Problem with AppWindow.Title and Unicode from a Maui application - maui

I am trying to set the Window title of a Maui application to be a value containing Unicode (say Japanese) characters. The Japanese characters (and other unicode characters) appear as '?'
I set the title as follows
protected override Window CreateWindow(IActivationState activationState)
Window window = base.CreateWindow(activationState);
window.Title = "Hello こんにちは World Test";
return window;
In a minimal Maui application ... this has the expected result.
In my much more complex application (with a bit of Windows specific behavior and API calls), the Japanese appears as ????.
My guess is that I am messing up the low-level window somehow.
What might cause this problem ?
Upon more investigation ... it seems that somehow the presence of a a lifecycle event causes the problem. I have a
.ConfigureLifecycleEvents(events =>
events.AddWindows(win => win
.OnWindowCreated((window) => {
When I remove the event, the problem goes away. The event implementation itself was just an empty code block.
I cannot replicate this in a 'minimal' application

I found that the behavior is correct if I set the title this way
IWindow iWindow = Application.Windows[0];
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window xxx = iWindow as Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window;
xxx.Title = "hello there こんにちは ";
If it is set like this
IWindow iWindow = Application.Windows[0];
MauiWinUIWindow www = iWindow.Handler.PlatformView as MauiWinUIWindow;
xxx.Title = "hello there こんにちは ";
Either no title is visible or the unicode is as ??? depending on if ExtendsContentIntoTitleBar is set.


How to construct a unicode glyph key in C#

I am using FontAwesome to display glyphs in my Xamarin Android application. If I hardcode the glyph like this, where everything works fine:
string iconKey = "\uf0a3";
var drawable = new IconDrawable(this.Context, iconKey, "Font Awesome 5 Pro-Regular-400.otf").Color(Xamarin.Forms.Color.White.ToAndroid()).SizeDp(fontSize);
However, if what I have is the four letter code "f0a3" from FontAwesome's cheatsheet, stored in a string variable, I don't know how to set my iconKey variable to a value that works. Just concatenating a "\u" onto the beginning doesn't work, which makes sense since that's a Unicode escape indicator, not part of a standard string, but I don't know what to do instead. I also tried converting to and from Unicode in various random ways - e.g.
iconKey = unicode.GetChars(unicode.GetBytes("/u" + myFourChar.ToString())).ToString();
but unsurprisingly that didn't work either.
The IconDrawable is from here. The value I send becomes an input there to the Paint.GetTextBounds method and the Canvas.DrawText method.
Thanks for any assistance!
Found the answer here. Here is the code I am using, based on that post but simplified since I have only one hexadecimal character to handle:
string myString = "f0a3";
var chars = new char[] { (char)Convert.ToInt32(myString, 16) };
string iconKey = new string(chars);
var drawable = new IconDrawable(this.Context, iconKey, "Font Awesome 5 Pro-Regular-400.otf").Color(Xamarin.Forms.Color.White.ToAndroid()).SizeDp(fontSize);

Using special characters as CASE keys in typoscript

I'm trying to send a mail via the powermail extension to different receivers, depending on the value a user has selected in a form dropdown. This practice of dynamic receivers is described in the powermail documentation. Basically: = CASE { = GP:tx_powermail_pi1|field|receiver
1 = TEXT
1.value =
default = TEXT
default.value =
Now I'm facing the following problem: my values for "receiver" are not numeric (as in the example), but text values from a dropdown. Some of them contain spaces, some of them contain umlauts (öäüß). If I try to add …
Not wörking = TEXT
Not wörking.value =
Typo3 will complain and not update anything. (Bad property!
You must enter a property with characters a-z, A-Z and 0-9, no spaces!Nothing was updated!)
I tried simply 'escaping' the forbidden characters with a backslash, not working. Had an idea of converting the via stdWrap rawUrlEncode, but did not work either. Google came up with this solution, but I don't understand what's going on and could not use it successfully.
How can I get around this? Thanks a lot for any kind of hint!
I pretty like your rawUrlEncode solution. Can you provide us your solution of it here? According to this online converter the result should be something like: = GP:tx_powermail_pi1|field|receiver
key.stdWrap.rawUrlEncode = 1
Not%20w%C3%B6rking = TEXT
Not%20w%C3%B6rking.value =
Maybe for each CASE some signs like "%" are not allowed. In that case you maybe refer to the "replacement" function. = GP:tx_powermail_pi1|field|receiver
key.stdWrap.replacement {
10 {
search.char = 32
replace = _
// Add umlauts and other signs!
Not_wörking = TEXT
Not_wörking.value =

How to differentiate as abbreviation for voice response in dialog flow

I have integrated my dialogflow agent with google assistant. There is a welcome intent that will ask you to choose any of the option
Choose any of the sports
1. NBA
2. NHL
3. FIH
It reads the response with ever individual words(as an abbreviation). But when I produce the same in response from webhook, it is not reading the response with individual words(or not considering the response as abbreviation) and reads together. How can I achieve this? Am I missing something in the response?
You likely want to make sure you're sending back SSML in your response, rather than sending back text and letting it convert it to speech, and specifically marking the abbreviations using the <say-as> tag and telling it to interpret the contents as characters.
So you might send it back as something like:
Are you interested in learning more about
the <say-as interpret-as="characters">NBA</say-as>,
the <say-as interpret-as="characters">NHL</say-as>
or the <say-as interpret-as="characters">FIH</say-as>?
The little pronunciation differences with and without SSML are serious problems. I stick in a speak /speak for everything. Also a unique number I like and a test hook to have speech 'count' or not so there is a way to test things. Also a hook so an intent is triggered for 'repeat that please' :
Point is to use sayUsual for everything ordinary.
// Mostly SSML start char kit as globals
const startSp = "<speak>", endSp = "</speak>";
// Handle "Can you repeat that ?" well
var vfSpokenByMe = "";
// VF near globals what was said, etc
var repeatPossible = {}; repeatPossible.vf = ""; repeatPossible.n = 0;
// An answer from this app to the human in text
function absorbMachineVf( intentNumber, aKind, aStatement )
// Numbers reserved for 'repeats'
if( intentNumber > 9000 ) { return; }
// Machine to say this, a number for intents too
repeatPossible.vf = aStatement; repeatPossible.n = intentNumber;
// Usual way to say a thing
function sayUsual( n, speechAgent, somethingToSay )
// Work with an answer of any sort
absorbMachineVf( n, 'usual', somethingToSay );
// Sometimes we are just pretending, so
if( !testingNow )
{ speechAgent.add( startSp + somethingToSay + endSp ); }
// Make what we said as an answer available 'for sure' to rest of code
vfSpokenByMe = somethingToSay; // Even in simulation

how to detect if a mobile supports unicode of a particular language in J2ME

I am designing an application in J2me, where I just have to give interface in a Particular language, say Urdu. What I am doing is using Unicode characters to print labels, like "Welcome" into my language, and its displaying the right way.
As this application is supposed to run on different mobile models, I just want to know that if it's programmatic-ally possible to check that if a particular mobile running my application does support unicode of my language? because if it doesn't then it shall show labels in default English language. I didn't code it yet except the conversion of English Alphabets to my language characters, I just want to know and if possible to find a way to perform this check. Thanks in advance :)
There is a System property where you can read the current language selected on the handset.
String locale = System.getProperty("microedition.locale");
The first two letters identify the language while the last two letters identify the country. For example, "en-US" represents English on United States of America, while "pt-BR" represents Portuguese on Brazil.
A good thing is to have all your GUI Strings loaded based on the current language.
Lets say you store all those Strings in a single array and initialize it like this:
String messages [] = null;
if (locale.startsWith("pt")) {
messages = new String [] {
"Novo Jogo",
} else { // default language is English
messages = new String [] {
"New Game",
Then you define some constants to identify each index.
static final int MSG_NEW_GAME = 0;
static final int MSG_SETTINGS = 1;
static final int MSG_HELP = 2;
And use them like this (where menuList is an instance of List):
menuList.append(messages[MSG_NEW_GAME], null);
menuList.append(messages[MSG_SETTINGS], null);
menuList.append(messages[MSG_HELPS], null);
With this you have support for two languages in your application. The more cases you have for messages initiation based on locale, the better for your end user.
As seen at

KRL and Yahoo Local Search

I'm trying to use Yahoo Local Search in a Kynetx Application.
ruleset avogadro {
meta {
name "yahoo-local-ruleset"
description "use results from Yahoo local search"
author "randall bohn"
key yahoo_local "get-your-own-key"
dispatch { domain ""}
global {
datasource local:XML <- "";
rule add_list {
select when pageview ".*" setting ()
pre {
ds = datasource:local("?appid=#{keys:yahoo_local()}&query=pizza&zip=#{zip}&results=5");
rs = ds.pick("$..Result");
append("body","<ul id='my_list'></ul>");
always {
set ent:pizza rs;
rule add_results {
select when pageview ".*" setting ()
foreach ent:pizza setting pizza
pre {
title = pizza.pick("$..Title");
append("#my_list", "<li>#{title}</li>");
The list I wind up with is
. [object Object]
and 'title' has
{'$t' => 'Pizza Shop 1'}
I can't figure out how to get just the title. It looks like the 'text content' from the original XML file turns into {'$t' => 'text content'} and the '$t' give problems to pick().
When XML datasources and datasets get converted into JSON, the text value within an XML node gets assigned to $t. You can pick the text of the title by changing your pick statement in the pre block to
title = pizza.pick("$..Title.$t");
Try that and see if that solves your problem.
Side notes on things not related to your question to consider:
1) Thank you for sharing the entire ruleset, what problem you were seeing and what you expected. Made answering your question much easier.
2) The ruleset identifier should not be changed from what AppBuilder or the command-line gem generate for you. Your identifier that is currently
ruleset avogadro {
should look something more like
ruleset a60x304 {
3) You don't need the
setting ()
in the select statement unless you have a capture group in your regular expression
Turns out that pick("$..Title.$t") does work. It looks funny but it works. Less funny than a clown hat I guess.
name = pizza.pick("$..Title.$t");
city = pizza.pick("$..City.$t");
phone = pizza.pick("$..Phone.$t");
list_item = "<li>#{name}/#{city} #{phone}</li>"
Wish I had some pizza right now!