jHa, Ala, GMa, etc. in Firebase Analytics. display of events - flutter

I am using Firebase Analytics in my Flutter project. I am triggering the names of my pages with runtimeType as an event for firebase analytics. jHa, Ala, GMa etc. in RealTime. events appear. But this way I don't have page names. I don't know where these events came from. Can you help me?

The page_view is collected by default for Web apps. Analytics will log the text contents of a web page's tag or the value can be sent explicitly with a screen_name property.
Also, these events could be logged in the viewDidAppear state for Apple and onResume for Android. Do note that, when screen_class is not set, Analytics sets a default value based on the UIViewController or Activity that is in focus when the call is made. You can read this blogpost for more details on how to apply it.
You may opt to disable automatic screenview reporting by the following:
For iOS - set FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled to NO (Boolean) in the Info.plist.
For Android - nest the following setting within the tag of the AndroidManifest.xml file:


Huawei Analytics - Cannot view event parameter

We are trying to set up custom parameter in Huawei HMS analytics. Using below snippets and configured the parameter ID and Parameter name under Event in Connect.
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("exam_difficulty", "high");
bundle.putString("exam_level", "1-1");
bundle.putString("exam_time", "20190520-08");
instance.onEvent("begin_examination", bundle);
Issue is we cant see the event parameter. Please can somebody clear this doubt. Please refer attached screenshot.
If you cannot view the custom parameters of the reported events on the Real-time overview or event analysis page possible cause could may be custom parameters are not added to the Event management page.
Check whether custom parameters of events have been added on the Event management page. To add a custom parameter, go to HUAWEI Analytics > Management > Events. On the Event management page, click Edit, add a custom parameter, and click Add.
For details , please refer to: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/development/HMSCore-Guides/javascript-custom-events-0000001051597159
In the data reports (such as event analysis reports and retention analysis reports) of Analytics Kit, the real-time trend is updated in minutes, and all other indicators are updated the next day. After integrating Analytics Kit into your app, view the data reports on the next day.
Meanwhile you can view report to the Real-time overview page within same day . If there is no data displayed on the Real-time overview page , then possible cause could may be the debug mode is not disabled, and therefore the reported event data is displayed on the App debugging page, not the Real-time overview page.
Check whether debugMode enabled is displayed in local logs. If so, the debug mode is not disabled. Run the following command and try again:
adb shell setprop debug.huawei.hms.analytics.app .none.
For more details , please refer to our FAQ:

Is there a way to log user's basic info in Flutter?

I want to setup Facebook Advanced Matching in Flutter app so - I want to know if there a way to log user's basic info (name, email, phone, DOB, gender etc) with this package?
Package: https://pub.dev/packages/facebook_app_events (Facebook App Events)
In lib/facebook_app_events.dart (link) I see method to clearUserData method to clear user's data but don't see method to set these values.
Reference for setting up advanced matching on native app: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/app-events/advanced-matching#use-the-facebook-sdk
Edit 1: To be clear I already have user's info and want to log it with Facebook.
Thank you for spotting the mistake. You brought to my attention that the setUserData was accidentally removed in version 0.14.1 of the Flutter plugin as the deprecation notes were misread.
It is added back in upcoming version of the plugin: https://github.com/oddbit/flutter_facebook_app_events/pull/204

How can I update dropdown in CloudFlare App, based on js object?

I have a form-builder application, and now I want to create app in CloudFlare, where user can select needed form in dropdown, and "inject" in own website
So, I need to make ajax-request to my API server, it's not a problem.
But next, when I will have object {form-id: form-name} I need in some way to add this as option to dropdown in sidebar (in CF App)
I've tried to get content of dropdown by document.getElementsByTagName("dropdownName"), but there is an empty NodeList.
This is part of install.json with this dropdown:
I think, there is easy way to do this, because I seen this functionality in other CF Applications.
Answer was found in Hooks page in video: Hooks page
When CF App sent hook request to your server, you can modify incoming object, and respond to CF App with this modified object.

Open Graph Action and Object Resubmission

As I submit an application for "read" action on Open Graph I received the following response.
Status: Changes needed
Unfortunately, your article.read built-in submission does not meet the read requirements specified at: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/actions/builtin/#read. You must give users the ability to turn sharing off/on globally as well as remove an article that was shared within the app. In addition, read actions should only be generated when there is a strong indication that the user is actually reading the article. Please note that we cannot accept resubmission as this time due to technical limitations, so you will need to create a new submission. We plan to have this resolved within the next couple of weeks. We suggest making the required changes and checking back. We appreciate your patience. Note: If you are creating an aggregation based on the object, you need to add 6-7 unique sample objects, and then create a corresponding sample action acting on each of these unique objects. (You can not just create 6-7 sample actions pointing to the same sample object). Submission Checklist: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/checklist
Please make changes below and resubmit for review.
Unfortunately, this "guide" is not helping with anything. Firstly, I have no idea where to do this:
You must give users the ability to turn sharing off/on globally as well as remove an article that was shared within the app.
Second of all, I don't even know how to "resubmit"!
Any help would be appreciated.
I was experiencing the same thing. You have to click on the name of your action that you submitted. Once you do that, Facebook provides detailed instructions why they didn't approve the action and what you need to do before you resubmit. Once you review the message, you can make the necessary changes and save the action again. Then you'll have the option to resubmit. In my case Facebook said that I need to provide more detailed instructions what the user needs to do to get an action published. They provided this example: "User must create an account, enable Timeline sharing in the settings, view a product within the app and then click the “want” button underneath the product image to trigger a story". I did that and resubmitted. Hopefully it works this time around. Good luck.
To resubmit, just delete the rejected action and create a new one. You can use the same action name as before. You then go through the submission process again as you did the first time.
Facebook have recently updated their guide to implementing their built-in action types. For the Read action type, see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/actions/builtin/#read. You will see a sample application that meets the following criteria required for the use of this action type:
Turn sharing on/off globally on each page an article appears.
Remove articles they shared within your app on each page an article appears.
Only generate read actions when you're sure someone is interested in reading the article.
Built-In actions can't be resubmitted. It is a FB Bug:
From this answer on FB tools and support I got this:
You can start a new submission at the bottom of the "Items in Review" page:
That link didn't work for me.. so I just went to the app dashboard and clicked on status and review
clicking on the start a new submission button loaded a dialog that prompted me to select which items to "re-review".. so I only selected the problematic one:
after that it loads a form for you to resubmit, so here you gotta re-upload the iOS simulator build etc..
and that's it!

Looking for input on GWT / MVP action w/o browser history change

I am trying to develop a GWT app with the MVP pattern. So far so good except for one specific case of actions: actions that do not change the url (no browser history change).
In the GWT MVP pattern, events are sent from presenters, the an app controller catches them and update the browser history. If the history has changed then the view updates.
** MVP with history change (Works well)**
Current URL is /list
User clicks on contactdelete button.
Fire DeleteContactAction event.
App controller catches, change history to 'delete'
onValueChange is called
if (token.equals("delete"))
delete contact screen, then delete contact
Fire ContactDeletedEvent
app controller catches and change the history to list
onValueChange is called: contact list refreshes
GWT MVP pattern for dialog box w/o history changes
** Issue ** - I use a dialog box and I don't want to change the browser history, so here is the problem:
Current URL is /list
User clicks on contactdelete button.
Contact is deleted
Fire ContactDeletedEvent.
App controller catches, change history to 'list'
**onValueChange is NOT called** because url is already /list and there is no change
# problem: contact list does not refresh
Question: does anyone know a pattern to implement this in the context of MVP?
Any help / idea appreciated.
Are you using some framework (aside from GWT) that automatically does history changes?
Regular GWT/MVP doesn't require a history change to be made, and in fact usually it's up to the app to update the history itself.
If you want to update the app's state without a history change, you can use an EventBus to publish events that other elements of the app can subscribe to, to update the app's state without a history change.
Basically, you will have to create your own PlaceHistoryHandler. Your custom PlaceHistoryHandler will ignore a particular type of PlaceChangeEvent (i.e. it will not update its Historian).