Whats the meaning of CHANGEME in K8s helm charts? - kubernetes-helm

While checking the values of yaml files for a helm chart, one often encounters
changeme passed as a value. E.g.:
rabbitmq.conf: |-
##username and password
instance.secret: "changeme"
rootPassword: "changeme"
What is the meaning of "changeme"?
Is it just a word that needs to be replaced? If so, what will happen if it is not? A security hole, or hopefully an error?
Or is it a keyword that lets the system to replace this with a secure password? If so, how does the system know what type of password to produce?
In either case, how does the chart connect this value with other places where this value might be needed? ( e.g. if this is a password another -dependent to the first- service needs, how is the manually assigned / derived password propagated to the second service? )
(*mainly interested about helm v3 if this is important)

I'd almost always expect this to be just a placeholder that needs to be filled in. In many cases YAML can wind up having inconsistent types if a value is actually absent, so it can be useful to have some value in the chart's values.yaml, but for things like passwords there's not a "right default value" you could include.
Nothing will automatically replace these for you or warn if you're using the default values. Nothing bad will obviously happen if you do deploy with these values, but I'm sure changeme is up there with passw0rd on the short list of default passwords to try if you're actively trying to break into a system.
If you were writing your own chart, you could also test if a value is present using required and explain what's missing, and this approach might be more secure than having a well-known default password.


Invalid hashing in Firebase Cloud Storage Rules Playground

I am testing hashing in the rules playground:
This returns "CRexOpCRkV1UtjNvRZCVOczkUrNmGyHzhkGKJXiDswo=", the correct hash of the string "SECRET" :
let expected = hashing.sha256("SECRET");
But this returns "SECRETpath/to/the/file.mp4", the argument itself instead of its hash:
let expected = hashing.sha256("SECRET" + request.resource.name);
Is it a bug in the rules playground?
Can hashing functions be used on dynamic values or is it intentionally prevented?
The strange rules playground behavior has been mentioned here before, this time with Firestore security rules: Firestore rules hashing returns identity
Firebaser here!
There are a few issues at play here. I think the primary source of confusion is that the hashing.sha256 function returns a rules.Bytes type. It appears that the Rules Playground in the Firebase Console incorrectly shows a string value when debugging the bytes type, but that is unrelated to behavior in production. For example, this Rule will always deny:
allow write: if hashing.sha256("SECRET" + request.resource.name) ==
"SECRET" + request.resource.name;
To get the behavior you're looking for, you need to use one of the conversion functions for the rules.Bytes type. Based on your question, you'll probably want the toBase64() function, but toHexString() is also an option. If you try these functions in your Rules, the Playground should start behaving correctly and the Rules will work as expected in production as well. So to put it all together, you'd write:
let expected = hashing.sha256("SECRET" + request.resource.name).toBase64();
For example, the rules listed below would allow you to upload a file called "foo/bar" (as Gqot1HkcleDFQ5770UsfmKDKQxt_-Jp4DRkTNmXL9m4= is the Base64 SHA-256 hash of "SECRETfoo/bar")
allow write: if hashing.sha256('SECRET' + request.resource.name).toBase64() ==
I hope this helps clear things up! Separately we will look into addressing the wrong debugging output in the Playground
After trying with emulators and the deployed app, it seems that hashing.sha256 does not work on dynamic data in any environment. The behavior is consistent, so I filed a feature request to add this function to storage security rules. This would be nice because it would allow passing signed data to the security rule for each file (for ex: an upload authorization obtained via a Cloud Function)
As of now, the workaround that I imagine is putting data in user custom token (or custom claims), so I can pass signed data to the security rule. It is not ideal because I need to re-sign with custom token for every file upload.

Grafana: Is a dashboard-wide constant map/dictionary possible?

I have a Grafana dashboard which has 3 different global variables for the user to choose from: cloud(aws, azure, gcp), environment(dev, stage, prod), location(eastus2, westus2, westeurope, northeurope, etc..)
The user can choose a specific dashboard with the combination of these three variables.
I want to add a string constant(say, a uuid), which is unique for different combination of these three variables, such that:
aws-dev-eastus2 => b3207989-162c-4be6-a3d0-3a17444cff7d
azure-stage-westeurope => 5340aad8-ea3d-416b-8ab2-1cafd7c301ca
gcp-prod-westus2 => 2f2b3a9c-c179-4b70-b688-36d9f3548bc2
I wonder if it is possible to have a constant type variable, in the format of map/dictionary, so that when the three variables "cloud/environment/location" are fix, this variable can return the corresponding uuid.
Any ideas?
1.) Global variables - No they can't be "global". Grafana has only some builtin variables, which are global - doc: https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/variables/variable-types/global-variables/. User can define only dasbhoard variable (so scope of the variable is only for one particular dashboard, not for whole Grafana instance)
2.) Key => value variable - yes/no, only some SQL (e.g. PotgreSQL, MySQL) datasources support it and also Custom variable supports it (make sure you have Grafana version, with support for that - ). Doc: https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/variables/variable-types/add-custom-variable/#enter-custom-options

Grafana: Overrriding series with metric named `/var(avail_MB)`: "Panel rendering error '/var(avail_MB)' is not a valid regular expression."

An Icinga2 plugin (written by myself) returns performance data with metrics named /var(avail_MB), /var(total_MB) and similar. Data is forwarded to an InfluxDB with Grafana as Frontend.
I'm using "GROUP BY" "tag(metric)" and "ALIAS BY" "$tag_metric" in a dashboard's panel query.
The metric names are displayed correctly below the graph then.
However when I try to override series by specifying "alias or regex" /var(avail_MB) it does not seem to work, and when going back from panel configuration to dashboard, I get an error message saying "Panel rendering error '/var(avail_MB)' is not a valid regular expression.".
I tried to put a backslash in front of ( and ), but that didn't help.
To make matters worse, the whole graph disappeared, and when trying to open the "Query Inspector", the frontend seems to take forever (Query never appears).
What is the problem, and how could I fix it?
I'm new to Icinga2, Grafana and InfluxDB (I'm just a "user" not administrator of those).
The color change is not applied to the graph.
Here is an example of plugin output:
OK: /var: 3114/5632MB (55.30%), slope is NaN|/var(total_MB)=5631.56MB;;;0 /var(avail_pct)=55.30%;25;5;0;100 /var(avail_MB)=3114.12MB;10;5;0;5632 /var(est_avail_MB)=nanMB;10;5;0;5632
(The "nanMB" was a bug in the plugin that has been fixed already, but that data wasn't from the machine in question.)
The problems seems to be the beginning of the string ("/var").
Grafana seems to treat every string starting with / as regular expression, and it expects any regular expression to start with /, too (it seems).
So the fix was to add a trailing /, and escape the literal / as \/.
Unfortunately this only removes the error message, but doesn't make the override work (match).
It is also required to backslash-escape the parentheses and the slash(es):
Instead of /var(total_MB) you need to write /\/var\(total_MB\).
The original problem has two origins:
The monitoring plugin specification at https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#AEN201 states: "2. label can contain any characters except the equals sign or single quote (')") states that any character except = and ' is allowed as metric name.
Grafana v6.7.3 proposes the incorrect (i.e.: unescaped) values for "alias or regex".
That is how I had created the problem.

Azure APIM Policy Editor

I would very much like to be able to set Azure API Policy attributes based on a User's Jwt Claims data. I have been able to set string values for things like the counter-key and increment-condition but I can't set all attributes. I imagined doing something like the following:
calls="#((int) context.Variables["IdentityToken"].AsJwt().Claims.GetValueOrDefault("/LimitRate/Limit", "5"))"
renewal-period="#((int) context.Variables["IdentityToken"].AsJwt().Claims.GetValueOrDefault("/LimitRate/Duration/InSeconds", "60"))"
increment-condition="#(context.Response.StatusCode == 200)"
However there seems to be some validation happening when I save the policy as I get the following error:
Error in element 'rate-limit-by-key' on line 98, column 10: The 'calls' attribute is invalid - The value '#((int) context.Variables["IdentityToken"].AsJwt().Claims.GetValueOrDefault("/LimitRate/Limit", "5"))' is invalid according to its datatype 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema:int' - The string '#((int) context.Variables["IdentityToken"].AsJwt().Claims.GetValueOrDefault("/LimitRate/Limit", "5"))' is not a valid Int32 value.
I even have trouble setting a string parameter (albeit one with a strict format)
renewal-period="#((string) context.Variables["IdentityToken"].AsJwt().Claims.GetValueOrDefault("/Quota/RenewalPeriod", "P00Y00M01DT00H00M00S"))"
Which gives the following when I try and save the policy:
Error in element 'quota-by-key' on line 99, column 6: #((string) context.Variables["IdentityToken"].AsJwt().Claims.GetValueOrDefault("/Quota/RenewalPeriod", "P00Y00M01DT00H00M00S")) is not in a valid format. Provide number of seconds or use 'PxYxMxDTxHxMxS' format where 'x' is a number.
I have tried a large set of variations casting, Convert.ToInt32, claims that are not strings, #{return 5}, #(5) etc but there seems to be some validation happening at save time that is stopping it.
Is there away around this issue as I think it would be a useful feature to add to my API?
calls attribute on rate-limit-by-key and quota-by-key does not support policy expressions. Internal limitations block us from treating it on per-request basis unfortunately. The best you can do is categorize requests into a few finite groups and apply rate limit/quota conditionally using choose policy.
Or try using increment-count attribute to control by how much counter is increased per each request.

Treeline.io sanitize inputs

I have just started investigating into treeline.io beta, so, I could not find any way in the existing machinepacks that would do the job(sanitizing user inputs). Wondering if i can do it in anyway, best if within treeline.
Treeline automatically does type-checking on all incoming request parameters. If you create a route POST /foo with parameter age and give it 123 as an example, it will automatically display an error message if you try to post to /foo with age set to abc, because it's not a number.
As far as more complex validation, you can certainly do it in Treeline--just add more machines to the beginning of your route. The if machine works well for simple tasks; for example, to ensure that age is < 150, you can use if and set the left-hand value to the age parameter, the right-hand value to 150, and the comparison to "<". For more custom validations you can create your own machine using the built-in editor and add pass and fail exits like the if machine has!
The schema-inspector machinepack allow you to sanitize and validate the inputs in Treeline: machinepack-schemainspector
Here a screenshot how I'm using it in my Treeline project:
The content of the Sanitize element:
The content of the Validate element (using the Sanitize output):
For the next parts, I'm always using the Sanitize output (email trimmed and in lowercase for this example).