Powershell Forms Textbox Fills With Text After Command Completes - powershell

Again, thanks for the help with my previous question, but i have hit another problem. As mentioned above the exe in the below code if run in cmd instantly outputs progress as it runs.
However the textbox in the form is blank and there is a delay, where it looks like nothing is happening before the whole output is pasted into the box.
I have looked online and mention of a forms.application do events method but it is not recommended and a bit sloppy.
Any ideas how i could have this live?. I did try a messagebox but i need to close it before the exe would run and i would still have to wait.
I'm referring to the textbox output from xtract-iso.exe in xiso_build function
Function xiso_build {
Set-Location -Path $PSScriptRoot # change to root folder of this script wherever it's run from
[System.Windows.Forms.Messagebox]::Show("Building, Please Wait...")
$outputBox.text= & .\extract-xiso.exe -r $selected_file 2>&1 | out-string # '2>&1' needs to be there otherwise any errors get outputted to terminal, out-string for better formatting
# the main form
$form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$form.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'
$form.Text = 'Xbox Iso Extractor'
$form.Size = '600,600'
# Choose iso label
# Create a "computer name" label control and add it to the form
# Set label location, text, size, etc
$Label1 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label
$label1.Font = [System.Drawing.Font]::new("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12, [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)
$Label1.Size = '180,40'
$Label1.Location = '10,20'
$Label1.Text = "Select An Xbox ISO:"
# textbox
$isotextBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$isotextBox.Location = '10,60'
$isotextBox.Size = '320,200'
# open file button
$Select_Iso_button = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.button
$Select_Iso_button.Text = 'Choose ISO'
$Select_Iso_button.Size = '100,25'
$Select_Iso_button.Location = '350,60'
# below code: on click run 'iso_open func above and run global '$selected_file_path' variable from fun, then insert path and file into textbox
# save this selected text into var called $selected_file then execute var
$Select_Iso_button.Add_Click({iso_open; $global:selected_file = $isotextBox.Text = $selected_file_path; $selected_file})
# Output of xtract-iso textbox
$outputBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox #creating the text box
$outputBox.Location = '10,150' #location of the text box (px) in relation to the primary window's edges (length, height)
$outputBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(565,200) #the size in px of the text box (length, height)
$outputBox.MultiLine = $True #declaring the text box as multi-line
$outputBox.ScrollBars = "Vertical" #adding scroll bars if required
$form.Controls.Add($outputBox) #activating the text box inside the primary window
# Build Iso Button
$build_button = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.button
$build_button.Text = 'Build ISO'
$build_button.Size = '200,50'
$build_button.Location = '10,360'
# $button.Anchor = 'Bottom,left' # uncomment to move button down to bottom left of app window
$build_button.Add_Click({xiso_build}) # run 'xiso_build' func from above

By default, Out-String collects all input first before outputting the input objects' formatted representations as a single, multiline string.[1]
In order to get near-realtime feedback from the command getting executed, you need to append lines to $output.Text iteratively, as they become available, which you can do via a ForEach-Object call:
$sep = ''; $outputBox.text = ''
& .\extract-xiso.exe -r $selected_file 2>&1 |
ForEach-Object {
# Append the line at hand to the text box.
$outputBox.AppendLine($sep + $_); $sep = "`n"
# Keep the form responsive - THIS MAY NOT BE ENOUGH - see below.
[System.Windows.Forms.Application]::DoEvents()[2] is used to keep the form responsive while the command is executing, but note that this relies on successive output lines generated by your .\extract-xiso.exe call being emitted in relatively short succession (the reason is that the form cannot process any user events while PowerShell is waiting for the next output line to be emitted).
If this doesn't keep your form responsive enough, you'll need a different approach, such as using a background job to run your executable, and using .Show() instead of .ShowDialog() to show your form, with a subsequent, manual [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::DoEvents() loop that periodically polls the background job for new output lines.
The following simplified, self-contained example demonstrates this approach:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
# === Helper functions:
# Launches the external program in a a background job and store
# the job-inf variable in script-level variable $job.
function Start-ExtractionJob {
$script:job = Start-Job {
# Simulate a long-running call to an external program.
# Here is where you'd make your & .\extract-xiso.exe ... call
1..20 | % { cmd /c "echo line $_" 2>&1; Start-Sleep 1 }
# Adds an output line to the $ouputBox text box
function Add-TextBoxLine {
param([string] $line)
if ($prevLen = $outputBox.Text.Length) {
$sep = "`r`n"
else {
$sep = ''
$outputBox.AppendText($sep + $line)
# Scroll to the *start* of the new line to prevent horizontal scrolling.
$outputBox.Select($prevLen + $sep.Length, 0)
# === Create the form.
$form = [System.Windows.Forms.Form] #{
StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'
Text = 'Xbox Iso Extractor'
Size = '600,600'
# Mutiline text box that will receive the program's output, line by line.
$outputBox = [System.Windows.Forms.TextBox] #{
Location = '10,150'
Size = [System.Drawing.Size]::new(565, 200)
MultiLine = $true
ScrollBars = "Vertical" #adding scroll bars if required
# Build Iso Button
$build_button = [System.Windows.Forms.Button] #{
Text = 'Build ISO'
Size = '200,50'
Location = '10,360'
# Set up the button event handler for launching
# the external program in a background job.
$this.Enabled = $false
Add-TextBoxLine "=== Launching..."
# --- Manage display of the form and handle job output.
$job = $null
$form.Show() # Show form asynchronously.
while ($form.Visible) {
# While the form is visible, process events periodically.
# If a job has been launched, collect its output on an ongoing basis.
# If the job has completed, remove it, and reenable the launch button.
if ($job) {
$job | Receive-Job | ForEach-Object {
# $outputBox.Text += $nl + $_; $outputBox.Select($outputBox.Text.Length + $nl.Length, 0); $outputBox.ScrollToCaret()
Add-TextBoxLine $_
# Check if the job has terminated, for whatever reason.
if ($job.State -in 'Completed', 'Failed') {
$job | Remove-Job; $job = $null
Add-TextBoxLine '=== Completed'
$build_button.Enabled = $true
# Sleep a little.
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
# ... clean up job, if necessary, ...
[1] While there is a -Stream switch that outputs the lines of the formatted representations one by one, that wouldn't help here, because the key to realtime feedback is to assign to $output.Text iteratively, as the lines become available.
[2] [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::DoEvents() can be problematic in general (it is essentially what the blocking .ShowDialog() call does in a loop behind the scenes), but in this constrained scenario (assuming only one form is to be shown) it should be fine. See this answer for background information.


how to create dynamic link list from .lnk files in a folder with powershell

I would like to be able to create a dynamic link list from .lnk files in a folder with powershell. I want the link list to be presented to the user in a form that can be minimzed, but will stay active for the entire session, even if the user launch one of them the main form will remain active.
I'm having a hard time moving from VBS to powershell, so any help would be appreciated.
Finally I have managed to have a begining of solution here is my code.
$linklist = #(
("MyFisrtApp" , "\\Path\To\MyFisrtApp.exe"),
("MySecondApp" , "\\Path\To\MySecondApp.exe"),
("MyThirdApp" , "\\Path\To\MyThirdApp.exe"),
("MyFourthApp" , "\\Path\To\MyFourthApp.exe")
#Create Form Object
$mainform = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$mainform.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(400,300)
$mainform.Text = " My Virtual Applications"
$mainform.StartPosition = "CenterScreen" #loads the window in the center of the screen
# convert the array of arrays into an ordered Hashtable
$linkHash = [ordered]#{}
$linklist | ForEach-Object { $linkHash[$_[0]] = $_[1] }
$calculatedPosition =40
$linkHash.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
$lnk = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel
$lnk.Text = $_.Name # set the name for the label
$lnk.Tag = $_.Value # store the link url inside the control's Tag property
$lnk.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(60, $calculatedPosition)
# inside the scriptblock, $this refers to the LinkLabel control itself
$lnk.Add_Click({ Start-Process $this.Tag })
$calculatedPosition += 40 # just a guess, you may want different vertical spacing
#Show Form
My next move now is to display the icon of the .lnk file on the left of each link and also dynamically construct the linklist hashtable from the properties of a list of .lnk files in a specific folder. Also having the form to auto-size as needed if more links need to be shown, would be interesting. I'm trying different setting with mitigated results.

PowerShell - DataGridView Windows Form Drag and Drop Issue

Hello StackOverflow members,
Hoping for some guidance with a Windows Form DataGridView Control issue. I've stumbled to create a simple Windows Form-based PowerShell Script that should make use of Drag and Drop Events. The issue that I am facing is that when I load/run the PowerShell Script within PowerShell ISE interface, the drag over event does not seem to function. However, if I run it again (without doing anything else), the drag over event seems to work (I am simply dragging a few Files from File Explorer over and to a DataGridView Form Control).
Here is my code:
| BEGIN SECTION: Form Control Declarations. |
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
# [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
# [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
# Create the "ProjectWise File Replacer" Form Control.
$ProjectWiseFileReplacer = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$ProjectWiseFileReplacer.ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(604,460)
$ProjectWiseFileReplacer.Text = "ProjectWise File Replacer (Version 1.0.0) - By Patel, Greene & Associates, LLC"
$ProjectWiseFileReplacer.TopMost = $True
$ProjectWiseFileReplacer.MinimumSize = $ProjectWiseFileReplacer.ClientSize
$ProjectWiseFileReplacer.FormBorderStyle = 'FixedDialog'
$ProjectWiseFileReplacer.Icon = "C:\PGA\Information Technology\ProjectWise\Administration\PowerShell\Scripts\ProjectWise_Icon.ico"
$ProjectWiseFileReplacer.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
# Create "Files" Data Grid View Form Control.
$DataGridView_Files = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView
$DataGridView_Files.Width = 572
$DataGridView_Files.Height = 213
$DataGridView_Files.ColumnCount = 2
$DataGridView_Files.ColumnHeadersVisible = $True
$DataGridView_Files.Columns[0].Name = "Path and File Name"
$DataGridView_Files.Columns[1].Name = "Status"
$DataGridView_Files.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(16,107)
$DataGridView_Files.SelectionMode = 'FullRowSelect'
$DataGridView_Files.MultiSelect = $False
$DataGridView_Files.TabIndex = 0
$DataGridView_Files.RowHeadersVisible = $False
$DataGridView_Files.AutoSizeColumnsMode = 'Fill'
$DataGridView_Files.AllowUserToAddRows = $False
$DataGridView_Files.AllowUserToDeleteRows = $True
$DataGridView_Files.AllowUserToResizeRows = $False
$DataGridView_Files.ReadOnly = $True
$DataGridView_Files.AllowDrop = $True
$DataGridView_Files.RowTemplate.Height = 17
$DataGridView_Files.ColumnHeadersHeight = 22
$DataGridView_Files.Enabled = $True
# Add Form Controls to the "ProjectWise File Replacer" Form.
| BEGIN SECTION: Declare Form Control Events. |
# "Files" Data Grid View Form Control (Drag Over Event).
# Files have been selected to drag over the "Files" Data Grid View Form Control.
If ($_.Data.GetDataPresent([Windows.Forms.DataFormats]::FileDrop))
# Set Drag Over Event Handler Effect.
$_.Effect = 'Copy'
# Files have not been selected to drap over the "Files" Data Grid View Form Control.
# Set Drag Over Event Handler Effect.
$_.Effect = 'None'
# "Files" Data Grid View Form Control (Drag Drop Event).
# Create a String Array for File Collection.
$Files = $_.Data.GetData([Windows.Forms.DataFormats]::FileDrop)
# Files have been selected, dragged and dropped.
If ($Files)
# Loop through each File within the File Collection.
ForEach ($File in $Files)
# Add File to "Files" Data Grid View Control.
| BEGIN SECTION: Main Body of Script. |
# Display (Show) the "ProjectWise File Replacer" Form Window.
Any ideas as to why this won't work the first time I run it?
P.S...I get the same result (of not working as expected) when running the script from outside of the PowerShell ISE program.
Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)
Running Script in 64-bit mode.
Move the definitions for $DataGridView_Files_DragOver and $DataGridView_Files_DragDrop above the place where you call on them. Now you are using them when they are not yet defined.
The second time the code runs, they are known and the functionality works.
$DataGridView_Files.Enabled = $True
**Here would be a good spot**

Embed a text file as an object in Ms Word 2010

I am building a script to write word documents using PowerShell (Windows 7, PS4, .Net 4, Office 2010.
The script works but it embeds the text at the top of the document. I need to be able to specify the exact location like on page 2.
Here's what I got up to date:
# Opens an MsWord Doc, does a Search-and-Replace and embeds a text file as an object
# To make this work you need in the same folder as this script:
# -A 2-page MsWord file called "Search_and_replace_Target_Template.doc" with:
# -the string <package-name> on page ONE
# -the string <TextFile-Placeholder> on page TWO
# -A textfile called "TextFile.txt"
#The script will:
# -replace <package-name> with something on page one
# -embed the text file <package-name> at the top of page one (but I want it to replace <TextFile-Placeholder> on page 2)
# CAVEAT: Using MsWord 2010
[String]$MsWordDocTemplateName = "Search_and_replace_Target_Template.doc"
[String]$TextFileName = "TextFile.txt"
[Int]$wdReplaceAll = 2
[Int]$wdFindContinue = 1 #The find operation continues when the beginning or end of the search range is reached.
[Bool]$MatchCase = $False
[Bool]$MatchWholeWord = $true
[Bool]$MatchWildcards = $False
[Bool]$MatchSoundsLike = $False
[Bool]$MatchAllWordForms = $False
[Bool]$Forward = $True
[Int]$Wrap = $wdFindContinue #The find operation continues when the beginning or end of the search range is reached.
[Bool]$Format = $False
[Int]$wdReplaceNone = 0
$objWord = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
$objWord.Visible = $true #Makes the MsWord
[String]$ScriptDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($myInvocation.MyCommand.path)
[String]$WordDocTemplatePath = "$ScriptDirectory\$MsWordDocTemplateName"
[String]$TextFilePath = "$ScriptDirectory\$TextFileName"
[String]$SaveAsPathNew = Join-Path -Path $ScriptDirectory -ChildPath "${MsWordDocTemplateName}-NEW.doc"
#Open Template with MSWord
Try {
$objDoc = $objWord.Documents.Open($WordDocTemplatePath)
} Catch {
[string]$mainErrorMessage = "$($_.Exception.Message) $($_.ScriptStackTrace) $($_.Exception.InnerException)"
Write-Host $mainErrorMessage -ForegroundColor Red
Start-Sleep -Seconds 7
$objSelection = $objWord.Selection
$objSelection.Find.Forward = 'TRUE'
$objSelection.Find.MatchWholeWord = 'TRUE'
#Replace <package-name>
[String]$FindText = "<package-name>"
[String]$ReplaceWith = "PackageName_v1"
write-host "replacing [$FindText] :" -NoNewline
#Embed the text file as an object
[System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$TextFileObj = Get-item $TextFilePath
If ( $(Try {Test-Path $($TextFileObj.FullName).trim() } Catch { $false }) ) {
write-host "Embedding [$TextFileName] :" -NoNewline
[String]$FindText = "<TextFile-Placeholder>"
[String]$ReplaceWith = ""
# $objSelection.Find.Execute($FindText,$MatchCase,$MatchWholeWord,$MatchWildcards,$MatchSoundsLike,$MatchAllWordForms,$Forward,$Wrap,$Format,$ReplaceWith,$wdReplaceAll)
#Need code to create a RANGE to the position of <TextFile-Placeholder>
#Embed file into word doc as an object
#$result = $objSelection.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject($null,$TextFileObj.FullName,$false,$true)
$result = $objSelection.Range[0].InlineShapes.AddOLEObject($null,$TextFileObj.FullName,$false,$true) #works too but does the same
Write-host "Success"
} Else {
Write-Host "[$TextFilePath] does not exist!" -ForegroundColor Red
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Write-Host "Saving updated word doc to [${MsWordDocTemplateName}-NEW.doc] ***"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
#List of formats
$AllSaveFormat = [Enum]::GetNames([microsoft.office.interop.word.WdSaveFormat])
$SaveFormat = $AllSaveFormat
$objDoc.SaveAs([ref]$SaveAsPathNew,[ref]$SaveFormat::wdFormatDocument) #Overwrite if exists
$null = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject([System.__ComObject]$objWord)
Remove-Variable objWord
If you have a way to do this in Word 2016 I'll take it too as I'll have to redo it all for office 2016 later on.
UPDATE: Looks like the solution is to create a "Range" where the is located. By default it seems you have one range[0] that represents the whole document.
The closest I came to do this was:
$MyRange = $objSelection.Range[Start:= 0, End:= 7]
But this is not the syntax for PowerShell and it deals only with absolute character positions and not the results of a search for a string.
If I could create a 2nd range maybe this could work:
I can't write powershell script for you, but I can describe what you need. You are, indeed, on-track with the Range idea. To get the Range for an entire Word document:
$MyRange = $objDoc.Content
Note that you're free to declare and use as many Range objects as you need. Range is not limited like Selection, of which there can be only one. As long as you don't need the original Range again, go ahead and perform Find on it. If you do need the original Range again, then declare and instantiate a second, instantiating it either as above or, in order to use the original as the starting point:
$MyRange2 = $MyRange.Duplicate
Then use Find on a Range. Note that, when Find is successful the content of the Range is the found term, which puts the "focus" on the correct page. (But will not move the Selection!)
If you want to test whether Find was successful the Execute method returns a Boolean value (true if Find was successful).
Use something like what follows to insert the file, although I'm not sure OLEObject is the best method for inserting a text file. I'd rather think InsertFile would be more appropriate. An OLEObject requires an OLE Server registered in Windows that supports editing text files; it will be slower and put a field code in the document that will try to update...
$result =$MyRange.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject($null,$TextFileObj.FullName,$false,$true)

Finding a word and/or variable in Word Document and changing it to a Bold Font

I have a script where I am replacing a bookmark in a word document with text from a xml.
I have hard coded a few words into the word document via the bookmark properties. I am trying to turn the font of the strings I hardcoded into the document into bold and increase the font size
StigData is predefined earlier in my script...
The script works fine its just not bolding the font.
$template = "Template.docx"
$wd = New-Object –comobject Word.Application
foreach ($stigDataItem in $stigData)
$title = $stigDataItem.title
$check = $stigDataItem.group.Rule.check.'check-content'
$ft = $stigDataItem.group.rule.fixtext.innerxml
$doc.Bookmarks.Item("AllStigInfo").Range.Text ="FixText" + "`r`n" + $ft + "`r`n" +"`r`n"
$doc.Bookmarks.Item("AllStigInfo").Range.Text ="Check Content" + "`r`n" + $check + "`r`n"
$doc.Bookmarks.Item("AllStigInfo").Range.Text =$title + "`r`n"
$selection = $wd.selection
$selection.Font.Bold = $True
$stringcheck = "Check Content"
Remove-Variable wd
I attempted to select the words I need to replace and replace it with a bold font with the section:
$selection = $wd.selection
$selection.Font.Bold = $True
$stringcheck = "Check Content"
However that just added a bold word to the document.
I am trying to bold everywhere that says FixText, Check Content, and $title. Also making $title a bigger font.
Also tried referring to https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/heyscriptingguy/2006/02/01/how-can-i-boldface-a-specific-word-throughout-a-microsoft-word-document/ but it didn't work out for me.
I'm not familiar with PowerShell, but the logic seems clear enough so that my suggestion should work:
You should declare a Word.Range object or objects and assign the Bookmark.Range(s) to it/them so that you can afterwards work directly with the Range. (Bookmarks are deleted as soon as something is assigned to their Range, which is why you can't continue on using them for further actions.)
Working with Ranges is preferable to using the Selection object, and you can have more than one (the Application supports only one Selection).
So something like this:
$rngBookmark = $doc.Bookmarks.Item("AllStigInfo").Range
$rngBookmark.Text ="FixText" + "`r`n" + $ft + "`r`n" +"`r`n"
$rngBookmark.Font.Bold = $True
If you want to bold only "FixText" and nothing that follows it in the assignment to the Text property, then:
$rngBookmark = $doc.Bookmarks.Item("AllStigInfo").Range
$rngBookmark.Text ="FixText"
$rngBookmark.Font.Bold = $True
//You need to figure out the syntax for the Collapse method
//I just put in the way I'd use it from VB.NET, with full qualification
$rngBookmark.Text = "`r`n" + $ft + "`r`n" +"`r`n"
Collapsing the Range is similar to pressing left- / right-arrow on the keyboard to "collapse" a selection to a cursor point.
Discovered two ways of doing this. I used Find and Replace method in Word.
In PowerShell I ended up using
Method 1
$searchText=$replaceText= 'Check Content'
$wdReplaceAll = 2
$wd=New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
$doc = $wd.Documents.Open($newfile)
$wd.Selection.Find.Replacement.Font.Bold = $true
$wd.Selection.Find.Execute($searchText, $false, $true, $false, $false, $false, $true, $false, $true, $replaceText, $wdReplaceAll)
Method 2
I also found a VBscript that looks for the specific word and replace and changed it to bold. Using PowerShell to pass the variable $newfile.
Site: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/heyscriptingguy/2006/02/01/how-can-i-boldface-a-specific-word-throughout-a-microsoft-word-document/
#invoke script and passed $newfile to vbscript (added in my Powershell script)
$arg1 = "$newfile"
$arg2 = "$title"
$command = “cmd /C cscript 'boldfont.vbs' $arg1”
invoke-expression $command
#vbscript I created
Const wdReplaceAll = 2
Set objWord = CreateObject(“Word.Application”)
objWord.Visible = True
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(“$newfile”)
Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
objSelection.Find.Text = “Check Content”
objSelection.Find.Forward = TRUE
objSelection.Find.MatchWholeWord = TRUE
objSelection.Find.Replacement.Font.Bold = True
objSelection.Find.Execute ,,,,,,,,,,wdReplaceAll
I will use this to change Fix Text and $title.
I wanted to share it. Might could help someone else.

PowerShell: reading PowerShell Transcript logs

I've started to use the start-transcript in my profile to keep a log of everything I do via the shell.
it's becoming useful for looking back at what changes are made and when they were made. I'm also beginning to use it as the first steps of documentation. I've been commenting the things done in the shell for future reference.
The thing that is proving tricky is the formatting is that of a text doc and is not as easy to read as the shell (error, verbose and warning colours mainly).
I was wondering if anybody uses the Transcript functionality in this way and has a viewer of preference or a script that parses the log file to produce a doc of some sort?
Edit: i'm interested to know why the question has been down voted...
I believe it will be very hard to parse a transcript to create an accurate formatted document. You could however use the console host API to capture (parts of) the screen buffer.
This Windows Powershell blog article describes how this works.
A trivial way to use the (modified) script (Get-ConsoleAsHtml.ps1) is to modify your prompt function, so that all lines from the buffer that haven't been written to your html transcript yet, are saved every time the prompt function is called. The first block of code is the contents of the modified script, the second block of code shows how you can use this script in your profile.
# Get-ConsoleAsHtml.ps1
# The script captures console screen buffer up to the current cursor position and returns it in HTML format.
# (Jon Z: Added a startline parameter)
# Returns: UTF8-encoded string.
# Example:
# $htmlFileName = "$env:temp\ConsoleBuffer.html"
# .\Get-ConsoleAsHtml 5 | out-file $htmlFileName -encoding UTF8
# $null = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start("$htmlFileName")
param (
$startline = 0
# Check the host name and exit if the host is not the Windows PowerShell console host.
if ($host.Name -ne 'ConsoleHost')
write-host -ForegroundColor Red "This script runs only in the console host. You cannot run this script in $($host.Name)."
exit -1
# The Windows PowerShell console host redefines DarkYellow and DarkMagenta colors and uses them as defaults.
# The redefined colors do not correspond to the color names used in HTML, so they need to be mapped to digital color codes.
function Normalize-HtmlColor ($color)
if ($color -eq "DarkYellow") { $color = "#eeedf0" }
if ($color -eq "DarkMagenta") { $color = "#012456" }
return $color
# Create an HTML span from text using the named console colors.
function Make-HtmlSpan ($text, $forecolor = "DarkYellow", $backcolor = "DarkMagenta")
$forecolor = Normalize-HtmlColor $forecolor
$backcolor = Normalize-HtmlColor $backcolor
# You can also add font-weight:bold tag here if you want a bold font in output.
return "<span style='font-family:Courier New;color:$forecolor;background:$backcolor'>$text</span>"
# Generate an HTML span and append it to HTML string builder
function Append-HtmlSpan
$spanText = $spanBuilder.ToString()
$spanHtml = Make-HtmlSpan $spanText $currentForegroundColor $currentBackgroundColor
$null = $htmlBuilder.Append($spanHtml)
# Append line break to HTML builder
function Append-HtmlBreak
$null = $htmlBuilder.Append("<br>")
# Initialize the HTML string builder.
$htmlBuilder = new-object system.text.stringbuilder
$null = $htmlBuilder.Append("<pre style='MARGIN: 0in 10pt 0in;line-height:normal';font-size:10pt>")
# Grab the console screen buffer contents using the Host console API.
$bufferWidth = $host.ui.rawui.BufferSize.Width
$bufferHeight = $host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition.Y
$rec = new-object System.Management.Automation.Host.Rectangle 0,0,($bufferWidth - 1),$bufferHeight
$buffer = $host.ui.rawui.GetBufferContents($rec)
# Iterate through the lines in the console buffer.
for($i = $startline; $i -lt $bufferHeight; $i++)
$spanBuilder = new-object system.text.stringbuilder
# Track the colors to identify spans of text with the same formatting.
$currentForegroundColor = $buffer[$i, 0].Foregroundcolor
$currentBackgroundColor = $buffer[$i, 0].Backgroundcolor
for($j = 0; $j -lt $bufferWidth; $j++)
$cell = $buffer[$i,$j]
# If the colors change, generate an HTML span and append it to the HTML string builder.
if (($cell.ForegroundColor -ne $currentForegroundColor) -or ($cell.BackgroundColor -ne $currentBackgroundColor))
# Reset the span builder and colors.
$spanBuilder = new-object system.text.stringbuilder
$currentForegroundColor = $cell.Foregroundcolor
$currentBackgroundColor = $cell.Backgroundcolor
# Substitute characters which have special meaning in HTML.
switch ($cell.Character)
'>' { $htmlChar = '>' }
'<' { $htmlChar = '<' }
'&' { $htmlChar = '&' }
$htmlChar = $cell.Character
$null = $spanBuilder.Append($htmlChar)
# Append HTML ending tag.
$null = $htmlBuilder.Append("</pre>")
return $htmlBuilder.ToString()
Example of a profile:
# Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
$docpath = [environment]::GetFolderPath([environment+SpecialFolder]::MyDocuments)
$transcript = "$($docpath)\PowerShell_transcript.$(get-date -f 'yyyyMMddHHmmss').html";
$global:lastloggedline = 0
function prompt {
&'D:\Scripts\Get-ConsoleAsHtml.ps1' $global:lastloggedline | out-file $transcript -append;
$global:lastloggedline = $host.ui.rawui.cursorposition.Y
"PS $pwd$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) "