VScode connect remote Jupyter server with headers - jupyter

I'd like to add headers when I connect to remote Jupyter server.
How can I deal with this?
Choose Existing
I put jupyterlab url without headers and it redirected to login page.


Data Grid Server On Development Computer With SSL

I am doing some kind of poc on my development machine. I downloaded Red Hat Data Grid 8.2 Server and installed unzipping it. I edited infinispan.xml file and removed the comments on tag to enable TSL. Then I started the server locally using server.bat. But when I browse to I cannot browse data grid server administration console. I guess, it is because I enabled TSL and I don't know how I can browse the console.
P.s: If I don't enable TSL I can connect data grid server administration console
If you haven't set a custom Keystore, Infinispan will generate a self-signed certificate.
Usually, self-signed certificates are blocked by the browser;
so, make sure the browser isn't blocking the connection and that you are connecting to
More information in the Documentation.

Connecting to localhost redirects through proxy

I am trying to call an endpoint on a locally hosted Tomcat server using Postman. However, when I make the call to:
it redirects my request through the corporate proxy.
I don't see any options in Postman and I have tried removing the proxy settings in the internet options, but the problem persists.
When I look at the Postman Console, I see the below. Why is it sending proxy-authorization and proxy-connection to localhost?
Request Headers:
accept-encoding:"gzip, deflate"
proxy-authorization:"Basic {auth}"
Response Headers:
content-type:"text/html; charset=utf-8"
I had my http_proxy system environment variable set. Looks like it's working once I removed it and restarted Postman.
You must set the following environment variables (I do it in .bashrc file):
$ env | grep PROXY
Then, you have to tell Postman to use the System Proxy in the Proxy settings section. It's just annoying because you can set your proxy in the settings, but you can't set no proxy hosts.
If you're stuck behind a corporate proxy or similar and you're using automatic proxy configuration which won't let you allow to connect to localhost addresses, this is what helped me:
Try using your IP address instead of localhost as a host name in your client application, e.g.

Informatica Facebook connection

I have a little problem. I have installed Informatica server on Guest VM that has hostname info-hadoop with bridge network(in mean that other Computers in LAN can see and use it without any extra NAT rules).
On computer that use Informatica server in /etc/hosts was added
IP info-hadoop
To create Facebook connection i followed official manual and this video .
Here i got problem with Valid OAuth redirect URIs. Under
i have such OAuth Callback URL:
But i can't enter this URL in
Facebook doesn't allow to save this URL. So i tried to use such link
With proper added lines on /etc/hosts:
IP info-hadoop info-hadoop.com
But facebook throws exception(in video at 3:30)
Given URL is not allowed by the Application Configuration
What should i do?

Fiddler2: Decrypt HTTPS traffic and Tunnel to host:443

I use Fiddler2 to analyse some pages that use https connections. I enabled HTTPS decryption, but I still see some Tunnel to host:443 entries in my log. I can see decrypted HTTPS traffic in the log, so I assume the decyption works.
I think, that a Tunnel to host:443 entry is created in addition to the decrypted log entry when the connection is opened.
Is my assumption correct or did I miss something?
Yes, this is expected.
If you click on Tunnel to Host:443 you'll see the following on the Statistics tab:
The selected session is a HTTP CONNECT Tunnel. This tunnel enables a client to
send raw traffic (e.g. HTTPS-encrypted streams or WebSocket messages) through
a HTTP Proxy Server (like Fiddler).
You can automatically hide these tunnels if you like by clicking Rules > Hide Connects.
My HTTPS interception and decryption stopped working and this message was also in my logs.
Perhaps it is unrelated but I was able to resolve but exporting the Fiddler certificate to Desktop (Tools > Fiddler Options > Export Root Certificate to Desktop), double clicking it to install it and restarting Fiddler and my Browser.

Azure Websites: socket reading port 80 returns 404 error

I have a php script that run perfectly when requested by the browser (example):
in this case, I get the information of an user with the key XXXXX, which is the expected behavior.
However, inside my Photoshop plugin, I must to call it via socket, having to force a port in the connection:
Doing that, I get the the content of Azure default 404 page (it is not even my customized 404 page).
If I use the same call (with the port added to the domain) on a browser, it works fine as well.
Any idea on how to fix it? I tried to flushDNS on my machine as well without success.
Thanks a lot,
It's likely that the socket library won't be using HTTP and therefore isn't sending a host header and the web tier on Azure can't actually figure out which Website it should serve the content from.
As you using this with a plug-in perhaps try and use the default hostname issued by Azure instead of a custom domain.