Deploying NextJS application to Kubernetes cluster - kubernetes

Next version 12.1.5
Kubernetes version 1.20
Until now I've copied a .env file to the next image and regulated them that way, but now a new requirement came to hold the env variables in Kubernetes secrets.
After adding the needed change, that is creating the secret and adding "secretAddRef" keys to the env section of my deployment file, when logging process.env within the next.config.js file I get undefined.
The strange thing is that they are present when using shh to enter the Kubernetes pod and running "printenv".


Deploy Container in K8s in case of only config Map change argocd

I want to redeploy an application in k8s using GitOps(ArgoCD) in case of an only config Map change, how ArgoCD will understand to restart the container as we all know without restarting the container new config map is not going to take effect.
Scenario - If one container is running from ArgoCD and I have to modify configmap yaml file in GitHub and ArgoCD will automatically understand and sync the updated values but container will not restart as we are not modifying in Deployment Yaml Files, so how config map will take effect in the container
Found a workaround for the above question, We can include a parameter(Jenkins Build Number) as env variable in the Deployment config and it will be updated on every build from CI Pipeline, so in case of only config Change in Git repo, deployment will also be rolled out because Build number Parameter will change after running the Pipelines and as we all know ArgoCD will automatically be triggered once any change is done in Git repo connected to ArgoCD
ArgoCD itself doesn't handle this, however other tools can. With Helm this is generally handled inside the chart by hashing the config content into an annotation in the pod template. Kustomize offers the configmap and secret generators which put a hash in the object name and rewrite the pod template to include it. There's also operator solutions like Reloader which does a similar trick to Helm but via an operator.

How to use Vault dynamic secretes and inject them as Environment Variables to Kubernetes deployment?

We run a Vault cluster (Deployed by helm) and some microservices all on k8s.
Our MongoDB atlas connection string configured as ENV on microservices deployment.
We want to continue using ENV without changing the code to read the vault config file. So, we tried the examples from here:
The injection to ENV works but when the vault rotates the credentials we need to recreate the pod that it will inject again to the ENV.
I would like to know How we may use the functionality of dynamic secrets in Vault with ENV on k8s. If you have any suggestions.
If you are using an environment variable to inject a secret, you will need to recreate the pod whenever the secret changes (as you've found), because the environment variable is only generated at startup of the pod - it is not possible to change an environment variable for a running application. If you want your application to support credentials that change while it is running, you will need to add support for that to your application I'm afraid (and change from using an env var to reading the details from the file when required).

Persistence of Configmap in kubernetes

I have a Kubernetes pod (let's call it POD-A) and I want it to use a certain config file to perform some actions using k8s API. The config file will be a YAML or JSON which will be parsed by the application inside the pod.
The config file is hosted by an application server on cloud and the latest version of it can be pulled based on a trigger. The config file contains configuration details of all the deployments in the k8s cluster and will be used to update deployments using k8s API in POD-A.
Now what I am thinking is to save this config file in a config-map and every time a new config file is pulled a new config-map is created by the pod which is using the k8s API.
What I want to do is to update the previous config map with a certain flag (a key and a value) which will basically help the application to know which is the current version of deployment. So let's say I have a running k8s cluster with multiple pods in it, a config-map is there which has all the configuration details against those pods (image version, namespace, etc.) and a flag notifying that this the current deployment and the application inside POD-A will know that by loading the config-map. Now when a new config-file is pulled a new config-map is created and the flag for current deployment is set to false for the previous config map and is set to true for the latest created config map. Then that config map is used to update all the pods in the cluster.
I know there are a lot of details but I had to explain them to ask the following questions:
1) Can configmaps be used for this purpose?
2) Can I update configmaps or do I have to rewrite them completely? I am thinking of writing a file in the configmap because that would be much simpler.
3) I know configmaps are stored in etcd but are they persisted on disk or are kept in memory?
4) Let's say POD-A goes down will it have any effect on the configmaps? Are they in any way associated with the life cycle of a pod?
5) If the k8s cluster itself goes down what happens to the `configmaps? Since they are in etcd and if they are persisted then will they be available again?
Note: There is also a limit on the size of configmaps so I have to keep that in mind. Although I am guessing 1MB is a fair enough size to save a config file since it would usually be in a few bytes.
1) I think you should not use it in this way.
2) ConfigMaps are kubernetes resources. You can update them.
3) If etcd backups to disk are enabled.
4) No. A pod's lifecycle should not affect configmaps, unless pod mutates(deletes) the configmap.
5) If the cluster itself goes down. Assuming etcd is also running on the same cluster, etcd will not be available till the cluster comes back up again. ETCD has an option to persist backups to disk. If this is enabled, when the etcd comes back up, it will have restored the values that were on the backup. So it should be available once the cluster & etcd is up.
There are multiple ways to mount configMap in a pod like env variables, file etc.
If you change a config map, Values won't be updated on configMaps as files. Only values for configMaps as env variables are update dynamically. And now the process running in the pod should detect env variable has been updated and take some action.
So I think the system will be too complex.
Instead trigger a deployment that kills the old pods and brings up a new pod which uses the updated configMaps.

How to execute shell commands from within a Kubernetes ConfigMap?

I am using Helm charts to create and deploy applications into my K8s cluster.
One of my pods requires a config file with a SDK key to start and function properly. This SDK key is considered a secret and is stored in AWS Secret Manager. I don't include the secret data in my Docker image. I want to be able to mount this config file at runtime. A ConfigMap seems to be a good option in this case, except that I have not been able to figure out how to obtain the SDK key from Secrets Manager during the chart installation. Part of my ConfigMap looks like this:
app.conf: |
[sdkkey] # I want to be able to retrieve sdk from aws secrets manager
I was looking at ways to write shell commands to use AWS CLI to get secrets, but have not seen a way to execute shell commands from within a ConfigMap.
Any ideas or alternative solutions?
tl;dr; You can't execute a ConfigMap, it is just a static manifest. Use an init container instead.
ConfigMaps are a static manifest that can be read from the Kubernetes API or injected into a container at runtime as a file or environment variables. There is no way to execute a ConfigMap.
Additionally, ConfigMaps should not be used for secret data, Kubernetes has a specific resource, called Secrets, to use for secret data. It can be used in similar ways to a ConfigMap, including being mounted as a volume or exposed as environment variables within the container.
Given your description it sounds like your best option would be to use an init container to retrieve the credentials and write them to a shared emptyDir Volume mounted into the container with the application that will use the credentials.

Kubernetes cluster name change

I'm creating a cluster with kubeadm init --with-stuff (Kubernetes 1.8.4, for reasons). I can setup nodes, weave, etc. But I have a problem setting the cluster name. When I open the admin.conf or a different config file I see:
name: kubernetes
When I run kubectl config get-clusters:
Which is the default. Is there a way to set the cluster name during init (there is no command line parameter)? Or is there a way to change this after the init? The current name is referenced in many files in /etc/kubernetes/
Best Regrads
You can now do so using kubeadm's config file. PR here:
Using the kubeadm config you just set the following at the top level
clusterName: kubernetes
No, you cannot change a name of running cluster, because it serves for discovery inside a cluster and this would require near-simultaneous changing it across the cluster.
Sadly, you also cannot change a name of the cluster before init. Here is the issue on Github.
Update: From version 1.12, kubeadm allow you to change a cluster name before an "init" stage.
To do it (for sure for versions >=1.15, for lower versions commands can be different, commands changed somewhen between versions 1.12 and 1.15), you need to set clusterName value in a cluster configuration file like that:
Save default configuration to a file (cluster config is optional, so we need to do that step first for not to write it from scratch) by a kubeadm config print init-defaults < init-config.yaml command.
Set clusterName value in the config.
Run kubeadm init with a config argument: kubeadm init --config init-config.yaml