitsPerInches); % TODO how to affect a1's Position here only?
imagesc(a1, rand(3))
imagesc(a2, rand(3))
What is imagesc corresponding structure to plot(a1,rand(3))?
How to change Position of figure inside the loop?
Forward in Q1 - almost done
%% Extension to imagesc
for counter=1:2;
Fig. 1 Output of Docs example, Fig. 2 Output of Imagesc, Fig. 3 about Q2 where Position affects both subplots
Q1 is almost done; I have just forgotten how to get corresponding plot in imagesc; x-values should be put there but pseudocode imagesc(a1,XDATA,rand(3)) is unsuccessfuly.
Backward in Q2
%% Extension to imagesc
unitsPerInches=[0 0 15 15];
for counter=1:2;
set(a1, 'Position', unitsPerInches); % TODO how to affect a1's Position here only?
Output: position affects both images in Fig. 3.
I think I have misunderstood the meaning of Position here because so strange output.
Testing EBH's proposal for Q2
The implicit assignments cause problems when having two figures where subplots
unitsPerInches=[0 0 15 15];
for counter=1:2;
if counter==1
set(a1, 'Position', unitsPerInches); % affect only position of a1
Output: second figure of subplots fails.
System: Linux Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit
Linux kernel 4.6
Matlab: 2016a
Related threads: Matlab7 'bug' when using "subplot" + "imagesc"?
I'm not 100% sure what you're asking, but I think it's about combining multiple imagesc statements while in a loop. I'd do something more direct -- use gca and put the subplot inside the loop. Quite often, if you want to programmatically address multiple images, it makes sense to put them in some sort of structure other than creating lots of differently named variables. Note also that while 1 is probably not really what you want -- it will hammer your graphics device drivers -- and that pause can take an argument to act as a wait function, for some fraction of a second if required.
set(h,'color','w'); %This handle refers to the background window
for ix=1:2
axis equal;
colormap gray;
%Change, for example, axis position
curPoss=get(gca,'Position'); %gca stands for 'get current axis'
set(gca,'Position',curPoss+1e-2*ix^2); %Move one image up a bit
Does that help?
If you want to jump between figures, make an array of them, and use it within a loop:
unitsPerInches = [0.1 0.1 0.15 0.15];
figs = [figure(1) figure(2)];
for f = 1:numel(figs)
for counter = 1:2;
figs(f).Children(1).Position = unitsPerInches;
figs(f).Children(2).Position = unitsPerInches+0.3;
Your original values for unitsPerInches was wrong, since the 'Position' property of an axes takes values between 0 to 1 by default. You can change this using the 'Units' property, like:
figs(f).Children(1).Units = 'inches';
The output from this example is two figures that looks like this:
Where there is a small axes on the down-left and a big one on the top-right.
So, back to your original questions:
What is imagesc corresponding structure to plot(a1,rand(3))?
Instead of passing the axes to imagesc, set the focus on the relevant figure, and subplot with:
where h is a handle to the relevant figure, c is the place of the subplot within h where you want to plot the image (a number between 1 to x*y), and after these two line you call imagesc.
How to change 'Position' of figure inside the loop?
In this question it is not clear if you want to change the 'Position' of the figure or the axes, they have different units and meaning, but both are accessible in the same way:
h.Position = [left bottom width height]; % for the position of the figure
h.Children(c).Position = [left bottom width height]; % for the position of the axes
where h is as before, but c may be numbered differently, so subplot(x,y,c) may not refer to the same axes as h.Children(c). However, you can always use gca to get the current axes handle:
ax = gca;
ax.Position = [left bottom width height];
Hope it's all clear now, and if there are further questions, let me know ;)
I'm supposed to show the plot of data (curve) and a plot of the average of the data (flat horizontal line) in the same graph. My code computes everything fine and displays the curve in the graph, but I can't get the horizontal line to show up.
plot(1:24,hours3,'b-.',1:24, avg3,'r--');
So the plot of the column "hours3" shows up just fine, but the plot of the average "avg3" does not come up at all. It should be a flat line that extends from points 1 to 24 on the x-axis. Does anyone know why this is?
It's because plot(1:24,avg3,rx--) is interpreted as 24 single points. Using rx-- as linestyle shows you that the points are plotted right but not connected.
plot(1:24,hours3,'b-.',1:24, repmat(avg3,1,24),'r--');
Also with hold on you can keep plotting in an existing figure.
Try below code:
Resolution=1; % you can set 0.1 if you want more precision
Ave=Ave3;% set a value for Ave3
hold on;
The 2018b release has made adding horizontal lines (& vertical lines) much easier with yline() (xline() for verticle lines).
Xrng = 1:.01:24;
fh =#(x) 0.2*x.^3 - 4.*x.^2 + 50*sin(x)+ 8; % curve
yline(0) % horizontal line at y = 0
Subsequent lines can be added just as easily.
yline(50) % horizontal line at y = 0
xline(12,'b--') % vertical line at x = 12 (blue, dashed)
Requires MATLAB R2018b or later.
The following code plots 3 points, all in red:
a = reshape([92.571251 94.869889 97.283709 ],[3 1]);
b = reshape([271.000000 296.000000 330.000000 ],[3 1]);
c = reshape([0.916000 0.766000 0.562000 ],[3 1]);
'MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0],...
'Color',[1 0 0]);
Is there a way for me to vectorize the red portion of the 'Color' plot style using 'c' such that the first point uses c(1) to replace the 1 so that the color is [0.916 0 0], etc.?
NOTE: This code is a snippet of something much larger that will likely plot 100's or 1000's of points over time on the same plot. I need the color for each point to be set when it's placed on the plot and then not change as other points are added. (If possible)
I do not think a color map is appropriate as I may plot points at the same X,Y coordinates at different times. Sometimes they will be bright, other times dim.
Just trying to not use a loop which would be relatively straight forward.
To colorize the points (and only the points, not the lines in between), you can use the MarkerFaceColor property of the scatter function (or scatter3 in 3D).
For instance:
scatter(a, b, 'MarkerFaceColor', rgb)
where rgb are RGB triplets, or
scatter(a, b, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'flat', 'CData', c)
with c being a vector of values. In this case the colors are mapped onto the current colormap and the range is controled by caxis.
If you want lines between your points, you can simply use a code like this:
hold on
plot(a, b, '-')