I'm trying to figure out the reason why I can run the script using variable $groups with Get-Content but it wont work if variable $groups goes with Get-ADGroup list I did below...
Block that works:
$groups = Get-Content C:\groups.csv
$results = #()
$file = "C:\Usuarios_Grupos_Darwin_AD.csv"
foreach($Group in $Groups) {
$results +=Get-ADGroupMember -Id $Group -Recursive | %{Get-ADUser -Identity $_.SamAccountName -Properties Enabled,Name} | Select #{Expression={$Group};Label=”Group Name”},SamAccountName,Name,Enabled
$results | export-csv -notypeinformation -Delimiter ";" -path $file
Block that's not working:
(only the first line has been changed)
$groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -like '*Darwin*'} -Properties * | select -property Name
$results = #()
$file = "C:\Usuarios_Grupos_Darwin_AD.csv"
foreach($Group in $Groups) {
$results +=Get-ADGroupMember -Id $Group -Recursive | %{Get-ADUser -Identity $_.SamAccountName -Properties Enabled,Name} | Select #{Expression={$Group};Label=”Group Name”},SamAccountName,Name,Enabled
$results | export-csv -notypeinformation -Delimiter ";" -path $file
Here is the error:
Get-ADGroupMember : Cannot bind parameter 'Identity'. Cannot create object of type "Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADGroup". The adapter cannot set the value of property
At line:11 char:34
+ $results +=Get-ADGroupMember -Id $Group -Recursive | %{Get-ADUser -Id ...
+ ~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Get-ADGroupMember], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgumentNoMessage,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADGroupMember
I'm trying to embed the output list all in one script without having to generate csv with another script.
Thanks in advance !!
A few notes about your code:
the -Filter parameter should be a string, not a scriptblock
using $results += is very costly because the entire array needs to be rebuilt in memory on each addition
Get-ADGroupMember can return also computer and (when not used with -Recursive) also group objects, not just users, so you cannot pipe directly to Get-ADUser
never use -Properties * if all you want is one single property
Try this:
# Get-ADGroup already returns objects with these properties:
# DistinguishedName, GroupCategory, GroupScope, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID
$groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter "Name -like '*Darwin*'"
$file = "C:\Usuarios_Grupos_Darwin_AD.csv"
# let PowerShell collect the objects for you instead of using +=
$results = foreach($Group in $Groups) {
# Get-ADGroupMember can return objects of type users and computers (also groups when used without -Recursive)
# so filter the result to get only user objects
$Group | Get-ADGroupMember -Recursive | Where-Object { $_.objectClass -eq 'user' } | ForEach-Object {
$_ | Get-ADUser | Select #{Name = 'Group Name'; Expression={$Group.Name}}, SamAccountName, Name, Enabled
$results | Export-Csv -Path $file -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";"
So i am trying to write a script that basically gets a list of AD groups, and then with each group, gets the members and memberof.
So far i have this :
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$groupList = get-adgroup -filter *| select-object Name | sort-object -property name
Which works fine. nice and simple. No problem. When i run write-output $groupList, it spits out the list of my AD groups. Happy days!
Then I add this :
foreach($group in $groupList){
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group
So my code block looks like this :
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$groupList = get-adgroup -filter *| select-object Name | sort-object -property name
foreach($group in $groupList){
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group
And get this error :
Get-ADGroupMember : Cannot bind parameter 'Identity'. Cannot create object of type
"Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADGroup". The adapter cannot set the value of property "Name".
I have also tried this :
Get-ADGroup -filter * -Properties MemberOf | Where-Object {$_.MemberOf -ne $null} | Select-Object Name,MemberOf
Which works great in Powershell:
Image of working script results
Yet strangley, when i then add the export-csv on the end, that same error returns :
Exported-CSV image
Can someone please educate me, as no doubt its myself being a little stoopid.
$groupList does not directly contain an array of strings / names.
Use the following command to get only the names:
$groupList = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Sort-Object -Property Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
MemberOf and Members are arrays. Export-Csv does not know how to export them into a file. Here an example, how to handle this.
Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Properties MemberOf, Members | `
Select-Object -Property Name, #{Name = 'MemberOf'; Expression = {$_.MemberOf -join ';'}}, #{Name = 'Members'; Expression = {$_.Members -join ';'}} | `
Export-Csv -Path 'path' -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation
I have a list of users (their CN), and I want a list of the groups they are member of.
I already have a code which almost does the trick, but it shows as follows:
User1 - group1;group2
User2 - group1;group2;group3 etc...
Also, groups are shown as distinguished name (with container etc), so very long. I only want the name.
I want to show it as follows:
User1 - group1
User1 - group2
User2 - group1, etc
The code that shows the groups the users are member of, but not in the visual way i like is below:
Import-Csv -Path .\Input_CN.csv |
ForEach-Object {
$User = Get-ADUser -filter "CN -eq '$($_.CN)'" -properties memberof
SourceCN = $_.CN
MemberOf = $User.MemberOf -join ";"
} | Export-Csv -Path .\Output.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation
I have some other code that list the groups how I want, but I am unable to list it per user. And unable to combine it with the above code.
get-aduser -filter {cn -eq "Testuser"} -properties memberof |
Select -ExpandProperty memberof |
ForEach-Object{Get-ADGroup $_} |
Select -ExpandProperty Name
Thanks in advance :)
You could combine both code pieces like this:
Import-Csv -Path .\Input_CN.csv |
ForEach-Object {
$user = Get-ADUser -Filter "CN -eq '$($_.CN)'" -Properties MemberOf, CN -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
foreach($group in $user.MemberOf) {
SourceCN = $user.CN
MemberOf = (Get-ADGroup -Identity $group).Name
} | Export-Csv -Path .\Output.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation
Although I have never seen an AD user to have no group membership at all (should have at least the default Domain Users in the MemberOf property), You commented that you would like to have a test for that aswell.
Import-Csv -Path .\Input_CN.csv |
ForEach-Object {
$user = Get-ADUser -Filter "CN -eq '$($_.CN)'" -Properties MemberOf, CN -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$user) {
Write-Warning "No user found with CN '$($_.CN)'"
# skip this one and resume with the next CN in the list
$groups = $user.MemberOf
if (!$groups -or $groups.Count -eq 0) {
SourceCN = $user.CN
MemberOf = 'No Groups'
else {
foreach($group in $groups) {
SourceCN = $user.CN
MemberOf = (Get-ADGroup -Identity $group).Name
} | Export-Csv -Path .\Output.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation
This is a bit clunky, but you can use nested loops:
Import-Csv -Path .\Input_CN.csv | ForEach-Object {
$user = Get-ADUser -filter "CN -eq '$($_.CN)'" -properties cn, memberof
$user | ForEach-Object {
$_.MemberOf |
ForEach-Object {
SourceCN = $user.CN
MemberOf = $_.split('[=,]')[1]
} | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.MemberOf} |
Export-Csv -Path .\Output.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation
UPDATE: Updated to show only the 'CN' part of the group name and to filter any users who are not a member of any group.
All in one line could be
Get-ADUser -filter {Enabled -eq $True} -Properties Name, Created | Select-Object Name, Created, #{Name="Groups";Expression={Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $_.SamAccountName | Where-Object {$_.GroupCategory -Eq 'Security'} | Join-String -Property Name -Separator ", "}}
I have a list with AD groups in a CSV file: Input_ADGroup.csv
Column A looks like this:
I already have some code which list all the users of the groups in the output.csv file, however I am missing the ADgroup name. So it is unclear which users are member of which group.
$Manager = #{Name = "Manager"; Expression = {%{(Get-ADUser $_.Manager -Properties DisplayName).DisplayName}}}
$Manager_Location = #{Name = "Manager_Location"; Expression = {%{(Get-ADUser $_.Manager -Properties Office).Office}}}
$Fields = #(
Import-Csv -Path H:\Test\Input_ADGroup.csv |
ForEach-Object {
Get-ADGroup -Filter "CN -eq '$($_.CN)'" -Properties * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Get-ADGroupMember | Get-ADUser -properties * | Select $Fields
} | Export-Csv -Path H:\Test\Output_ADGroup.csv -NoTypeInformation
So is it possible to get a column which shows the "source-ADgroup"... or another format which breaks the list with the ADGroup name or something?
IMO my other suggested solution is more efficient applyig the same CN from the input:
$Data = ForEach($CN in (Import-Csv -Path H:\Test\Input_ADGroup.csv).CN) {
Get-ADGroup -Filter "CN -eq '$CN'" -Properties CN -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Get-ADGroupMember | Get-ADUser -Properties * | Select-Object ($Fields+#{n="Group";e={$CN}})
$Data | Export-Csv -Path H:\Test\Output_ADGroup.csv -NoTypeInformation
As you already have AD group name in $_, you can add one more calculated property to your Select-Object by changing this:
Get-ADGroup -Filter "CN -eq '$($_.CN)'" -Properties * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Get-ADGroupMember | Get-ADUser -properties * | Select $Fields
to this (saving first group name to variable to not mix up with $_ used later in pipeline):
$GroupName = $_.CN
Get-ADGroup -Filter "CN -eq '$($_.CN)'" -Properties * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Get-ADGroupMember | Get-ADUser -properties * | Select ($Fields+#{n="Group";e={$GroupName}})
Credits to #LotPings and #Maikel for pointing out the issue with incorrect $_ usage in comments
NOTE: remember about brackets, otherwise you'd receive an error like:
Select-Object : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument n="Group";e={$GroupName}
#Lotpings #robdy - Thanks for your input, I got it working so many thanks. See code below
Import-Csv -Path H:\Test\Input_ADGroup.csv |
ForEach-Object {
Get-ADGroup -Filter "CN -eq '$($_.CN)'" -Properties CN -PipelineVariable name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Get-ADGroupMember | Get-ADUser -properties * | Select ($Fields+#{n="Group";e={$name}})
} | Export-Csv -Path H:\Test\Output_ADGroup.csv -NoTypeInformation
One last note: The AD group gets displayed as CN=Groupname,OU=...OU=… etc
I couldn't get it to show just "Groupname" but this really is not an issue.
I am looking for help writing a powershell script that will query Active Directory and output a CSV.
This script will list all groups and all users and signify with a character when a user belongs to that group.
The output will look like this: https://imgur.com/1MfFv7Q
I've tried using dsquery and various other powershell methods, but none seem to work.
I'm hoping someone here will have a different perspective on this and be able to help out.
Thank you!
Update 1:
As requested, here's my code that I was trying to work with previously.
#Get a list of the groups
$groups = Get-ADGroup -filter * -Properties Name | Select Name
#iterate through groups array and append each with a comma
$output = ForEach ($g in $groups){
#for each group, find out if the user is part of that group
$output = ForEach ($g in $groups) {
$results = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $g.name -Recursive | Get-ADUser -Properties enabled, SamAccountName, givenname, surname,physicalDeliveryOfficeName
ForEach ($r in $results){
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
GroupName = $g.Name
Username = $r.name
DisplayName = $r.displayname
$output | Export-Csv -path c:\temp\output.csv -NoTypeInformation
Update 2:
Added FTP Upload and some more information. Thanks again TheMadTechnician!
My goal is to get this information from each of my clients, import this into SQL with SSIS with a timestamp, and then I can do can do comparison through sql reporting.
Here's my script where it is currently:
New-Item c:\temp\audit -type directory
$Domain = (gwmi WIN32_ComputerSystem).Domain
$filename = $Domain + "_ADExport.csv"
$fileoutput = "c:\temp\audit\" + $filename
Remove-Item $fileoutput
$GroupRef = #{}
Get-ADGroup -filter * | ForEach{$GroupRef.Add($_.DistinguishedName,$_.Name)}
$Users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Prop MemberOf, passwordlastset, LastLogonDate
ForEach($User in $Users){
$LineItem = [PSCustomObject]#{'Enabled'=$User.Enabled;'First Name'=$User.givenname;'Last Name'=$User.surname;'Location'=$User.physicalDeliveryOfficeName;'Domain'=$Domain;'SAMAccountName'=$User.samaccountname;'LastLoggedOn'=$User.lastlogonDate;'PasswordLastSet'=$User.passwordlastset}
$GroupRef.Values | ForEach{Add-Member -InputObject $LineItem -NotePropertyName $_ -NotePropertyValue ""}
$User.MemberOf | ForEach{$LineItem.$($GroupRef["$_"]) = "X"}
[Array]$Results += $LineItem
$Results|export-csv $fileoutput -notype
#we specify the directory where all files that we want to upload
#ftp server
$ftp = ""
$user = "test"
$pass = "ThisIsARea11yL0NgPa33Word"
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$webclient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($user,$pass)
#list every file
foreach($item in (dir $Dir "*.csv")){
"Uploading $item..."
$uri = New-Object System.Uri($ftp+$item.Name)
$webclient.UploadFile($uri, $item.FullName)
Update 3:
Good afternoon:
I've run into an issue where I am trying to restrict which OU this searches through:
$GroupRef = #{}
$OUPATH = (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter 'Name -like "CLIENT_GROUPS"' | FT DistinguishedName -HideTableHeaders | Out-String).Trim()
Get-ADGroup -SearchBase "$OUPATH" -Filter * | ForEach{$GroupRef.Add($_.DistinguishedName,$_.Name)}
The error is:
Exception setting "": "Cannot process argument because the value of argument "name" is not valid. Change the value of
the "name" argument and run the operation again."
At C:\Users\f12admin\Desktop\test.ps1:23 char:42
+ $User.MemberOf | ForEach{$LineItem.$($GroupRef["$_"]) = "X"}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], SetValueInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExceptionWhenSetting
All you need are Get-ADUser, Get-ADGroup, New-Object, Add-Member, and Export-CSV. I'd build a hashtable of groups linking their distinguishedname and their displayname. Then I'd get a list of all users, create a custom object for each user, loop through the list of groups and add a property to the custom object for each group. Then loop through the user's MemberOf property and set the associated property on the custom object to "X" for everything there. Collect all of the custom objects in an array, and export it to a csv.
This isn't tested, but here's the theory...
$GroupRef = #{}
Get-ADGroup -filter * | ForEach{$GroupRef.Add($_.DistinguishedName,$_.Name)}
$Users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Prop MemberOf
ForEach($User in $Users){
$LineItem = [PSCustomObject]#{'DisplayName'=$User.DisplayName;'SAMAccountName'=$User.samaccountname}
$GroupRef.Values | ForEach{Add-Member -InputObject $LineItem -NotePropertyName $_ -NotePropertyValue ""}
$User.MemberOf | ForEach{$LineItem.$($GroupRef["$_"]) = "X"}
[Array]$Results += $LineItem
$Results|export-csv c:\temp\output.csv -notype
I am trying to write a script that will create a CSV file with the name of the group and its members. My script fails with the error:
The appended object does not have a property that corresponds to the following column
I am sure it is a simple mistake and I'd bang away at it but I need the data quickly.
$SearchBase = "OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=local"
$SPGroups = Get-ADGroup -filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase | select name
Foreach ($i in $SPGroups){
#$Members += get-ADGroupMember -Identity $i.name | select name
$i.name | Export-Csv -append -Path c:\bin\membersof.csv
get-ADGroupMember -Identity $i.name | select name | Export-CSV -append -Path c:\bin\membersof.csv
Thank You!
Try this:
$SearchBase = "OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=local"
Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase | % {
$group = $_.name
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group |
select #{n='Group';e={$group}}, #{n='Member';e={$_.Name}}
} | Export-CSV 'C:\bin\membersof.csv'
#Create Custom Data Container
$header = #("Group,Member") #Columns
$temp = #()
$data = #()
$data += $header
$SearchBase = "OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=local"
Get-ADGroup -filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase | % {
#For Each Group
$Groups = $_.name
get-ADGroupMember -Identity $groups | % {
#For Each Member
$Members = $_.Name
#Add Row
$temp = "$Groups,$Members"
$data += $temp
#output data to csv
$data | ConvertFrom-Csv | Export-Csv -Path c:\bin\membersof.csv -NoTypeInformation