While converting a string with capitalize() in python system is giving error: "capitalize is not a known member of None" Pylance(ReportOptionalMemberAccess). This error is coming for lower(), casefold() or upper()
Please suggest how to get rid of this.
I need to pass both the lower and upper case string as query.
An Icinga2 plugin (written by myself) returns performance data with metrics named /var(avail_MB), /var(total_MB) and similar. Data is forwarded to an InfluxDB with Grafana as Frontend.
I'm using "GROUP BY" "tag(metric)" and "ALIAS BY" "$tag_metric" in a dashboard's panel query.
The metric names are displayed correctly below the graph then.
However when I try to override series by specifying "alias or regex" /var(avail_MB) it does not seem to work, and when going back from panel configuration to dashboard, I get an error message saying "Panel rendering error '/var(avail_MB)' is not a valid regular expression.".
I tried to put a backslash in front of ( and ), but that didn't help.
To make matters worse, the whole graph disappeared, and when trying to open the "Query Inspector", the frontend seems to take forever (Query never appears).
What is the problem, and how could I fix it?
I'm new to Icinga2, Grafana and InfluxDB (I'm just a "user" not administrator of those).
The color change is not applied to the graph.
Here is an example of plugin output:
OK: /var: 3114/5632MB (55.30%), slope is NaN|/var(total_MB)=5631.56MB;;;0 /var(avail_pct)=55.30%;25;5;0;100 /var(avail_MB)=3114.12MB;10;5;0;5632 /var(est_avail_MB)=nanMB;10;5;0;5632
(The "nanMB" was a bug in the plugin that has been fixed already, but that data wasn't from the machine in question.)
The problems seems to be the beginning of the string ("/var").
Grafana seems to treat every string starting with / as regular expression, and it expects any regular expression to start with /, too (it seems).
So the fix was to add a trailing /, and escape the literal / as \/.
Unfortunately this only removes the error message, but doesn't make the override work (match).
It is also required to backslash-escape the parentheses and the slash(es):
Instead of /var(total_MB) you need to write /\/var\(total_MB\).
The original problem has two origins:
The monitoring plugin specification at https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#AEN201 states: "2. label can contain any characters except the equals sign or single quote (')") states that any character except = and ' is allowed as metric name.
Grafana v6.7.3 proposes the incorrect (i.e.: unescaped) values for "alias or regex".
That is how I had created the problem.
How to look up a particular internationalized property based on a report parameter?
This works, but is static:
This works too, but is not internationalized:
What I need is:
Unfortunately, I get a pile of error messages:
Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file:
1. Syntax error on token "}", delete this token
value = str("$P{key_to_parameters_map_element")}; //$JR_EXPR_ID=13$
This doesn't change anything:
Is this possible at all?
Quite intuitive, isn't it?
I still have this problem
Exception in component tOracleOutput_1
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:447)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:396)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(T4C8Oall.java:951)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive(T4CTTIfun.java:513)
There is some currupt code in your job. What you can do is first check is there any code generated for this job. if not try removing each component/disable and run and see if the error persist or not
I have had this as well. What usually helps is restarting Talend or restarting the computer.
If that doesn't help, there is something wrong with the job. Then I check every schema, every connection, every tMap, every item in the job if there is an error which Talend doesn't show to me.
To check if the code generation system works, you can always click on the Code tab and see if something comes up.
An error ORA-00904 comes up. This leads to the suggestion that a column is named wrongly as seen here: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/129641/ora-00904-error-while-querying-the-oracle-database-table
To avoid ORA-00904, column names must
begin with a letter.
consist only of alphanumeric and the special characters ($_#); other characters need double quotation marks around them.
be less than or equal to thirty characters.
How do I run a query using a value from a textbox from a form I have? I know that there is another post here at Stackoverflow dealing with this issue but I found it to be insufficient for my needs.
I formated my textbox into Medium Date format with its default value being =Date(). However, when I pick up a date and open my report I get this error:
Runtime error 3071: Expression Too Complex
My where clause is this
(AllInfo.DateOpened >= CDate([Forms]![Main Form]![WindowPrintOptions]![CustomizedReport]!txtDateOpenedFrom.Value))
and I am sure it is this code piece that is throwing the problem since when I take it out of the query the error message simply disappears.
Any ideas?
Try with:
(AllInfo.DateOpened >= DateValue([Forms]![Main Form]![WindowPrintOptions].[Form]!txtDateOpenedFrom))
I got the problem. It was the "AllInfo" alias. It wasn't applicable at that escope inside the query. By changing the proper things, it was enough to write:
[Forms]![Main Form]![WindowPrintOptions]![CustomizedReport]!txtDateOpenedFrom.Value
Issue solved. Thank you all!
I have come across this error while trying to fill in a form field. I really have no idea what it means and only occurs on some of the PDFs that I have.
I found it being thrown from AcroFields.java here:
if (!PdfName.CH.equals(fieldType))
throw new DocumentException("An appearance was requested without a variable text field.");
Could anyone provide insight into this error and what is causing it?
You're using a very old version of iText, please upgrade!
In the most recent version, exceptions are localized:
if (!PdfName.CH.equals(fieldType))
throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(
As for your question: the error tells you exactly what is happening. You are setting a value for a field for which two or more appearances are defined. However, the value you've chosen is an invalid value.
For instance: you have a check box for which the possible states are "Off" and "On", but you're trying to set the value "1". There is no appearance defined for the value "1" hence the exception.