How can I add response header in MAUI Blazor app? - maui

ASP.NET Blazor Server app has possibility to add response headers like described here:
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
context.Response.Headers.Add("Content-Security-Policy", "{POLICY STRING}");
await next();
But I am missing that functionality in MAUI Blazor app.
I need to add something like that:
if (ctx.File.Name.EndsWith(".br")) {
ctx.Context.Response.Headers.Add("Content-Encoding", "br");
There is possibility to add response header in Apache server side, but I am looking way how to handle it in code like in ASP.NET Blazor Server app... Any ideas?


Unable to do a Nuxt axios post

I have spent some hours trying to figure out my problem without any success.
before reading the explanation
My nuxt site generates dynamic content and works well on client side but for SEO to work and social media shares render dynamic content i need to move my app to SSR. This axios post request do work on client side rendering but does not on SSR and I don't understand the reason and I need help to understand it.
For starters I am building a Nuxt app that consumes Drupal as a CMS using a fully decoupled approach and I have been using it for several VUE apps without problem and now I need to do them on Nuxt with a SSR approach because I need heavy SEO on the sites. With Nuxt the same request against oauth/token on drupal doesn't work and I have gone from the complex structure we had to the simple one using both Axios and Nuxt/Axios without any success and alway getting a 400 error code.
I need to run this code first on my app so I can get drupal access token and do some request for data.
Code on store
export const actions = {
async nuxtServerInit({dispatch}, vuexContext, context, app){
await dispatch("setToken");
async setToken({ commit, dispatch, getters }, context) {
//prep form data to send
const FormData = require('form-data');
const body = new FormData();
body.append("param1", apiConfig.getValue("param1"));
body.append("param2", apiConfig.getValue("param2"));
body.append("param3", apiConfig.getValue("param3"));
body.append("param4", apiConfig.getValue("param4"));
body.append("param5", apiConfig.getValue("5"));
await this.$axios.$post(url, body)
.then(({data}) => {
//code to process data
commit("SET_TOKEN_DATA", data);
}).catch(error => {
}).finally(() => {
Some updates
base url is defined on nuxt.config as
// module options for axios
axios: {
baseURL: ''
I have tied on http request the following request using both axios and nuxt/axios, I will write short request just to show what I edid
await this.$axios.$post('', body)
await this.$axios.$post('/oauth/token', body)
await this.$axios.$post('oauth/token', body)
I have also tried to use
const api = $axios.crate({
baseURL: 'url'
api.$'oauth/token', body)
another updated
Crated a Client Side Nuxt app and the request works.
Fix it, after literally 16 hours trying. When multiform post data you need to send FormData headers on the post and again, this works without any issues using CSR on VUE and Nuxt.
await this.$axios.$post(url, body, { headers: body.getHeaders()}).yada
I don't know if it's Axios or Nuxt the one doing this but I followed a breadcrumb trail to this post

Why AspNet Core 2.2 server side created cookie missing in Facebook WebView?

We have run into a problem using aspnet core 2.2 with Facebook WebView (
The issue occurs only in desktop browsers using chat function in or
We have developed a chatbot and there are buttons in the conversation. When the user click that button a WebView shows our webpage.
This webapplication is an aspnet core mvc webapp (hosten in Azure App Service) where a controller action at server side creates a cookie and writes it into the Response.
var cookieOptions = new CookieOptions()
IsEssential = true,
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1),
Response.Cookies.Append("COOKIE_NAME", "cookievalue", cookieOptions);
When this page loaded from a Facebook WebView (from a FB chatbot) the cookie created above (on server side) is missing.
In the aspnet core web project Startup.cs cookie middleware is configured like this:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.Configure<CookiePolicyOptions>(options =>
options.CheckConsentNeeded = context => false;
options.MinimumSameSitePolicy = SameSiteMode.None;
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
What I've tried:
if the same cookie inserted from client side javascript, the cookie is available in Facebook webview.
document.cookie = "COOKIE_NAME=cookievalue";
Same scenario works correctly using fwk 4.7.2 and Facebook webview.
from a mobile app (messenger) it works as I expected, cookie available
I think the problem source could be in the WebView, because the page works perfectly when loaded from a normal browser – not from WebView (Chrome, IE, Edge, FF, Safari, etc), both cookie (server and client side created) are available.
What could be the problem with scenario using aspnet core 2.2 and Facebook WebView?
Thanks for helping!
At the end I found the problem. The chrome's cookie policy settings changed:
Thats why I run into the problem above.
I have to change these cookies samesite settings to 'SameSiteMode.None'.
var cookieOptions = new CookieOptions()
Secure = true,
SameSite = SameSiteMode.None,
IsEssential = true,
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1),

Axios post request is not working in Ionic 2

I'm trying to get oauth token from my laravel app to my ionic 2 app.But it got error. How to solve it ?
It work fine in browser but when i emulate it it doesn't work.
Login.ts (ionic)
getLogin(event) {
oauth_credentials.username = '';
oauth_credentials.password = 'secret';, JSON.stringify(oauth_credentials),
{headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}})
.then( res => {
this.selectedItem =;
.catch( err => {
this.selectedItem = 'err';
Error what i got . How to fixed it ?
I advice you to use Angular HttpClient
Most front-end applications communicate with backend services over the HTTP protocol. Modern browsers support two different APIs for making HTTP requests: the XMLHttpRequest interface and the fetch() API.
With HttpClient, #angular/common/http provides a simplified API for HTTP functionality for use with Angular applications, building on top of the XMLHttpRequest interface exposed by browsers. Additional benefits of HttpClient include testability support, strong typing of request and response objects, request and response interceptor support, and better error handling via apis based on Observables.

Worklight saml 2.0 SSO

I am using Worklight 6.0 and in this case testing with iOS7.
I'm trying to setup saml 2.0 SSO with Worklight and I seem to have succeeded, but I don't know how it works... At first, I have my app attempt to access my url like this:
url: '',
type: 'GET',
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
success: function(data, status, xhr) {
error: function(result) {
The request goes to success and returns me the url of the login page, which is correct because I haven't authenticated yet, but it does not display the login (as I intended).
Next I click a button to display a Native page (iOS) which is a UIWebView of This displays the login page via:'LoginController', backFromNativeLoginPage, params);
I log in successfully and see the contents of that I expect. Then I return back to the non-native app via:
[NativePage showWebView:0];
Now that I'm back in the non-native code, I sent the same request above and I expect for it not to return the contents of, but rather the login page because I have no headers attached to my request and I think the non-native code shouldn't have any knowledge of the cookies I may have made in the UIWebView.
My question is how does this work? Does my non-native part of worklight have knowledge of all the cookies that were created in the native code's UIWebView?
Let me start by saying my answer is partly based on speculation, but I think this is whats happening:
Since your Native page is using the a WebView and Cordova is also using the WebView, any headers and cookies that your Native page is using will be visible when you return from native since cookies are shared across differet UIWebViews.
If your native page was using the native URL request methods or some third party / open source mechanism for connecting to your backend server, then I would think that your non-native page would not be able to see the headers and cookies.

Url redirecting in ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile application

I am using ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile application, in which I am trying to redirect to an external website. However its failing with "Error loading page" message.
public void RedirectToGoogle()
Also I see the following script in _Layout.cshtml which is created automatically while creating the application.
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function() {
// As of Beta 2, jQuery Mobile's Ajax navigation does not work in all cases (e.g.,
// when navigating from a mobile to a non-mobile page, or when clicking "back"
// after a form post), hence disabling it.
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
I tried changing $.mobile.ajaxEnabled to true, but no success.
Any thoughts on how to do url redirecting in ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile application?
Response.Redirect is for WebForms and uses the WebForms page lifecycle. For MVC you should use return Redirect("");
I've reproduced the problem on ASP.NET MVC 4/Beta with a mobile project. It's a CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) issue. See
Use the F12 developer tools to Fiddler to see the problem.
EC7118: XMLHttpRequest for required Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
SEC7119: XMLHttpRequest for required CORS preflight.